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Hurry Less, Worry Less for Moms
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is a short book with only 10 chapters and each chapter reads like a devotional. The chapters each begin with an "Encouraging Word," an "Everyday Step" and "A Mom's Thoughts," and ends with "Mom's Quiet Corner," which contains a summary of the chapter in the form of a "Busy Mom's Tip," "A Mom's Special Scripture," "Mom to Mom," and a "Prayer for the Journey." Peppered throughout each chapter are related verses and useful advice from the author and other anonymous mothers. Each chapter also encourages journaling with appropriate questions, plus the book ends with a Discussion Guide that is meant to be used in a group setting among other moms.
I enjoyed reading this book slowly, savoring the words and advice from so many other moms. With three daughters of my own, all under the age of five, I can use all of the tips on less hurry and worry I can get. I may even pass this book on to other moms who need the same kind of encouragement that I got from reading this lovely book.
A Bad Moms Christmas (2017)
A Bad Moms Christmas (2017)
2017 | Comedy
A disappointing sequel
I always start my reviews of movie comedies by complaining how most of them just aren't that funny. Usually having a raucous trailer which combines every single one of the movies mildly funny moments into two or three minutes of high energy in an attempt to con you into buying a ticket. And I usually make a comparison to Bad Moms when I'm complaining about them too, probably the funniest comedy I've seen in a couple of years now. My enjoyment of Bad Moms was probably helped by the fact that I was watching it while say next to a busy, overworked mom in the shape of my wife, but it was still very enjoyable all the same. A lot of other people must have thought so too, as they managed to quickly rush out this inferior sequel in order to cash in.

Bad Moms Christmas kicks off on Christmas day, with Amy (Mila Kunis) sitting on the stairs of her home, Christmas tree toppled over, and other Christmas mess all around her. She looks beat, and a real life camel calmly walks past her. This must have been some big crazy party that we're going to rewind and watch unfold in full horrific detail. Spoiler: we do get to see the party, and it's definitely not crazy.

We do go back a few days though and the movie starts counting down each day in the run up to Christmas. All the original cast are back, but this time, in an attempt to double up on the number of Bad Moms (it's a sequel after all), all the moms of our three leads show up to make their lives that much worse. With another upcoming sequel, Daddys Home 2, set to do exactly the same thing, this must just be the thing these days.

With the older moms looking to dictate and ruin the holiday season, their daughters vow to take back Christmas. Unfortunately though, this just involves a bit of drunken bad behaviour in a shopping mall and some grinding/gyrating around an elderly Santa Claus. All a bit disappointing really.

While it's heart is in the right place and everyone is friends again by the time the end of the movie and Christmas day dinner rolls round, overall this is a much less enjoyable movie than the first. While there are some funny moments, the laugh rate is way, way down on the last movie too and a rethink of further 'holiday moms' planned movies is seriously needed.