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Charmed & Dangerous
Charmed & Dangerous
Collected Authors | 2015 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
First off, I think this is the first anthology I've ever given a 5-star rating for! Normally it's a 4-star as some stories are better than others but going for the average, it's a 4-star. I did the same with this collection - some I liked more than others - but the average rating is still 5 stars. There are new authors here (for me at least) and now I'm very happy as I can go searching for more of their books.

There is a little bit of everything for everyone here - the common thread being MM romance. Some are new relationships, and some are already established, but each story is individual and very well-written. Some (but not all) of my favourites were 'A Queer Trade', 'The Thirteenth Hex' and 'The Soldati Prince'. All different, all brilliant, all thoroughly enjoyable.

I could mention each and every one but you'd become bored so all I will say is that if you know at least one of these authors and like their work, then I can highly recommend this collection. If you don't know any of these authors but like M/M Romance, then I can highly recommend this collection. If you like a variety of M/M stories including shapeshifters, witches, a vaguely steampunk-type story, alternate realities etc, then I can highly recommend this collection. I'm sure you're getting the idea by now so there you go. I highly recommend this collection and loved it!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Aug 25, 2015
Part of Fated Mates: an MM Paranormal Romance Charity Anthology!

One thing I love about J.P. Sayle stories is that she comes up with different shifters and problems. For instance, in A SCENT LIKE NO OTHER, Pierre is a skunk shifter and has faulty anal glands. Now, hand on heart, I can honestly say I've never read about either of those before. I'm just glad he wasn't called Pepé! 😁

Along with Pierre, we have Eliphas, a mage who works well with his ancestors' crystals, as well as being an amazing tattoo artist, specialising in protection. Pierre knows they are a triad, but it comes as a shock to Eli. This leads to cross-purposes, as Eli isn't sure he'd be happy with a third, not when he has Pierre. But Pierre has always known and, now he's got Eli, he wants to know when they'll meet their third. This leads to Pierre doing a spell without Eli's knowledge, which opens a whole can of worms he wasn't expecting.

A great introduction to these two characters, and I look forward to reading more.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Aug 23, 2023
Infernally Mine (The Infernal Blades #1)
Infernally Mine (The Infernal Blades #1)
Jewels Arthur | 2020 | Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'm a killer and I'm good at it.

It's not something you can put on a resume or bring up during a date -- but we all have our secrets.

The visions I see at night are part of mine.

The Elders send me visions of my new targets -- chosen by them -- for me to kill. I don't determine if they are good or bad -- just that their fate is to die by my hand.

Questioning the Elders is suicide. I am just a monster for them to direct.

One night my vision features four sinfully yummy men. They seem to find me delicious as well.

When my life gets thrown into chaos, these men are the only ones I can trust.

What happens when I am not the monster I've always believed myself to be?

I went from being the killer to the target.

One thing is for sure, I don't plan on remaining anyone's prey.

Infernally Mine is the first book in a paranormal RH/#whychoose romance series with assassins, shifters, and a succubus. Intended for mature audiences (18+). Contains MM, foul language, and violence.

This started of brilliant it was aggressive and had some attitude I loved Mara and her attitude! Then the men entered and it all became a bit meh! Then everything was so rushed all ect the sex scenes, now don't get me wrong I love a good sex scene I just think in my opinion this book lost its way a little!
Expectant Moon (Gladstone Shifters #1)
Expectant Moon (Gladstone Shifters #1)
Alexander Elliott | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Expectant Moon is the first book in the Gladstone Shifters series and it takes you to a current world where things are changing. Here we find Evan, a Delta, and Ben, an Alpha. Their two lives are separate at the start but once they meet, fireworks explode!

I found the beginning of this book to be slightly discombobulated, simply because we shift from one time to another, with different characters being introduced each time. HOWEVER, stick with it because each of those characters and situations is incredibly important to the overall story arc.

Once this story progressed, I was completely hooked. I loved this history of how times and attitudes had changed, how ways of life were forgotten and how they really needed to be remembered. Luckily for everyone, Jack is on hand to help and Evan will make sure it continues.

There was enough steam to melt my Kindle - which I loved! You really get a two-for-one deal with this book as Jack and William are magnificently interwoven with Evan and Ben - only in the literary sense! There is also pain, hate, tenderness, love, and hope.

Really, this was an amazing read that I thoroughly enjoyed. An amazing start to a new series with intricate details and new situations giving a brilliant twist to the 'standard' MM Paranormal Romance genre.

Absolutely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Merissa (11704 KP) rated Confined Desires (Rehoboth Pact #1) in Books

Feb 1, 2021 (Updated Aug 7, 2023)  
Confined Desires (Rehoboth Pact #1)
Confined Desires (Rehoboth Pact #1)
Katherine McIntyre | 2021 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
CONFINED DESIRES is the first book in the Rehoboth Pact series. Sky had a crush on her best friend but was hurt when she left without much of a warning. Then Mia was with a guy, so Sky definitely thought her ship had sailed. Mia returns into her life though, at a time when quarantine gives them no option but to be in close contact. The question is whether both Sky and Mia are able to work through the baggage of their past, to make a future together.

This is the first FF romance by Katherine McIntyre I have read, and it's a contemporary! I make no bones about preferring MM and Paranormal, but it's Katherine McIntyre!!! I had no choice, honest! And speaking of honesty, that's what I got. An honest and thoughtful, sweet and sexy, story that also proves women are just as bad at communicating as men are.

I enjoyed the parallels between their story and the current state of affairs in my world, with it enhancing the story without shoving the similarities down my throat.

The world- and character-building are just what I would expect from a KM book. I am left with the warm and fuzzies from this book, and also left wanting the next in the series. A great read I have no hesitation in recommending.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Feb 1, 2021
Run with the Moon (Valen's Pack #1)
Run with the Moon (Valen's Pack #1)
Bailey Bradford | 2015 | Dystopia, LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have put this book in the dystopian genre because there is a hint of it within these pages. Humans have basically tried to kill each other off using biochemical warfare which has decimated their numbers. The shifters, which were a minority, were immune to most of the chemicals and have since thrived, being able to live off the land and generally in peace.

However, they have their own set of rules regarding alphas, such as when they're old enough, they have to leave their birth pack and start their own, or they have to fight their father for the right to rule. Now Valen loves and honours his father so even though he doesn't want to leave, he abides by their rules. Through circumstance, he meets Aaren who has never seen a shifter before. Aaren lives in a village, guided by his father, where sex is for recreation and gay is something that just isn't mentioned.

There is an instantaneous attraction and reaction between these two when they meet and it just continues to get hotter as we progress through the story. Valen, although having doubts about how to act as an alpha, certainly has no issues in the bedroom... or next to a river or by a tree. Aaren is very happy to learn whatever Valen wants to teach him and learns about himself along the way.

The story is fast-paced and well-written. There are characters to enjoy and those that annoy slightly (sorry goofball!) but it all makes it more 'real'. I loved how the story evolved and became more than just about Aaren and Valen, although they do make a fantastic pair.

Definitely recommended for all fans of MM Paranormal Romance.
* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *
Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
August 6, 2016
Boyfriend Material
Boyfriend Material
Alexis Hall | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
4.5 stars.

I'd seen this all over Goodreads and added it to my wish list on Amazon and a few weeks later, it went down to under £2 so I bought it.

It starts with Luc going to a fancy dress party and his inner musings over how he got to be wearing his bunny ears for the (mad hatters tea) party. He's the son of two has-been rock stars and is wary of some people as they may just be after some story to sell. When bad press leads to the charity he works for losing income, he decides to get himself a fake boyfriend with a good image so that he can then show his boss and their investors that he is reliable. His friend recommends Oliver, the guy he met about two years ago and who he tried to sleep with but Oliver turned him down. Oliver is also in need of a fake boyfriend so they work out a few details and run with it. Only things change between them the more time they spend together.

I really enjoyed this book. It wasn't only the romance either. Just the way it was written was brilliant. Luc didn't take himself too seriously and his thoughts and the situations he sometimes found himself in...? *snorts with laughter* He wasn't perfect in any way really. He was messy and forgetful but so likeable.

Oliver on the other hand, well, he was a little serious at times but he was also good in any situation. Put him in the middle of posh people, he could find something to talk about with everyone. Put him in the middle of a party and he fits in. He grew on me a lot with how he treated Luc and I really loved them as a couple.

I loved Luc's jokes to his colleague, Alex, at the start of some chapters. They weren't the greatest jokes in the world but...geez, Alex's reactions to them was priceless. He's not the sharpest tool in the shed, so his reactions through most of the book had me chuckling to myself. And then let's not forget his girlfriend/fiancée Miffy and that weird bar scene.

I also feel like Luc's mum, Odile, needs a mention. She's a riot. She's very forthcoming with her opinions on everything and doesn't care what people think about her and said opinions. Her curry and that scene was hilarious.

This was right up my street. I love me a good MM Romance and this one was more about the feelings that grew between our characters as there were no explicit sex scenes included in this. It was cute and very British with it's situations and humour. Recommend it to anyone who likes any of the above.
A Fall of Light
A Fall of Light
L.J. Greene | 2023 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
only ONE thing knocked that star off!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Greg appears as a side character in a series by Greene. I have not read those books, but I don't feel I missed out on anything by not doing. I'm intrigued by this group, though, and may well go back and read them. *if I can find the time*

I gave this 4 stars, and one thing ONLY knocked that star off.

Single person point of view.

Only Greg gets a say here, and I wanted, so desperately wanted to hear from Louis, at many key points along the way and I don't get him.

That said, it's the only fault I can find with this book.

I loved that Greg knew, deep down, that he wasn't a casual person, and he could never be casual with Louis. Yet he jumped right in with everything. I loved that Greg let Louis keep his secret for as long as he wanted to. He knew it would come out in the end, he just had to bide his time. I hated what Greg's brother was doing to him, I really did. Said brother does get his comeuppence though.

Greg's past is dark and shocking, being made homeless at 16, he did what he had to do to survive. Loved that Louis did NOT hold it against him, even if his own flesh and blood did. Loved that the band supported him doing the solo stuff, to appease his brother, and also that they stood by him.

It's not especially explicit for a MM romance, but I liked that here, it's more about the emotions going through Greg (since we don't get Louis!) than anything else.

Some difficult topics dealt with: religious intervention, conversion therapy, street life and doing what you need to do to survive. Triggers for some, be mindful.

This is the first I've read of Greene's work. Like I said, I'd like, *time allowing* to read the series that Greg first appears in, but if not, I will absolutely read any future books by this author.

4 very VERY good stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere

T.N. Nova (30 KP) created a post

Jun 22, 2018  
Spoiled by R. Phoenix and Morgan Noel is a novel about Romulus and Kieran. Romulus is the spoiled witch lover of Abel, an arms dealer, and Kieran is a human who is involved in a band of rebels. Romulus had been captured by the human rebels and held hostage away from his spoiled life in order to get information about what Abel’s life and routine.Kieran is the medic of the rebels who ended up being the only one Romulus would talk with.

In a battle between the supernaturals and the humans where the humans are second and sometimes third class citizens who will do what they have to in order to survive, Kieran is torn between his self-proclaimed family and the stepbrother that he was raised with.

Before going any further into my review, I want to lead with the disclaimer that this book involves what some may consider an “Ick” factor of romantic and sexual love between stepbrothers. Not that it bothered me any nor was it an issue but I want to let my readers know in advance. With that out of the way, I will continue on.

Spoiled is a stand-alone story that is set in The Fate of the Fallen / Status Quo world. You don’t need to have read the rest of the series in order to understand what’s going on in this book. It gives a glimpse at the world as well as what is happening yet there are no spoilers for the rest of the series. I rather enjoyed the world and how it was set up. The twist of how the humans were lower class and forced into the slums while the supernaturals basically ruled was interesting to me. It gave an insight into things that weren’t normally written about. The character development was amazing and the world development was spot on. I absolutely loved the attention to detail that the authors had given in regards to how each side lived. Being able to visualize it in my mind drew me through the book and landed me right there with Romulus and Kieran.

My heart actually hurt for the two stepbrothers at times who were battling between their love for each other, the situation they were placed in from a very early age and the fact that neither of them seemed to understand where the other was coming from until they were shoved into this situation. Then to have Kieran take a turn and help Romulus escape from his prison in the cellar and Romulus return to save him was beautiful.

The ending left me wanting for more though. With Abel and Romulus together at the end and Romulus and Keiran together as well, The ending left me wondering if there might be a sequel to this book where the three of them end up getting together and involved in a more poly relationship? I could only hope…

I’m going to give this book two thumbs up and a must read to anyone who loves mm romance with a fantasy twist.

T.N. Nova (30 KP) rated Spoiled in Books

Jun 22, 2018  
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Spoiled by R. Phoenix and Morgan Noel is a novel about Romulus and Kieran. Romulus is the spoiled witch lover of Abel, an arms dealer, and Kieran is a human who is involved in a band of rebels. Romulus had been captured by the human rebels and held hostage away from his spoiled life in order to get information about what Abel’s life and routine.Kieran is the medic of the rebels who ended up being the only one Romulus would talk with.

In a battle between the supernaturals and the humans where the humans are second and sometimes third class citizens who will do what they have to in order to survive, Kieran is torn between his self-proclaimed family and the stepbrother that he was raised with.

Before going any further into my review, I want to lead with the disclaimer that this book involves what some may consider an “Ick” factor of romantic and sexual love between stepbrothers. Not that it bothered me any nor was it an issue but I want to let my readers know in advance. With that out of the way, I will continue on.

Spoiled is a stand-alone story that is set in The Fate of the Fallen / Status Quo world. You don’t need to have read the rest of the series in order to understand what’s going on in this book. It gives a glimpse at the world as well as what is happening yet there are no spoilers for the rest of the series. I rather enjoyed the world and how it was set up. The twist of how the humans were lower class and forced into the slums while the supernaturals basically ruled was interesting to me. It gave an insight into things that weren’t normally written about. The character development was amazing and the world development was spot on. I absolutely loved the attention to detail that the authors had given in regards to how each side lived. Being able to visualize it in my mind drew me through the book and landed me right there with Romulus and Kieran.

My heart actually hurt for the two stepbrothers at times who were battling between their love for each other, the situation they were placed in from a very early age and the fact that neither of them seemed to understand where the other was coming from until they were shoved into this situation. Then to have Kieran take a turn and help Romulus escape from his prison in the cellar and Romulus return to save him was beautiful.

The ending left me wanting for more though. With Abel and Romulus together at the end and Romulus and Keiran together as well, The ending left me wondering if there might be a sequel to this book where the three of them end up getting together and involved in a more poly relationship? I could only hope…

I’m going to give this book two thumbs up and a must read to anyone who loves mm romance with a fantasy twist.
Show all 3 comments.

T.N. Nova (30 KP) Jun 22, 2018

I did it! :)


starwarsluvr (236 KP) Jun 22, 2018

now keep adding ;) haha