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The Penelopiad
The Penelopiad
Margaret Atwood | 2005 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book was a very easy read and quite interesting, too. I have never read The Odyssey, (though that would be an ideal goal to keep in mind) but I am familiar enough with the plot to keep up with the many subtle references throughout The Penelopiad. This book was told from the point-of-view of Penelope, Odysseus's eternally-loyal wife, with the Chorus of maids chiming in with their opinions every other chapter.
Margaret Atwood does an excellent job of portraying the character of Penelope in a unique way without disrupting what we know of her from the original text. In this book, Penelope tells her story from beyond the grave, interspersed with her interactions with other known characters of that time, such as her self-involved cousin, Helen of Troy. Penelope balances many opposing traits into one body - from the bitter housewife, to the scheming seductress, to the self-sacrificing devotee - and still comes out as an admirable woman and wife that few could emulate so convincingly.
The chorus of maids served as both a comedic interlude in a rather tragic story and as further commentary of Penelope's story and their shared fate. Irony played a large part in the maids' story and final demise. Margaret Atwood's explanation for their cumulative death following the deaths of the numerous suitors made perfect sense according to the arrogance and bravado attributed to Odysseus from Penelope's account.
In many ways, this book bears strong themes of feminism, despite Penelope's loyalty to Odysseus. Though I imagine that The Odyssey portrays Odysseus as a grand hero worthy of respect, Penelope's narrative of him both in life and in death makes him out to be at times a philandering womanizer with immeasurable luck and other times a melodramatic little boy with an overactive imagination and an insatiable appetite for adventure. The ones who seemed to endure the most suffering in this plot were the ones that were shown the least respect and recognition - the women.
Awaken Online: Dominion
Awaken Online: Dominion
Travis Bagwell | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Another excellent tale in the world of AO
This the 4th "full-length" (though the side quests aren't exactly novellas!) story in the LitRPG series starts of with Jason in his new incarnation as a "Keeper". He has a new set of tools, necromancy spells and abilities to get to grips with, and a new threat to overcome.
For once, the in-game story is split between characters, as we see Jason and Riley take on new training regimes (Jason has finally realised he can't always cower in the background letting his zombies and skeletons do all the work and he has to become better at combat himself), Frank goes on tour to secure the outlying towns of their growing empire, and the baddie Alex plots to get some revenge on Jason for publicly besting him. We also spend time in the real world as a senatorial hearing is opened to look into allegations that Awaken Online may not be safe for its users.
All of the characters develop notably in this book, none more than Jason who has to do some soul-searching, change his in-game role, and also make peace with what the game technology may be doing to his mind and body.
The story is strong, though with a smaller scale in its problem solving than before - the focus is more on Jason and Riley's personal challenges rather than larger quests. It is a little heavy on the admin at times but given how complicated games like this would be that adds to the immersive feel of the book.
The only main gripe for me is the use of the word "tendril" on almost every page, and the occasional use of "overtop" which very much jars when read.
Otherwise, another superb, gripping tome in this online fantasy world.
Next up is Frank's side-quest, hopefully before Christmas (I can't seem to keep up with Bagwell's output and am always at least 2 books behind!).
Enter the Void (Soudain le vide) (2010)
Enter the Void (Soudain le vide) (2010)
2010 | Drama, International, Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Not many modern filmmakers garner such a reputation for being controversial and are well deserved. Lars von Trier and Ari Aster come to mind, but I am sure there are others. They pull no punches with their work, so most provoke extreme reactions either love or hate. Maybe also appreciate the art form or what they are trying to say, but do not enjoy the extreme sex or violence or shock value from many of their scenes.

From the psychedelic opening credits (which are the complete film credits by the way, meaning no end credits at all) this film grabs your attention and should immediately realize what you are about to watch is going to be different, exciting, revolting and most of all unique in every way from most movies you have seen in your life until now.

The film focuses on the relationship between Oscar and Linda, a brother and sister living in Japan when tragedy strikes. Oscar goes to meet a friend for a drug deal only to have something go very wrong. For some reason, the police are present and pursue Oscar to the bathroom where he tries to dispense the drugs eliminating the evidence down the facilities. Shortly after, Oscar is shot in the chest and dies on the bathroom floor.

It seems as if Oscar's "soul" leaves his body and begins a hallucinatory journey interacting with his former friends, acquaintances and sister in a spiritual and mind blowing way to help make him and the audience understand the events which led to his death.

The siblings have had a rough life including the horrible death of their parents in an automobile accident when they were young. They were in the back seat as well, so not only witnessed the physical and emotional trauma, but also had to endure the subsequent separation from each other through foster care having to grow up without each other. Before they were separated, they made a blood pact and said they would always be there for each other no matter what.

Linda works at a dance/strip club and the forlorn about the death of her brother, but continues her job duties including dancing and having sex. She gets pregnant, then deals with the repercussions of the act. She becomes increasingly despondent with her life and wishes her brother was still with her.

Oscar's spirit meanders through the lives of his former life watching and understanding the emotions of those left on Earth.

The film is hard to explain and therefore maybe hard to understand as well. This seems to be one of those movies that is not only the words that are spoken, but the emotions that are portrayed and not said aloud. Whatever you believe spiritually about the soul and reincarnation, this film is not here to change your religious beliefs. It is shown in "first person" most of the time, so you interact with the characters of Oscar's life just as he is.

The use of neon colors both on the exterior cityscape of Japan and interior shots o the dance club are gorgeous and reminded me of what the world would appear as if life used a blacklight. The sequences of drug use could not be described as anything else other than living artwork. The rainbow kaleidoscope of the "trip" were reminiscent of "2001: A Space Odyssey" and I read afterwards which is where Noe drew some of his inspiration.

Undoubtedly, the multitude of graphic sex scenes and shocking imagery will turn many off as some of it is pretty extreme, but I feel suits this film symbiotically and perfectly. In fact, the second half of the film is more style than substance (which you could probably say for a lot of Noe's films), but somehow you don't mind since you are along for the ride and enjoy the spectacle anyways.

After reading about the film after my viewing, I discovered there is a "director's cut" including around 20 minutes of additional scenes bring the running time to over 2 1/2 hours.

It looks like I'll be getting the Blu-Ray and watching again in a few weeks!

The Sea of Lost Girls
The Sea of Lost Girls
Carol Goodman | 2020 | Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Tessa has started her life over at Haywood, an elite boarding school in coastal Maine. She teaches English there and is married to a well-respected fellow professor, Harmon. Her seventeen-year-old son, Rudy, while troubled in the past, seems to be doing well. This is much in part to his girlfriend, Lila Zeller, a smart and focused teen. But then Tessa gets an early morning text from Rudy, asking her to pick him up. He and Lila had a fight, and Tessa finds him wet and shivering. Later that morning they receive the devastating news that Lila's dead body was found on the beach, not far from where Tessa picked Rudy up. Soon there are whispers of murder surrounding Lila's death, and both Tessa's husband and son find themselves under investigation. And the more she delves into Haywood's past, the more she realizes she isn't the only one keeping secrets.

"When we landed here in this pretty harbor town with its sailboats and white clapboard houses I'd thought we'd come to a place where we'd always be safe. But Rudy has always had a nose for darkness."

I love Carol Goodman's books, and I'm always into a good boarding school book, so picking up this one was a no-brainer. She doesn't disappoint. This is a quick, captivating story that keeps you guessing the entire time. While Tessa isn't always the most likeable character, I was certainly invested in her story.

Goodman deftly weaves two storylines together--the present, featuring Tessa's family and Lila's death and the past, which revolves around the titular lost girls, whom tie back to Haywood in its earlier days. We also learn more about Tessa's past and her long-hidden secrets, many of which also link into Haywood itself. Somehow all of this works together. It's a mysterious, sometimes dark story, and one that keeps you wondering. I changed my mind several times about who could have harmed Lila. I love a book that keeps me on my toes. I also enjoyed the story of the lost girls and the school's eerie stories.

Goodman is a master storyteller, and this book flies by. She brings in links such as "The Crucible," which the Haywood students are performing, and ties to the #metoo movement. They all augment this strong story about the power of lies and hidden secrets. The parallels between the past and present are expertly woven together. 4 stars.
Ramen Assassin (Ramen Assassin #1)
Ramen Assassin (Ramen Assassin #1)
Rhys Ford | 2019 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fabulous new series from Ford!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

When Trey witnesses a dead body being dragged into a van, and then he gets shot at, he never thought the guy who has invaded his dreams would be the one to save him. He makes noodles all day, how can the man possibly pack more fire power than the bad guys, huh? Kuro thought he had left all that behind in the blaze of bullets that followed him to the embassy. But no, here he is, standing over the cute guy who comes in most days, shooting at the bad guys trying to shoot Trey. And then someone shoots at him. And Kuro sees red. Someone has to stand up for Trey, cos his own sister won't!

You never EVER know, from reading a Ford blurb, which way a book will go. You all do it, you read a blurb and your brain goes, Yup, thats what is gonna happen and then you start reading and whatever you had in mind goes right up in smoke!

so, Devastating? check. Emotional? check. Deadly? Murderous? check. Sexy? check, check and check!

I loved Kuro and Trey, both together and seperately. The way their stories mesh together is brilliant. I loved that they had both been eyeing each other up, but neither one wanted to make a move. The fact that Kuro let Trey sit at the back table every time he came in, had not gone unnoticed by his staff. The eyes Trey made at Kuro had not gone unnoticed either.

Trey's history could be any child star in today's world. A rise to fame, from a very young age, and a meteoric fall from grace that left him in everyone's bad books, his family especially. I hated his sister! She was so mean to Trey right when Trey needed her, and when Kuro takes up his case, Kuro gives Trey's sister such a piece of his mind, it's a wonder the woman wasn't reduced a pile of goo!

The whodunnit is a long winded (and long planned out!) and complicated plot, and I loved how it all went down!

This is billed as book one in the Ramen Assassin series. I have no idea whether Kuro and Trey will be the centre of each book, or some of Kuro's associates will be, I don't really care, to be honest! I just wanna read them!

And oh! The food! The food Kuro cooks sounds so yummy! Even when he does what I would call a "cupboard dinner" basically, whatever was in Trey's cupboards and fridge, it was yum! I was drooling, for God's sake! I can only hope Ms Ford does some sort of recipe thing with the book tour, I will have to switch the ramen for rice noodles, but Lord, PULEEEEZE let there be recipes!

I love Rhys Ford, you know I do, and I have so MISSED the way she spins her tales! One sitting read, 200 odd pages, 2.5 hours, and boom! More, I need more!

5 full and shiny stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

Lesley (60 KP) rated Lies in Books

Aug 11, 2018  
T.M. Logan | 2018 | Mystery, Thriller
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
This thriller had my heart racing, and surprised me at every turn!
I received an ARC of this novel in the mail, I was so excited! As much as I love a digital ARC, holding a real book in my hands pre-publication was next level. I was delighted. Anyhow...SOFT spoilers ahead. Not worth marking as spoilers but just a warning if you'd like to go in completely blind.

What a fun read! I was hooked within the first few pages. The premise seems so simple - Joe is driving in London traffic when his son, in the backseat, spots mommy's car across the road. They decide to surprise her and Joe sees her with another man...her best friends husband, Ben. Sounds so predictable, right? Joe decides to confront the man, since he already knows him after all, and he doesn't want to believe his wife would be unfaithful. We all want to hear the simple explanation that clears up what we genuinely hope is a misunderstanding. Unfortunately, this particular conversation becomes a physical altercation when Ben becomes aggressive, and he ends up unconscious and bleeding on the ground in the parking structure. Joe's son begins to have an asthma attack, so he leaves him there. From there - the book gets really good. What happened to Ben? Wherever he ended up, he decides that the battle against Joe has begun. As Joe slowly finds himself the main suspect in a murder investigation, even without a body, the lies of his life begin to unravel all around him. You're so busy engrossed in figuring out the mystery that you miss the obvious truth right in front of you - much like Joe. The twist blindsided me, and I thoroughly enjoyed the clever way it was written and the way it tricks and leads your mind as you read. Thank you MacMillan Publishers and St. Martins Press! I am loaning it to friends and family next to spread the word!

Kazu Kibuishi recommended Ikiru (1952) in Movies (curated)

Ikiru (1952)
Ikiru (1952)
1952 | Drama
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I’m going to end this list with a request that you also seek out Kurosawa’s Dreams after you see this movie. Dreams is my absolute favorite film of all time, and when you bookend it with Ikiru, the experience is quite amazing. Ikiru is the story of a long-tenured public servant who discovers he only has a year to live. He makes a last-ditch effort to bring meaning to his existence by working tirelessly to build a children’s playground. It is the work of an artist feeling he has not done enough substantive work in his life—a romanticized notion that our daily routine is often meaningless save for a few charitable acts. It is our fears as a young mind. Over the years, Kurosawa would endure a tumultuous career that nearly ended in an act of attempted suicide. Now consider Dreams, a film coproduced by Steven Spielberg and featuring Martin Scorsese in a cameo as Vincent Van Gogh. These filmmakers, along with George Lucas, would rally behind Kurosawa in the ’80s and help him make a comeback with Kagemusha and Ran (both on Criterion), winning him a Palme d’Or and an Academy Award nomination while also bringing back to light his incomparable portfolio of works (Lucas would very often recount how The Hidden Fortress was the narrative inspiration for Star Wars). Dreams, to me, feels a bit like a representation of the playground that Kurosawa built through his works, and the children he inspired coming out to thank him for it. I can watch this movie again and again forever. Criterion has an amazing collection of twenty-five films by Kurosawa. I cannot recommend watching his entire body of work highly enough, as it is perhaps the best documentation of a commercial artist in the modern age."

Corrupt (Devil's Night #1)
Corrupt (Devil's Night #1)
Penelope Douglas | 2015 | Romance
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
24 of 250
Corrupt (Devils night book 1)
By Penelope Douglas

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments


I was told that dreams were our heart’s desires. My nightmares, however, became my obsession.

His name is Michael Crist.

My boyfriend’s older brother is like that scary movie that you peek through your hand to watch. He's handsome, strong, and completely terrifying. The star of his college’s basketball team and now gone pro, he’s more concerned with the dirt on his shoe than me.

But I noticed him.

I saw him. I heard him. The things that he did, and the deeds that he hid…For years, I bit my nails, unable to look away.

Now, I’ve graduated high school and moved on to college, but I haven’t stopped watching Michael. He’s bad, and the dirt I’ve seen isn’t content to stay in my head anymore.

Because he’s finally noticed me.


Her name is Erika Fane, but everyone calls her Rika.

My brother’s girlfriend grew up hanging around my house and is always at our dinner table. She looks down when I enter a room and stills when I am close. I can always feel the fear rolling off of her, and while I haven’t had her body, I know that I have her mind. That’s all I really want anyway.

Until my brother leaves for the military, and I find Rika alone at college.

In my city.


The opportunity is too good to be true, as well as the timing. Because you see, three years ago she put a few of my high school friends in prison, and now they’re out.

We’ve waited. We’ve been patient. And now every last one of her nightmares will come true.

I was in two minds all the way through this book but something kept me hooked! It was intriguing and turned out to be an interesting storyline. There were some bits I was uncomfortable with as I don’t really enjoy reading certain scenes. Overall though I enjoyed it in the end.
Becoming His Perfect Daddy (Unlikely Daddies #1)
Becoming His Perfect Daddy (Unlikely Daddies #1)
Lincoln Mercer | 2024 | LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
bloody LOVED this book!
Independent reviewer for GRR, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Let me just put this out there, Ok?? I'm a straight cis woman, on the wrong side of 50. I read a lot of MM books, and have read some with trans main characters. I have not ever read a T4T (my apologies if this is incorrect, but I'm trying!) book, never. So I went into this with an open mind and an open heart and an open book brain.

But let me tell you about this book!

There is a bit at the beginning of this book, that the author wrote. I don't usually bother with those, unles my book feelings tell me to read it, so I did and it gave me a much better insight into Sam and Cameron, but also into this author, as some of this book is their story. (again, apologies is this is incorrect, but I couldn't find your preferred pronouns, so went with the best option!)

And what that bit does, my good peeps, is set it all out for you, in a way a lay person like myself can understand the terms, words and difficulties being a trans person comes with.

While this book is set over a long period of time, over a year, I was surprised at the speed at which things moved for Sam, once he made the decision to become himself. I know in the UK these take a long, LONG time, so that surprised me.

Sam and Cameron are perfect for each other! Cameron has already transitioned, and Sam has the dawning realisation that he is not in the right body after reading one of Cameron's books. That CAMERON makes him see who he really should be, a man and a Daddy. These two are absolutely perfect for each other, they really are! Loved how the D/b relationship developed.

I will be honest, I wasn't sure the smexy times would work, I don't know WHY I thought that, but you know me and my book brain, but bloody hell! They work, trust me! Super spicy smexy times!! Loved that!

You get deep into the psyche of being trans with these two. The emotions are deep and heavy in places. Made me cry in some places, it really did, the weight of feelings that these men have about themselves. It's really painful reading in parts, and I think you need to be aware if you have any triggers regarding body dysmophia.

I LOVED this book, in case I didn't say it yet!

I see two pairings among the side characters, one set have their book next and I will be reading that book, and any more that come along! I also found that this is only the author's second book, with a short before this one. And bloody hell, they smashed it out the park!

I cannot give it anything other than. . .

5 full and super shiny stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Quiche of Death
Quiche of Death
Mary Lee Ashford | 2020 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Murder in the Family
Sugar Calloway and Dixie Spicer, owners of Super and Spice Cookbooks, are spending a weekend with the Arbor family gathering material for a cookbook to preserve family favorite recipes, some of which have been turned into the frozen meals the family is famous for. However, the weekend gets off to a rocky start when Theo, the only grandchild, arrives with his fiancée, Collette. This is the first time Collette has met the family, and things don’t get well. Then Sugar finds Collette’s body the next morning on her walk. There is a possibility it was a hunting accident, but could it be murder?

I really have grown to love the characters in this series, so I was happy to be visiting them again here. Don’t worry, we do get to see all the regulars as the story unfolds. It was a bit overwhelming meeting the Arbor family all at once, but it wasn’t long before I had these suspects straight in my mind. Unfortunately, the plot could have been better. One aspect wasn’t fully developed, and the pacing was uneven. However, Sugar does uncover some interesting information, and I was engaged the entire time I was reading. In fact, I was sorry to reach the last page of this quick read. I enjoy the setting, Iowa, since it is one we don’t get to see very often, at least in the books I read. Naturally, we get three delicious sounding recipes at the end to enjoy once we are done with the book. If you are looking for a fast, fun read, this is the book to pick up.