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M (Movie) (1931)
M (Movie) (1931)
1931 |
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The maestro of dark shadows, Fritz Lang already had 14 feature films under his belt by 1931, including the much loved and much borrowed from Metropolis in 1927. It is said that he was such a slave driver with cast and crew alike that he had very few friends and was detested as a man. His work spoke for itself, however, and was always miles ahead of anything happening at the same time in Hollywood. Take the dark, sinister and serious M as an example. It tackles the subject of child abduction and murder, homelessness, crime in general and the punishment of a mob – subjects American cinema would never have touched in 1931, let alone done with such an exquisite non- melodramatic feel.

Peter Lorre as the killer compelled by his own weakness and madness gives an unfeasably nuanced performance for the era also. He is mesmerically creepy and unforgettable. Images and motifs (such as the whistle that indicates the murderer is lurking) abound, creating a landscape of pure mood and disease. As a morality tale it touches on issues of vigilantism and true justice that still has some relevance today. It also works as an entertaining thriller, and there wasn’t a minute I felt bored or distracted. The only jarring element are the scenes where Lang cuts the sound entirely to create tension and focus – they feel like technical mistakes, not deliberate choices. Otherwise, I could not have been more impressed and pleasantly surprised by this Euro classic for all time. If I were making a list of the best films ever made that disregarded the limitations of the age, then M would definitely make the cut.
Detroit (2017)
Detroit (2017)
2017 | Drama, History, Thriller
On July 23, 1967, the Detroit police stage a raid on an unlicensed club during a celebration for returning black veterans. Unable to lead their suspects out quietly through the back, officers are forced to bring them out the front and line them up against the wall while they wait for transport. A mob quickly forms and the police leave the area as they are pelted with rocks. With anger rising, looting begins and fires are started, this is the beginning of the 12th Street Riot.

Full disclosure, I only saw half of this film. It wouldn't have been one that I'd have chosen to see. I'd much rather have read about the incident that watch someone's interpretation of it.

After I had to leave I did consider whether I'd go back and see the film another day. Ultimately though I didn't find the first half interesting enough. It feels wrong to say that about something that hasn't been brought about by something entirely fiction.

Having said that, I saw the second trailer after watching the first half of the film and was confronted with a different side of the film. It intrigued me enough to want to read up about it, but still didn't make me want to watch the rest of the film.

I can't really put my finger on the thing that put me off (I know it didn't help that I wasn't well), but I wasn't entirely convinced about all the acting, and I didn't really feel invested in the characters, which meant I wasn't fussed about finding out what happened to them.
The Big Heat (1953)
The Big Heat (1953)
1953 | Classics, Drama
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Fun Classic
I can imagine that some of the cool scenes that happened in The Big Heat were well ahead of their time. One scene in particular was a car explosion created with strong sound, camera rumblings, and a bright flash of light outside of a window. Seems simple and subtle, but its impact was jarring at that point in the movie.

The film missed a few steps, wasn't perfect by any means. In fact, one can argue that there was one glaring plothole throughout just staring at you the entire time. I didn't realize it until there was about half an hour left, but it made me stop and say, "Wait...what? But why didn't they just...ok. Whatevs." Call me old, but I'm learning to let things go. Good doesn't mean perfect. The Big Heat falls well of perfection but it gets the job done.

There is a lot to digest throughout the film so make sure to keep up. This isn't a film you watch while browsing Google or folding clothes. I had to rely on protagonist Dave Bannion (Glenn Ford) to keep me on track. His screen time has a way of captivating you as you quickly come to love this character. In a town full of "yellow-bellied ninnies", Bannion wasn't afraid to stand up to the mob and what he knew to be true. Dude was so tough he gave others the courage to stand up as well. Props.

The film did lose me in spots and lost a few points as a result. At its core, though, is a movie that ultimately gets it right. In Bannion's efforts to get to the bottom of a cop committing suicide, the audience is taken on a thrilling journey that I hope to revisit at some point down the road. I give The Big Heat an 81.

JT (287 KP) rated Safe (2012) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
Safe (2012)
Safe (2012)
2012 | Action, Drama
7.0 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
There doesn’t seem to be a lot that Jason Statham cannot do, if he’s not leaping from building to building he’s punching bad guys through walls, as someone told me once “it’s all chewing gum for the mind.”

Safe is pretty much that, Statham plays Luke Wright an ex-cage fighter among other things whose family are murdered after he fails to throw a fight for a Russian mob boss. Instead of sending him to the grave the Russians’ warn Statham that anyone he gets close to they’ll kill. So he becomes a drifter, a homeless loner. That is until he comes across Mei, a young girl with a mathematical mind who has memorized some numbers for the Triads.

The numbers are the combination to a safe containing a $3om haul. However, it seems that the Russian Mafia have taken an interest in Mei as well as a group of corrupt NYPD cops. The film plays out as you would expect it to, with Statham taking the girl under his wing and gets given the chance to kick some ass once again. “You, the garbage collector?” wails one poor Russian, ” I never collected the garbage, I disposed of it” quips Statham.

Safe carries on at cat and mouse pace with everyone after Statham and the girl. There are some great action set pieces as you would expect, and they are performed with ferocious ferocity and cool like choreography. There isn’t anything unusual here really, the supporting cast amble along but stand back far enough to let The Stath do his thing.

The relationship with Mei is formed well and has a believable level of trust between the pair as Wright attempts to play the three chasing parties off against each other. It’s what you’d expect and there is no question of being short changed here.
Here Comes the Body
Here Comes the Body
Maria DiRico | 2020 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Debut You Won’t Want to Refuse
Mia Carina has returned home after her adulterous husband’s mysterious disappearance to work in the family business. Or, I should say, the family’s new business. Her father, reputed mobster Ravello, has recently acquired the Belle View catering hall in the Queens borough of New York City, and Mia is going to help him run it as a 100% real business. Her first week on the job, Mia is in charge of a bachelor party when disaster strikes. Not only does the stripper not jump out of the cake, she’s dead in the cake. With the police showing interest in the new business and especially her father, Mia begins poking around, hoping to figure out what happened. Can she do it?

The mob? New York City? Yes, this is indeed still a cozy. While those are the elements that help make up this different take on the genre, they only help provide the background. The heart of the book is still a great puzzle and charming characters. Mia already knows some of the supporting players in the book, and we can tell right away how much they love each other. The rest of the characters are entertaining, and the suspects are strong. The plot weaves in some interesting directions before we reach the logical and satisfying conclusion. We get some great humor as Mia deals with a return home that isn’t as smooth as she thought it would be. Being a culinary cozy, we get some delicious sounding recipes at the end and a fun party idea. I took advantage of a lazy Sunday afternoon to finish this book, and I enjoyed every page of it. I’m already anxious for the sequel. It would be a mistake to refuse this excellent debut.


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