Intrusion Detection and Prevention for Mobile Ecosystems
George Kambourakis, Asaf Shabtai, Konstantinos Kolias and Dimitrios Damopoulos
The objective of this edited book is to solicit state-of-the-art contributions from both scientists...
Geomedia Studies: Spaces and Mobilities in Mediatized Worlds
Karin Fast, Andre Jansson, Johan Lindell and Linda Ryan Bengtsson
This book introduces and develops the concept of geomedia studies as the name of a particular...

Social, Casual and Mobile Games: The Changing Gaming Landscape
Michele Willson and Tama Leaver
Social, casual and mobile games, played on devices such as smartphones, tablets, or PCs and accessed...

Don't Call Them Trailer Trash: The Illustrated Mobile Home Story
John Brunkowski and Michael Closen
Although the phrase "trailer trash" is catchy and kitschy in describing mobile home living, this...

Mobile Home Park Investors with Jefferson Lilly & Brad Johnson
The Mobile Home Park Investors Podcast is the world’s first podcast dedicated to mobile home park...

The Mobile Commerce Minute with Rob Woodbridge and Chuck Martin
A daily look at the impact that mobile is having on commerce, retail and payments from two of North...

Mischief, Morality and Mobs: Essays in Honour of Geoffrey Pearson
Geoffrey Pearson, who died in 2013, was one of the outstanding social scientists of the post second...