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Never Enough Love
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
John Lazano tells us the tale of John Lazano and his search for enough love. It's the story that spans fifty-four years of his life from his beginnings from a traditional New York Italian Catholic family. He lived multiple lives with multiple wives traveled the world and had hundreds of affairs. He is a talented writer who definitely does not leave anything to the imagination. The fascinating life he lived in the Navy, his traveling on cruise ships and his uncanny ability to get himself tangled up with women of all kinds from his second wife a madam in San Diego to his traditional third wife who came from a traditional Italian home who followed behind him between New York, New Jersey, Minnesota and Florida. He was even unwitting married to a fellow Navy midshipman who was a bi-sexual who almost ruined his career in the Navy. John has a way to take you on the travels and you wander along the way when will love that he is receiving. It can not seem to Never Enough Love. I feel for this man who seems that even when he loses it all throughout the story that regardless of all his travels and pursuits he is still searching with no boundaries.
Contagion (2011)
Contagion (2011)
2011 | Drama
The Outbreak
With all of this news about the coronavirus, i thought i reviewing this movie. This came out when the swine flu was around, so back in 2011. When the trailer came out, it looked really scary, because it was about a deadly virus speading. Now thats happening right now with the coronavirus. Its scary, but if you wash your hands with soap and water/hand Sanitizer, keep away from sick people, cover your mouth when you snezze and dont touch your eyes, you will be okay.

Anways to the plot:

When Beth Emhoff (Gwyneth Paltrow) returns to Minnesota from a Hong Kong business trip, she attributes the malaise she feels to jet lag. However, two days later, Beth is dead, and doctors tell her shocked husband (Matt Damon) that they have no idea what killed her. Soon, many others start to exhibit the same symptoms, and a global pandemic explodes. Doctors try to contain the lethal microbe, but society begins to collapse as a blogger (Jude Law) fans the flames of paranoia.

It has a all-star cast: includes Marion Cotillard, Matt Damon, Laurence Fishburne, Jude Law, Gwyneth Paltrow, Kate Winslet, and Jennifer Ehle. Plus Steven Soderbergh directed it.

If you like medical action thriller film, than you will like this film.