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Misty M. Beller has become one of my favorite authors over the last year as I have kept up with her new books and gone back and read her previous books. In each one she creates this beautiful connection between the reader and her characters that is phenomenal. Faith’s Mountain Home is a bit of a different focus than most of Misty M. Beller’s other books in that the characters do not travel all over the west, they mainly stay in a mining town. But after learning a bit about the main characters of this book in the last one Loves Mountain Quest I was really excited to learn more about Nate and Lauren and Misty M. Beller did not disappoint. Both Lauren and Nate showed great growth as individuals and their faith really showed through. I enjoyed the themes that Misty M. Beller wove into this story as they were realistic and had real life applications. Plus, the storyline hooked my interest with the opening line “Just a little farther. Laura Hannon dared another step on the rock ledge that wrapped around the mountain.” It was a great start and the momentum kept going throughout the book.

Overall, I give this book 5 out of 5 stars for the great character development, the themes presented, the the great display of faith throughout this book.

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
My Bloody Valentine (1981)
My Bloody Valentine (1981)
1981 | Horror
6.9 (9 Ratings)
Movie Rating
My Bloody Valentine is an entertaining and somewhat charming slasher that released just as the sub genre was really gaining some traction.

Unfortunately, it suffers from a couple of things - a low budget that shows at times, and secondly, cuts made due to the MPAA in order to secure an R Rating. The wide released cut version loses its edge a little, an edge that really makes this movie stick in your brain.
The uncut version has some truly staggering gore effects here and there. All practical of course, and it's the kind of violence that genuinely adds to the overall experience.

MBV has plenty of positives to shout about - the on location shoot in a small mining town in Nova Scotia really adds a lot of personality to the back drop, and the whole second half of the film was filmed in a genuine mine. It feels authentic and genuine as a result.
The characters are all working class regular Joes as well, and feel relatable.
The killer, [spoiler alert] AKA Harry Warden, has of course earned a place in horror history. The gas mask and jumpsuit get up he wears alongside his humble pickaxe makes for a minimalist yet memorable villain.

There are better slashers out there for sure, but My Bloody Valentine is still a pretty damn good watch, especially on Valentine's Day - it works as a film to get cosy too with someone special, whilst simultaneously being a good tonic for someone who fucking hates everything about it. A stroke of genius in that respect!
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