Mobile Legem Paraguay - Constitución y Códigos Paraguayos
Descarga los Códigos de la República del Paraguay y ahorra grandes costos. En nuestra Biblioteca...

Entertainment Editor (1988 KP) created a video about Last Battleground: Survival in Apps
Nov 22, 2017

The Mobile Commerce Minute with Rob Woodbridge & Chuck Martin (Video)
A daily look at the impact that mobile is having on commerce, retail and payments from two of North...

Carceral Mobilities: Interrogating Movement in Incarceration
Kimberley Peters and Jennifer Turner
Mobilities research is now centre stage in the social sciences with wide-ranging work that considers...
Recasting Folk in the Himalayas: Indian Music, Media, and Social Mobility
Colonialist, nationalist, and regionalist ideologies have profoundly influenced folk music and...

Smart Mobile In-Vehicle Systems: Next Generation Advancements
Gerhard Schmidt, Huseyin Abut, Kazuya Takeda and John H.L. Hansen
This is an edited collection by world-class experts, from diverse fields, focusing on integrating...