Three Journeys to Heaven: The True Stories of My Near Death Experiences
Having died and returned to life three times, author Marilou Trask-Curtin has learned life's most...
Parable and Paradox: Sonnets on the Sayings of Jesus and Other Poems
Since the publication of the bestselling Sounding the Seasons, Malcolm Guite has repeatedly been...
Gabriela, Clove and Cinnamon
When Gabriela came to the Brazilian town of Ilhéus, things would never be the same again ... In...
Little Keys Open Big Doors: Secrets to Experiencing Breakthrough in Every Area of Life
Hannah was desperate to conceive and cried out to God in her desperation. How desperate are...
Just Another Kid
No other teacher had been able to handle these six emotionally damaged children. Three were recent...
What Child is This
Christmas during World War II is a time for small miracles in this bittersweet short story by the...
The Gift of a Garden
A book of wisdom and life. Welcome to Alice Taylor's garden: 'Just inside the gate, hand-painted on...
Tales of Three Popes: True Stories from the Lives of Francis, John Paul II and John XXIII
On April 27 2014, Pope Francis will canonise two of his most influential predecessors, John Paul II...
Hickory Daiquiri Dock: Cocktails With a Nursery Rhyme Twist
Move over, Mother Goose. Congratulations, and welcome to parenthood! Babies are a miracle, but even...
Gulp: Adventures on the Alimentary Canal
Eating is the most pleasurable, gross, necessary, unspeakable biological process we undertake. But...