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Gozu (2003)
Gozu (2003)
2003 | Action, Crime, Thriller
7.5 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Minami is stuck in a rather peculiar situation. Both him and his closest friend, Ozaki, are members of the Azamawari Crew. Their boss orders Minami to take Ozaki out of the picture. Rumors are swirling about how crazy Ozaki has become, as of late. He claimed a chihuahua was a "yakuza attack dog" and that a random car that happened to be behind them at the time was a "yakuza attack car." When Minami accidentally kills Ozaki before they reach the actual destination for Ozaki's "dismissal," he thinks that things can't get any worse. That is until he reaches the inn where everyone seems to be acting unusual and Ozaki's body disappears.

Now on a quest to find where Ozaki has gone, Minami must deal with the bizarre individuals along the way like the innkeeper who shares her breast milk secrets, the white faced man who seems a little to eager to help him on his quest, and then there's that cow-headed creature that shows up in his room late one night. Minami soon realizes that his quest for his lost friend will not only be a long one, but a perplexing one as well.

Let's just say that if you're familiar with Takashi Miike's previous work like Ichi the Killer, Audition, and the banned from TV Masters of Horror episode, "Imprint," that Gozu fits in quite well with Miike's reputation. Gozu reels you in with the opening scene and then seems to snowball as the film goes on. It seems to dawdle through its duration as its weird individuals and events begin to pile up. A particular scene from The Shining ran through my mind throughout the film. The bear costume fellatio sequence. The Shining is known for being bizarre and unsettling and that is a perfect description of Gozu from the opening minutes of the film until the credits roll.
This is also the second film of Miike's involving breast milk that I've had the pleasure of seeing. He must associate that with weirdness or something, which it is. It's not necessarily something that sounds appealing, but once it starts happening it winds up being too horrifying and too unusual to turn away from. Seeing how far Miike is willing to push ideas in his films is one of the reasons people find his films enjoyable. That and originality. Despite the strangeness found in his films, finding something similar to his work is practically impossible. Originality is something that should be cherished when it's found in someone's work, but maybe that's just a personal opinion.

It's hard to label Gozu as a specific genre as it has elements from just about every genre that comes to mind. A dramatic horror with a little bit of mystery thrown in for good measure is the best I can do. The film is definitely a unique trip that definitely isn't for everyone. The most bizarre ideas roaming around in your brain right now probably don't compare to the last twenty or so minutes of Gozu. The events that unfold during that time are pretty jaw dropping. So if you're a Miike fan or are looking for something incredibly different (I'm talking way out there), then this comes highly recommended. There is no way that everyone who views this film will enjoy it, but the ending is incredibly memorable if the viewer can make it that far.

Haley Mathiot (9 KP) rated Sanctuary in Books

Apr 27, 2018  
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
rating: 3.8/5

My Summary: Lea is a refugee who has survived for the past few months living in the wild and traveling from house to random house, just trying to stay alive. When she is found, ill, by American soldiers and taken care of and healed, she has a choice—leave the soldiers and spend the winter by herself, homeless, with no protection in the middle of a war, or trade sex for protection and safety from Major Russell. She chooses the exchange. But Lea and Russell both are not prepared for the outcome of the bargain—Love. Lea and Russell are married, and try to build a real relationship from their original bargain. Can they make it work…

Thoughts: I really hate it when a book has what I call “happy-land syndrome—” where everything works out nicely, relationships are smooth and when they’re rough their fixed quickly and painlessly, and everyone lives happily ever after. This book does have a happily ever after of some sort, but it most certainly does not have happy-land syndrome. This book was a picture of a real marriage—the ups, the downs, the arguments, the forgiveness. There were clear differences between passion, lust, and love (which is always refreshing), and there were arguments the way real arguments happen. There was pride, there was sympathy, and there was forgiveness.

There was a lot of humor in this book! Now mind you it was not a “funny” book, but there were some very good funny pieces of dialogue.

Plot: This book didn’t have a complicated plot, or any huge unexpected occurrences. It was a “simple” story line—but it was a very addicting read. That’s not to say that everything that happened was dull or boring or expected, it just means it was definitely not a sitting-on-the-edge-of-your-seat kind of romance. It was more like a cuddle-up-with-a-cup-of-tea-and-a-blanket kind of romance. It flowed smoothly, and the pacing was very good—not to fast, not too slow. The only thing about the pacing was that the part where they realized that they’d fallen in love didn’t feel like any kind of climax. Which could have been the point, as it did sort of happen slowly.

Characters: I liked the fact that the characters in this book were like real people—they had their strengths and weaknesses, their qualities and their flaws. Lea was stubborn and rebellious, and not at all submissive to her husband, yet she was a sweet and kind girl, and was willing to make sacrifices for Russell. Russell was a very kind man to Lea, and his protective attitude was appealing, however his language and his anger were his downfalls.

Writing: The writing in this book was good. It wasn’t fantastically breathtaking (J.K. Rowling, Robert Frost, Paolini, Dostoyevsky etc.), it wasn’t mediocre (Stephenie Meyer, Becca Fitzpatrick) and it wasn’t atrocious (Meg Cabot.). I can’t really place it in any of those categories. It sort of fell between the first two. It was very readable, it wasn’t dull and empty of good words with barely acceptable sentence structure, but it wasn’t something that sounded like poetry read aloud either. Again, very readable.

Content: There was a lot of sex in this book. I mean, it’s a romance about a girl who trades her body in exchange for being kept alive by a horny soldier, and I expected it, so I’m not saying I was surprised. I think it could have still been a very good powerful romance without all the details. I skipped a few paragraphs here and there. There was also a lot of language. And yes, it is the military, after all. Soldiers swear. They did in the book, too. I guess some people aren’t bothered by stuff like that in books. It wasn’t so bad that I wanted to stop reading, but I thought some of the words (and again, details) could have been left out and the book would have been just as good.

Recommendation: Ages 16+ at least, and wait until you’re 18 if you are picky about content. I rate high for the wonderfully relatable and realistic characters, high-ish for my enjoyment, and medium for plot and writing.

Click here to read the first chapter of Sanctuary.
Anchor in the Storm (Waves of Freedom, #2)
Anchor in the Storm (Waves of Freedom, #2)
Sarah Sundin | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Nothing can stand in Lillian Avery's way. But after the pain of the past, will she ever be able to open her heart to love again?

"When I decide to do something, I do it."
Anchor in the Storm
Page 209
About the Book
When Lillian Avery accepts a job as a pharmacist in Boston, she does not know the danger she will soon be facing. Lillian has worked hard to be independent so she does not have to rely on anything or anyone. Putting her trust in her own strength. Arch Vandenberg, a junior officer in the US Navy, a high-society man, is trying to keep from being the man he used to be, while attempting to secure his Naval career. Used to closing off her heart for self protection, will Arch be able to earn Lillian's trust? Lillian has noticed unusual prescriptions passing through the drugstore where she works. Could they be linked to the groggy, drunk-like, sailors aboard Arch's ship? Will they be able to find the connection before it's too late? How far can they push the limits before they are caught? Lillian and Arch both learn that they must lean on God. And come to their own understanding that He provides strength in their weaknesses.

"His oath, His covenant, His blood,
Support me in the whelming flood.
When all around my soul gives way,
He then is all my Hope and Stay."
My Hope is Built
Edward Mote & William Bradbury
My Thoughts
Sarah Sundin has done it again! Anchor in the Storm has hit my top reads list of 2016 without question! From the gorgeous cover to the heartfelt acknowledgements(Oh! And a sneak peek at the third book), this book had me spellbound! I could not get this book out of my head (still can't)! Every plot twist every clue burrowed deep into my mind and took root. Thus, leading to multiple nights of reading long past the time I should have been asleep. I also LOVE long books, because it allows me more time with the characters that I have grown to love. At 393 pages this is one of the longer books in my collection, but it is worth every page. Please keep in mind that this is a WWII setting, and there are a few grisly details, but not an overwhelming amount. It is heartbreaking to learn about the methods in which PTSD was dealt with during this time. I am thankful that the medical field has progressed in this area. After getting acquainted with Arch and Lillian in Through Waters Deep, I was excited to read their story. And Sarah Sundin blew my expectations out of the water. I love how Sarah incorporates faith and scripture. Very encouraging and applicable to our lives. Even though my life does not mirror Lillian or Arch's fears and struggles, the truth that we need to lean on God to be our anchor in the storm rings true. And that God can create something beautiful in spite of horrible circumstances. Lillian's determination was very encouraging. She let nothing stop her (which is even more significant when you meet her). They have both been hurt in the past which makes it extremely difficult to open up to each other and others. But when that moment finally comes, it is beautiful! While the main characters in this book are different than in the first, I would not recommend reading these out of order. First of all, you would be cheating yourself out of an absolutely brilliant book in Through Waters Deep. Secondly, there are characters that reappear within the pages of this book, and in order to better understand them, you need to read the books in order.
My Rating
★★★★★ - You have bewitched me, body and soul.

I received a free copy of Anchor in the Storm from Revell Reads in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Made to Submit (La Trattoria Di Amore #3)
Made to Submit (La Trattoria Di Amore #3)
JP Sayle | 2021 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was surprised at this book, and I don't know why. I don't care, cos I loved it!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 3 in the La Trattoria Di Amore series, but it can be read as a stand alone. Indeed I am reading this one in the series first, and I didn't feel I missed anything. Something was cleared up from another book though, and I'll come back to that.

Paulo fell in love with Carl (book 2) at 15. He learned all he could about BDSM for Carl, and followed him to London a long time later, for carl to see the man he has become. But Carl has Adam, and Paulo is struggling. Being moved from one restaurant to another, to work under Kaden throws Paulo into a tailspin. Kaden has watched Paulo for a while. The young man does things to him that he didn't see coming. A simple taste test bring Paulo to Kaden's feet, and it's Kaden who is in a tail spin!

I started to read this book, just a few pages is the lie you tell yourself, before I had to get up and go about my day. Next thing, I've ran out of book and I have questions!

Questions, Ms Sayle, my mind has questions! However, I'm fully able to ask the single question I need to, but later. I thought you'd find that amusing :-)

Anyway, back to the book!

Oh, I loved this! Kaden needs to control everything, at work and at home. The guys he works with are attuned to his ways, but he's just a boss who likes things done just so, according to them. Paulo, however, makes Kaden want, so much. Want everything, if he's honest with himself, which at times, he isn't. Paulo brings out Kaden's Dom side, and Paulo? Oh Paulo is beautiful in his reaction to Kaden's words, his touches.

Paulo needs to work Carl out of his system, but very quickly Paulo realises that Carl was never really there. It was the IDEA of Carl, of what Carl could be for Paulo, that lodged all that long ago. And now Kaden has, quite literally, taken Paulo in hand, Paulo knows, he KNOWS that whatever he wanted with Carl would never be a patch on what Kaden can give him.

Paulo has been with other Doms before, but the level of control that Kaden needs is far higher than he had, but also, it's what he really needs. And it really is amazing watching these two find their footing, find their kink (which isn't as high a level as I was expecting, to be honest!) and to find out, what one takes, the other gives.

Back to my question! Does Smithy, Kaden's friend and mentor get a story? With Jesse, from the restaurant perhaps?? Jesse is hurting, and I want to know why!

And the point cleared up? Paulo appears in the Mine, Body and Soul trilogy. He's mean to Lenny in those books, and it was never cleared up why. I was curious. HERE, we get why. And you understand a bit better why Paulo treated Lenny the way he does.

I was surprised at this book, and I don't know why. I don't care, cos I loved it!

5 full and shiny stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
    Virtues Reflection Cards

    Virtues Reflection Cards

    Lifestyle and Health & Fitness

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    Virtues Reflection Cards VIRTUES are the essence of who we are. They are the content of our...

Hairpin Bridge
Hairpin Bridge
Taylor Adams | 2021 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A harrowing, page-turner of a thriller
Lena Nguyen arrives in Montana to figure out what happened to her twin sister, Cambry. Three months ago, Cambry supposedly committed suicide on Hairpin Bridge, but Lena simply cannot believe it's true. Now she's at the bridge, driving her sister's abandoned car, to find out what really happened. She's meeting Corporal Raymond Raycevic, the highway patrolman who found the body, at the scene itself. He seems apologetic and straightforward. Still, Lena remains suspicious. Records show Raycevic pulled Cambry over for speeding just a hour before her death. And what about the sixteen attempted 911 calls she made in the dead zone? Or the fact that Raycevic's name appears in the final text Lena ever received from Cambry? Despite the fact the sisters were basically estranged, Lena needs to know what happened to Cambry. But the more she digs, the more Lena's own survival may be in jeopardy out there on Hairpin Bridge.

"I have to know. What happened to you, Cambry?"

I actually read Adams' NO EXIT not that long ago and that book totally stressed me out. This one did the same, though thankfully a kid wasn't full and center. Goodness, he excels at writing at tense, action-packed books. This thriller certainly keeps you guessing--I was never exactly sure what was real or what was truly happening or had happened.

HAIRPIN BRIDGE, crazily enough, mostly takes place on a bridge (who knew?), but it alternates between the past and present. It's told in snippets, with Lena and Raycevic's perspectives in the here and now, and then pieces of Lena's blog, as well as what seems to be Cambry's past flashbacks, but could be Lena's own interpretation of what happened. This part was the hardest for me, as that was incredibly confusing. The idea is to keep you off-balance and prevent you from knowing what was really happening, but sometimes I felt a bit too confused.

This thriller feels more like a movie than a book at times, with its dramatic tension and constant "what on earth can happen next" feel. Lena comes across like an action hero in moments, and I often wondered what else Adams could throw at us. (Oh, he could come up with more insanity, don't worry.) The result is a book that's dark, action-packed, and sometimes completely horrifying. It's incredibly dramatic, but wow, does it keep you turning the pages. I know I finished this one in less than 24 hours. I absolutely had to find out what happened to Cambry, Lena, and Raycevic.

As I felt with NO EXIT, I'm not sure I really enjoyed this book. It's more that I survived it. I admire its structure, and it's great having a page-turner to fly through. I would have liked being a little less confused, but there were some great, terrifying twists here. If you don't mind a graphic and dark thriller, I recommend this one. 3.75/4 stars.

Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) rated Gerald's Game (2017) in Movies

Oct 13, 2017 (Updated Oct 13, 2017)  
Gerald's Game (2017)
Gerald's Game (2017)
2017 | Horror
Top Notch Performances. (1 more)
Effective Scares.
Hard To Watch, Yet Impossible To Turn Away
Contains spoilers, click to show
After being underwhelmed by the major blockbuster release of IT, I didn’t have much hope for this small Netflix movie with a limited cast, a low budget and being an adaption of what is regarded as one of Stephen King’s lesser works. I am happy to report that I was pleasantly surprised when I sat down to watch this one, in fact I’d go as far as to say it blew me away.

This is a movie that lives and dies on the performances of the actors involved. For those of you not familiar with the story’s premise, it involves a married couple driving out to a holiday cottage in the woods for a dirty weekend. The couple is played by Carla Gugino, (Jessie,) and Bruce Greenwood, (Gerald,) who both totally nail their respective roles in the movie. Once they get to the cottage and the door is conveniently left ajar, Gerald handcuffs Jessie to the bed and goes to the bathroom to pop a Viagra. Once he comes back and explains how he has made sure the gardeners and the cleaners won’t disturb them for a few days, he takes a heart attack and collapses onto the floor and dies.

From this point on, Carla Gugino spends the vast majority of the movie handcuffed to the bed and she gives an absolutely stellar performance, possibly the best of her career. She goes though a vast array of emotions in convincing, believable form and shows everything, from despair, to sadness, to anger, to fear, to resilience. I don’t think anyone has ever been Oscar nominated for a straight-to-Netflix movie, but if there is one performance that deserves to be, it is this one.

If you haven’t seen the movie yet, please don’t read on past this point as I am going to have to delve into spoilers in order to discuss the other aspects of the movie that I enjoyed. I thought the way that Gerald appeared to Jessie as a sort of devil on her shoulder was really effective and Greenwood delivered the required level of intense cruelty perfectly. Then the fact that Jessie appeared to herself as a sort of angel on the shoulder to oppose Gerald’s negative thoughts, meant that Gugino was required to deliver a dual character performance, on top of the already challenging role of being chained to the bed.

Flashback sequences in movies can go either way for me. They usually either tend to detract from the story at hand and become an unnecessary tangent, or they compliment what is going on and add to the movie overall. Thankfully in this movie, it is the latter. The flashback scenes are uncomfortable and hard to watch, but they do add context to what is going on in the character’s mind and make for a more interesting dissection of the effect that child abuse can have on a person in later life and how psychologically, even as adults people are still affected by the dreadful things that occurred in their past.

I also thought that this film was extremely effective in terms of its fear factor. As opposed to IT, which was scary at the start, but became repetitive and managed to desensitise its audience for what to expect by the halfway mark, Gerald’s game retains an unpredictable level of uneasiness throughout.

As far as the viewer knows during the first half of the movie, the main conflict facing the protagonist is starvation and the dog that is gnawing on Gerald’s dead body, but then things take a much more sinister turn. In what is possibly the creepiest scene I have seen in a movie this year, Jessie wakes up during the night after passing out for a few hours and she looks into the corner of the room, squinting her eyes. The camera follows where she is looking and the general shape of something can be made out. Then the shape begins to move forwards into the moonlight and is revealed to be a huge, deformed man holding a trinket box. This was so unexpected and freaky, and I loved it. I thought it was so effective in the context of the movie and was executed perfectly to be as disturbing as possible. It is also a relatable scare, as we have all experienced that moment; glancing at the corner of the room, something catches our eye and looks off in the darkness, but you just brush it off and fall back asleep. Jessie’s worst fears are confirmed here though, as she really did see something in the corner of the room and she is helpless to get away from it.

It also throws a twist into a story that has so far been based in what could be a real situation. You start to wonder, is Jessie experiencing something supernatural, or is she just hallucinating due to lack of food and water? Then the Gerald hallucination asks her if ‘The Moonlight Man,’ that she saw isn’t real, then why did the dog run away when he was in the room? Just like Jessie, the audience starts to wonder if he could be real, perhaps he is death and he has come to take Jessie to hell. All of these questions add to the already intense and disturbing tone of the movie and I thought it worked perfectly.

Eventually the movie wraps up with Jessie having an epiphany that if she smashes the glass of water and cuts her wrist, the blood can help her slip her hand out of the cuffs. What follows is a gory, brutal, difficult to watch de-gloving scene that will have you wincing and watching through your fingers. Then in true Stephen King fashion, the movie goes on to reveal another twist. It is revealed that ‘The Moonlight Man,’ really was in the room with Jessie. He was a serial killer that collected various body parts form dead people and he was taking parts from Gerald’s body while Jessie was chained to the bed. I can see why this ending could be polarizing for some, but I loved it and I thought it added an extra layer of craziness to the already insane sequence of events that we just witnessed.

Overall, Gerald’s Game is fantastic. A truly unsettling, chilling Stephen King adaption that showcases fantastic performances from its cast, makes the most of its minimal setting and managed to creep me out way more than any other horror movie I have seen this year.