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The Nightingale
The Nightingale
Kristin Hannah | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.9 (61 Ratings)
Book Rating
I had never heard of Kristin Hannah before, but will be looking for other books by her. Her writing is seamless and vivid and realistic. The Nightingale is a wonderful story of two sisters, far apart in body and mind, but still connected. They lose their mother and then experience the abandonment of their father. Both women are torn, but in their own way. The story takes place in France, in a small village until the women who realize they need something different, separate, with one sister in Paris and the other in the country, during WWII. The story is a bit dramatic, but I think it is fitting. Their feelings and emotions and experiences are so real and authentic. It is definitely an emotionally engaging read. Not only is the characters so vivid but it combines their story with an accuracy of the world history around them during that period and is interesting for people like myself, who are history buffs. Both women learn to live and learn to love. It is romantic and not just in a sexually intimate way. This story is complex, passionate, engaging and captivating and will make you think and feel along with them.
I received this book for free from SheSpeaks as part of the book club program, but the above review is based on my own opinions and thoughts.
The Nightingale
The Nightingale
Kristin Hannah | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.9 (61 Ratings)
Book Rating
I had never heard of Kristin Hannah before, but will be looking for other books by her. Her writing is seamless and vivid and realistic. The Nightingale is a wonderful story of two sisters, far apart in body and mind, but still connected. They lose their mother and then experience the abandonment of their father. Both women are torn, but in their own way. The story takes place in France, in a small village until the women who realize they need something different, separate, with one sister in Paris and the other in the country, during WWII. The story is a bit dramatic, but I think it is fitting. Their feelings and emotions and experiences are so real and authentic. It is definitely an emotionally engaging read. Not only is the characters so vivid but it combines their story with an accuracy of the world history around them during that period and is interesting for people like myself, who are history buffs. Both women learn to live and learn to love. It is romantic and not just in a sexually intimate way. This story is complex, passionate, engaging and captivating and will make you think and feel along with them.
I received this book for free from SheSpeaks as part of the book club program, but the above review is based on my own opinions and thoughts.
Altered States (1980)
Altered States (1980)
1980 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
Dr. Eddie Jessup is conducting some interesting research using a deprivation chamber. His goal is to better understand the human mind and maybe the psychology of schizophrenia or how the deep unconscious works. He meets a smart female mind and the two have a whirlwind romance which distracts from his research a bit.

He does manage to make a trip to Mexico where he hears about a tribe using a hallucinatory drug which causes some of the same effects he experienced while submerged in his isolation tank back home so he decides to try it. He has massive hallucinations, loses control of his actions and even gives in to his more primal instincts and devours a sheep. When he wakes he only remember bits and pieces of his actions, but is convinced this is the correct road for his research.

Back in the US, he decides to combine both elements of his research including use of the drug and the chamber at the same time to see the results. The results of the combination are not only dangerous to Eddie's psyche and soul, but to his physical human body as well. He performs an unsupervised deprivation experience on his own and experiences an evolution regression back to a primitive homo sapien state which is now loose in the basement of his lab and has to be stopped.

Eddie ultimately has to decide if his estranged family or his research is more important to him and if now it is too late to have them both.

Famed, provocative British director Ken Russell takes on the task of bringing this interesting, colorful and wild film to life. He already had a reputation of helming controversial films like The Devils and Tommy, so maybe this film was a step down from those.

The psychedelic hallucination sequences Eddie experiences while on the drug or in the chamber were so unique, shocking and visceral they were intense but hard to look away from. Images were being edited at such a pace your mind races as you watch them. Eddie's personal journey as a doctor and student of the human mind are fascinating to watch as he struggles with his relationship with his wife and kids at the same time. As he continues his research, he wants to understand what is happening to him, but doesn't want to be inhibited but others' desires.

William Hurt and Blair Brown have good chemistry when together onscreen and you feel her concern as she feels she is losing the man she loves to something she doesn't understand. They both field infidelity in their marriage as he tries to fill the empty space of commitment and she tries in vain to replace with others the man she truly loves.

Time & Knots
Time & Knots
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Time and Knots is a beautiful book of poetry by poet Taran Singh. This collection was published in 2018. The book is broken down into sections y using seasons to lead you from Summer to Spring and ending with Void. Physically this book stunning. If you place it on your coffee table, you are sure to get comments on the exquisitely designed cover and beautiful aesthetic throughout the book. The level of detail given to the book is part of what makes the look so appealing, from the swirling design on the table of contents page to the Gurmukhi calligraphy at the beginning of each section.
The poetry itself throughout the book has a flowing language that sparks gorgeous imagery in your mind as you read. The topics fluctuate from poem to poem but overall look at the themes of time, memory, self, emotion, light, and dark. Reading this book, I simultaneously felt as though I was looking into the mind and heart of the author and exploring feelings and ideas that resonated within myself. I think this is because of the vulnerability that Singh shows in his writing, unafraid to explore any subject as long as he is searching for truth of feeling. It is hard to pick a favorite poem in this book because so many had lines that I found both beautiful and captivating. If I had to choose some of my top choices that I will surely come back to, they would be “Dark days leaving tangled knots,” “Autumn,” “Broken,” “Glow,” and “Void.” I also very much enjoyed that it was the last poem that was titled “Welcome.”
This is an exceptional body of work, and I immensely enjoyed reading each poem. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who loves deep and resonating poetry written in beautiful language — definitely a five-star read.
X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019)
X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
I know my body was present during this impossibly dull super hero outing in a dying franchise, but I couldn’t honestly tell you much about what happened… I was so out of my mind bored by every detail. The character of Jean Grey / Dark Phoenix has the potential to soar, as it almost did in the original X-Men trilogy, when the character was played by Famke Janssen, but in the hands of Sophie Turner and director Simon Kinberg you have to wonder if it was possible to fuck it up any more given the budget? Turner is fine as a TV supporting actress, but I am afraid her cinematic future is as limited as her talent – she has almost no presence, which is a problem for a superhero. I mean, it’s colourful enough and there are some decent flash pop action bits… but the pace, structure, momentum and… point of it all is all over the place. For very, very staunch X-Men fans only. Shame.
Fae’s Captive (Fae’s Captive #1)
Fae’s Captive (Fae’s Captive #1)
Lily Archer | 2020 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
191 of 200
Faes Captive ( Faes captive book1)
By Lily Archer

My college roommate is the worst. Cecile steals my food, brings guys over at all hours, and parties instead of studying. But those quirks pale in comparison to what she does next. She drugs me, and I wake up imprisoned in an alternate universe full of terrifying creatures. Now, the biggest and scariest creature of all--a fae king--believes I'm his mate. He's freed me from the dungeon but keeps me close. So close, in fact, that I'm beginning to like his wintery gaze and ice-chiseled body. But secrets and villains lurk throughout this new world, and I don't know if I'll survive long enough to figure out how to get back home.
Author's Note: Fae's Captive is the first book in a series that will set your imagination--and other parts of you--on fire. Mind the cliff, but book 2 is already out.

Had so much potential but read as a novella instead of a novel! Short and apart from the kidnapping and palace escape (which I didn’t actually get why as he was a king in his own right wasn’t he? ) not much happened! I will continue hoping the others get better!
The 5th Wave: Book 1
The 5th Wave: Book 1
Rick Yancey | 2013 | Children
8.0 (42 Ratings)
Book Rating
What do you do when the Others come? You can't trust your senses, you can't trust anyone. Your only goal is to survive and maybe keep some of your humanity intact. When you can't trust anything or anyone - do you shoot first or take the chance when that hesitation will probably mean your life?

When the first wave comes, all technology is gone in a moment. An EMP takes everything out. The second wave caused massive tsunamis and destroyed the coasts of the world. The third wave infected and killed 97% of the remaining population in brutal fashion. The fourth wave destroyed all trust in humanity and introduced the constant threat of drones. The wave that makes you question every action... and the fifth wave... is us.

Cassie must survive in this strange world with no mother, father or brother to care for anymore - fighting and living because if she is the last human on Earth she refuses to go out with a whimper. She will fight until she can fight no longer. But she is not the only body left, even if she may be the only one with her own mind left. It is possible that one in every three people left is an Other. A Silencer. An Imposter. Has your mind and body been hacked? Do they look like us or can they make themselves look like us? Or maybe they've been here all along. Waiting. That's when you can't trust your eyes. You may be looking at an Other and not even realize it.

We next meet Ben, who must rediscover his fighting spirit if he wants to survive and survive he must. After not succumbing to the virus that infected him, he cannot give up. Taught to fight and given a new name, he must battle for his place.

Part III shows us a new perspective, an Other awakened in a human body and given a mission. To kill. To finish the human race, one by one. He has been tracking Cassie for a while and takes aim. Shoots. Traps her, but for some reason cannot bring himself to finish her.

Hunted. Shot. Then saved? Cassie wakes up being tended to by Evan on the family farm. He is the only one left of his family. Evan helps to nurse her back to health, bakes bread, carves walking sticks and wants to help her rescue her brother Sammy. What can't this farm boy do? And why does this make us so suspicious? Even Cassie can't quite bring herself to trust him. There are just little things that seem off, like a life-long farm boy with smooth hands and perfect cuticles. No callouses to be found. There's a small nagging feeling in her mind that asks- what if he's an Other?

The characters are well written and believable. You feel for them. Root for their successes and hurt when they fail. You wish for their survival despite the current chaos and destruction of the world. The world is familiar and yet fundamentally altered by the Others.

The book draws you in from the start and you puzzle over people and motives. Who will survive and if the human race survives this destruction, how will this ordeal fundamentally change the survivors? I am constantly questioning my conclusions and re-evaluating what I believe i happening. A great book is able to reveal just enough that the entire plot is not given away by page ten. This post-apocalyptic, alien-invasion novel is highly recommenede, especially if you plan to watch the movie. I cannot wait to read the next book, Infinite Sea!
The Fourth Monkey (4MK Thriller, #1)
The Fourth Monkey (4MK Thriller, #1)
J.D. Barker | 2017 | Thriller
8.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Two days to save her . . .
For over five years, the Four Monkey Killer has terrorized the residents of Chicago. When his body is found, the police quickly realize he was on his way to deliver one final message, one which proves he has taken another victim who may still be alive.
One day . . .
As the lead investigator on the 4MK task force, Detective Sam Porter knows that even in death, the killer is far from finished. When he discovers a personal diary in the jacket pocket of the body, Porter finds himself caught up in the mind of a psychopath, unraveling a twisted history in hopes of finding one last girl, all while struggling with personal demons of his own.
With only a handful of clues, the elusive killer’s identity remains a mystery. Time is running out as the Four Monkey Killer taunts from beyond the grave in this masterfully written fast-paced thriller.

I actually found this quite chilling! It was very well written especially the diary chapters! I honestly didn’t see that twist coming! I kept swapping my rating from a 4 to a 3 and vide versa as I’m not sure where I wanted it to go! I really enjoy J D Barker and look forward to the next book!
I Hate You, Kelly Donahue
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Mark hates Kelly Donahue. He is going to fight her to the death. and kill her. physically. This journal contains his research, data, death plans, and detailed drawings (well, or not so detailed, but still entertaining) of what she will look like when she is dead.

After finishing this book—and while I was reading it, for that matter—I really wasn't sure what to think of it. Was Mark in love with Kelly, but in denial? was he literally insane? Who knows! Either way it was hilarious.

I can't tell you much about it, because it's pretty short, and if I give you any more details than I have, reading it won't be as much fun. I recommend if you like humor, graphic novel-styled books, or journal-esque novels, grab this one next chance you get!

I'm going to have to keep this one on my "I'm bored out of my mind and I need a good laugh at someone's obnoxiously violent sense of humor" shelf.

Yes I totally have a collection of books like that.

Content/recommendation: A little bit of strong language, some (not explicit) sexual content, and drawings of… body parts. Ages 18+
The Mark (Detective Louise Blackwell #4)
The Mark (Detective Louise Blackwell #4)
Matt Brolly | 2021 | Crime, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Having not read any of the previous books in this series, I wasn't quite sure what to expect but what I got was a very engaging and enthralling story.

I don't think you have to have read any of the previous books to enjoy this but I recognise that there is a lot of history that is missing, particularly when it comes to the difficulties DI Blackwell has with her superior, however, I feel the author provides enough of the back-story to get you up to speed.

DI Blackwell is an interesting and complex character; she has her issues (who doesn't!) but her determination, strength and fortitude shines through in this multi-threaded story. The cast of supporting characters are equally as good and all have their place and their own stories. As I said, this is a multi-threaded story but the underlying plot is the branding attacks which ultimately turns into murder. Told from both DI Blackwell's and the killer's point of view, this provides a comprehensive view of the case and into the mind and motivations of the killer.

With scenes of peril, descriptions of violence and body modification that some may find difficult, and brimming with suspense and a host of suspects, this is a book that's easy to get your teeth into and I need to thank Amazon Publishing UK and NetGalley for my advance copy in return for an honest, unbiased and unedited review.