New Portable Architecture: Designing Mobile & Temporary Structures
This title deals with the challenges that architects and designers face in creating spaces that can...

The Mobility Revolution: Zero Emissions, Zero Accidents, Zero Ownership
A must-read for anyone interested in the future of the automobile industry, our cities, and the way...
Ad Hoc Mobile Wireless Networks: Principles, Protocols, and Applications
Subir Kumar Sarkar, T.G. Basavaraju and C. Puttamadappa
The military, the research community, emergency services, and industrial environments all rely on ad...
Mobile Payment Systems: Secure Network Architectures and Protocols: 2017
Jesus R. Tellez and Sherali Zeadally
This important text/reference presents the latest research and developments in the field of mobile...

Programming Android: Java Programming for the New Generation of Mobile Devices
Zigurd Mednieks, Laird Dornin and G. Blake Meike
What does it take to build well-engineered Android applications? Explore Android's core building...
Mobilizing Krishna's World: The Writings of Prince Savant Singh of Kishangarh
Savant Singh (1694-1764), the Rajput prince of Kishangarh-Rupnagar, is famous for commissioning...

Mobility, Modernity and the Slum: The Real and Virtual Journeys of 'Slumdog Millionaire'
Only virtuous humans are supposed to move in time to meet their happy destiny or karma. The tale of...

Mobile Applications Development with Android: Technologies and Algorithms
Meikang Qiu, Keke Gai and Wenyun Dai
Mobile Applications Development with Android: Technologies and Algorithms presents advanced...
Knowledge Mobilisation and the Social Sciences: Research Impact and Engagement
Jon Bannister and Irene Hardill
The essays presented in this volume examine knowledge mobilisation and its relation to research...