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Alice (12 KP) rated The Hero of Ages in Books

Jul 3, 2018  
The Hero of Ages
The Hero of Ages
Brandon Sanderson | 2008 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.8 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
I use the term epic very rarely particularly when I'm talking about books but Hero of Ages in fact the entire Mistborn trilogy was epic. Such a fabulously created world of fantasy with amazing characters and fantastic plot lines.

Matt Symons (3 KP) rated Warbreaker in Books

Nov 14, 2017  
Brandon Sanderson | 2009 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Incredibly enjoyable
A very enjoyable standalone book. Although very slight hints at the cosmere, this book is seperate from his mistborn/stormlight series. With an incredible prologue that will capture you from the start, the book is incredibly smart, witty, funny and all round just a good read.
The Hero of Ages
The Hero of Ages
Brandon Sanderson | 2008 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.8 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Thrilling conclusion to (age 1 of) the mistborn series. The action follows on nicely from the well of ascension, Vin and Elend are now somewhat driven apart by abilities, suspicion and conflict.
A really satisfying end to the series, with all loose ends tied up and all characters ending where they should.
The Alloy of Law: A Mistborn Novel
The Alloy of Law: A Mistborn Novel
Brandon Sanderson | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.2 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
That ending was amazing. It was great seeing an old face of sorts. Alloy of Law was written differently to the original Mistborn trilogy in that there was far more humour in the form of Wayne and the era itself is a big jump with everything coming into more modern times.

The characters were fantastic as well once again
The Bands of Mourning: A Mistborn Novel
The Bands of Mourning: A Mistborn Novel
Brandon Sanderson | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
For me the second age of the mistborn (Wax and Wayne) pale in comparison with the original trilogy. However, Bands of Mourning was a definite improvement over the previous 2 books. A lot of the post-Harmony history starts to be uncovered and some very interesting things hinted at. I am looking forward to the final second age book, and am expecting some fairly significant developments.
The Alloy of Law: A Mistborn Novel
The Alloy of Law: A Mistborn Novel
Brandon Sanderson | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.2 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
A fun romp
The Alloy of Law is a fun romp in the world of Sanderson's earlier Mistborn trilogy. The world has advanced three hundred years, from medieval technology levels to about Victorian levels. Electricity is just starting to be found in homes, though people are suspicious of it, and trains and guns are fairly widespread. Think Victorian England meets the Wild West and you'll be in the ballpark. The main characters of the Mistborn trilogy have faded into legend by the time The Alloy of Law takes place, and it's really interesting to see how they are revered (or not) by the characters in this book.

The Mistborn series has a well-developed system of magic that I found unique, creative, and complex but easy to follow. Allomancy is the art of burning ingested metals to do particular effects; different metals (and the ability to burn them) allow you to do different things. Tin, for example, lets you enhance your senses, leading to the nickname "Tin-eyes." Burning steel lets a Coinshot "push" on metals, telekinetically moving the metal away from themselves. (Or themselves away from the metal, if the metal too secure to be moved!) On the flipside of the coin (Ha!) is Feruchemy - a feruchemist uses metal accessories, often in the form of armbands or other jewelry, to "store up" his resources - he can become deaf and blind for a time, in order to use that resource later and have super-hearing and eagle-eyes, for example. Nothing is ultimately gained or lost, just stored until it's needed.

The writing in Alloy was certainly not as deep as the Mistborn trilogy, but Sanderson has said in interviews that this was supposed to be a fun break between books. If you're looking for a quick, fun adventure story, this is definitely a good book to pick up. From the witty banter between characters to the surprising choice of romance, this book kept my attention from start to finish. Sanderson is a very skilled author and I am eagerly looking forward to the sequel, as the book ends on a cliffhanger!

You can find all my reviews at
The Well of Ascension (Mistborn, #2)
The Well of Ascension (Mistborn, #2)
Brandon Sanderson | 2009 | Fiction & Poetry
9.2 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
<strong>What other reviews day is true.</strong>

I had read a lot of reviews of this book, and what most of them said turned out to be true. This book has pacing issues, and it was a bit of a slog to get through. That being said, it's important to remember that it is the middle book of a trilogy, and therefore you are getting only the middle of the begging. Middle and end of a story structure, and I always find that the middle of stories already drag a little anyway. What I want to stress though, is that the pay off is well worth it! I was considering taking a break from Mistborn for a couple of books, but after reading that ending, I have no choice but to continue!
Arcanum Unbounded: The Cosmere Collection
Arcanum Unbounded: The Cosmere Collection
Brandon Sanderson | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>My thanks to the publisher for providing me with a review copy in exchange for an honest review</i>

Arcanum Unbounded is an anthology of classic and epic proportions from a true Fantasy genius which was full to the brim of Brandon Sanderson’s Cosmere universe. The book followed characters we all know and love and plenty of new characters to fall for – Dusk, I’m looking at you.

The book is divided up into “systems” with a neat little explanation as to the layout of each system; which is then related to a specific setting from the Cosmere – Elantris, Mistborn, Threnody, First of the Sun and a previously unnamed and unpublished Stormlight Archive novella.

Oodles of Cosmere.

I don’t want to go into too much detail about the individual shorts for those of you who have not read any the related systems books – (you have to!) – but each story gave a wonderful insight into the characters points of view and their unique history.

My favorites of this anthology would have to be The Emperor’s Soul, Sixth of the Dusk and Edgedancer. They each brought a little something special to this book – Emperor’s Soul took me right back to Elantris, the first ever Sanderson book I read and still my favorite to this day; Sixth of the Dusk had this overwhelming silence to it even when the characters involved were speaking (though this was few and far between in fairness) and this silence across the characters when Brandon’s characters usually talk so much was brilliantly done.

Edgedancer was a book in The Stormlight Archive system, though I’m slightly ashamed to admit I haven’t read all of The Stormlight Archive books yet, but I have them and this gave spoilers into The Words of Radiance (book 2 of the series so far) these spoilers are not really spoilers to me, maybe once I’ve read Radiance it will make a difference but my first read through made no spoilery difference to me.

Each individual short in the system was preceded by a little spoiler warning if there would be one, or a note stating where in the story arc it falls and was then followed by a sweet little Postscript from Brandon – each one tailor made for its preceding event; the best postscript was for The Hope of Elantris but I won’t give anything away, you had to read it.

Overall, Arcanum Unbounded is a perfect book to dive into Brandon Sanderson’s work as few of the stories in it actually need to be read before the main story – Mistborn: A Secret History, The Hope of Elantris, Edgedancer for definite. If you’re looking for a new fantasy author to sink your teeth into Brandon Sanderson is your man.

Ross (3282 KP) rated The Traitor God in Books

Jun 19, 2019  
The Traitor God
The Traitor God
Cameron Johnston | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fantastic gritty dark magical fantasy
The Traitor God is a book set in a world which has seen its fair share of turmoil. The once powerful Escharric empire crumbled centuries ago and their achievements and discoveries are still sought after. Magic plays a large part in this world, with some people born with a Gift (an affinity for a certain strain of magic), able to work their way up through the ranks (assuming they survive their tests) and hope for a place in leadership of Setharis, the most civilised of the remaining cities.
The magic used here feels similar to that in Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn series, with some people able to increase their strength or size, manipulate fire, water or air, or in Edrin Walker's case - control people's minds.
Walker starts off the story in a far flung city on the run from magical bounty hunter beasts and savage invaders. There is a "bad thing" in his past that he has only a vague memory of (like anyone who has woken up fully clothed with a dreadful hangover), and though he knows he cannot return to Setharis, he finds himself compelled to.
The book follows Walker's investigation to identify his friend's killer, and he gradually reveals a plot to destroy the city. As his power would normally see him imprisoned as a tyrant, he has to keep his abilities under wraps as much as possible. I have seen a few fantasy tales recently try to have more of a mystery angle, almost being a crime novel in a fantasy setting. This is the first time I have seen it delivered so well that it manages to cover both genres without compromise.
The story and writing here are truly fantastic. It has been quite some time since I have been able to rattle through a book with an amazing narrative tone, excellent gritty dialogue and a thrilling story. You are never more than a few pages away from a major revelation or exciting conflict.
I have the follow-up book to read and will delve into that with relish very soon.
The Thousand Deaths of Ardor Benn
The Thousand Deaths of Ardor Benn
Tyler Whitesides | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Thrilling epic fantasy heist
This was a very original take on the fantasy genre (for me at least). The main character, Ardor Benn, is a roguish 'ruse artist', who runs small time cons on everyone from bar patrons (betting he can't hit a shot after numerous drinks) to gangsters. He is approached by a religious, monk-type, man who wants to hire him to run a con on the king of the Greater Chain of islands.
The world Whitesides has built is really wonderful, not totally dissimilar to that in Mistborn. However, here materials aren't ingested and 'burned' by people to get powers, they ignite specifics types of grit. This grit has been processed from materials originally eaten and pooped out and burned by dragons. Different materials before being eaten will give different results when ignited, causing a cloud of dust that bends reality - creating light or explosions, stopping all sounds or light or gravity, making impenetrable bubbles or healing. And the most valuable of all is the Visitant Grit, which will summon an all-powerful paladin to implement the ambitions of the worthy holder. This latter grit is produced by igniting the pooped out remnants of a male dragon's bones. Sadly, all male dragons have died out, meaning these saviours are no longer possible. And that's where Ardor's new job comes in...
The story is a non-stop thriller as the job they plan is so ambitious that it takes on several phases, all of which are massive in themselves. There were a few times during the early parts where I felt the story dragged a little (chapters covering one character learning how to mime an operatic aria), but these weren't too damaging to my motivation. There are a number of times when things don't go to plan, and a re-think is needed. These are also well written pieces, as the characters solve these in creative ways. There were no real deus ex machina moments where they escaped despite all odds. There is one very surprising twist/revelation in the final third which had me nervous that all my enjoyment was about to be swallowed up, pooped out and burned, but that turned out not to be the case. This weird pivot was very well handled and worked well within the story.
The action scenes are well narrated, allowing so much better visualisation than a lot of books I've read recently, and the characters are all fairly well realised and develop nicely together and on their own.
An excellent, thrilling fun book, and wonderfully part 1 of a trilogy.