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Queen Kong (1976)
Queen Kong (1976)
1976 | Comedy, Fantasy
3.0 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Low-budget cash-in spoof of de Laurentiis's King Kong remake; there's a lot of uneven comedy and some dreadful monster suits, so you can see why Dino felt impinged upon. Tough female film-maker (Lenska) despairs of finding a man with the guts to star in her new movie; she kidnaps petty thief Ray Fay (Asquith) and takes him off to a remote African country with a large gorilla population (only one gorilla, but it is very large). You can probably guess the rest.

You turn up to a film like Queen Kong with subterraneanly low expectations, but there are actually some not-bad jokes here, along with other bits which are so weird they are actually entertaining (title song includes the lyric 'When I'm feeling kinda spunky I want to do it with my funky monkey', which I didn't anticipate). There's also a rather peculiar feminist subtext and it's not entirely clear whether the movie is taking the mick out of Woman's Lib or if it's sincerely intended. A definite oddity; the production is primitive, but it has just enough ideas to be interesting.
Ghidorah, the Three-Headed Monster (1964)
Ghidorah, the Three-Headed Monster (1964)
1964 | Sci-Fi
6.8 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Archetypal Toho monster mash with exuberant men-in-suits wrestling and an all-over-the-place plot - Flying Saucer enthusiasts predict the apocalypse, a Himalayan princess survives an assassination attempt when she is possessed by the spirit of a Venusian (or Martian, depending on which version you watch), a mysterious meteorite hatches out Ghidorah the three-headed space dragon. Earth's fate depends on the ability of a caterpillar to persuade a nuclear dinosaur and a giant pterodactyl to work together.

Lots of fun if you enjoy this sort of thing, with many incidental pleasures - not least the startling shades-and-ruff outfit adopted by the chief villain at one point. Not quite as jokey in tone as King Kong Vs Godzilla, but still notably lighter than most of the previous films in the series - the various monsters are treated more as characters than before, too (there's a fairly lengthy conversation between Mothra, Rodan and Godzilla). Calling this the mid-60s Japanese version of The Avengers is probably stretching a point, but it's certainly one of the better early Godzilla movies; hopefully the forthcoming American take on these characters will be as much fun.
Here There Are Monsters
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was lucky enough to be able to read an early copy of this. This is outside of my normal genre but the cover called to me. It is so well done that anyone who sees it will want to pick it up and see what it entails. It definitely fits that vibe of the cover. It is dark, spooky, and so goth.
When a bone monster of Skyes making tells her how to get her sister, whom she lost on her watch, back it all goes to heck. You jump right in only to be smacked by a brick wall. That wall is six months in the past. I dislike books that jump you forwards and backwards between chapters. It jarrs me and kind of ruins the continuity. The two main characters, the sisters, are little jerks. Neither of them really has any redeeming qualities. They are hard to like and I did not enjoy the fact that neither of them grows.
While it says horror it has more story than straight horror.

Thank you for letting me read an early copy on Netgalley.
Ready Player One (2018)
Ready Player One (2018)
2018 | Sci-Fi
The graphics, the storyline, the action, the realism of what the future could hold for society. (0 more)
A Gamers Dream Come True
Contains spoilers, click to show
The movie is in a distant future where GAMING is the way of life. Which, lets be honest, isnt really that far off for us, anyhow...We find out that within this world that there is this great inventor who has hidden 3 magical keys within the game, and in order to find the keys players must crack the clues to figure out where the keys are or how to obtain them. For those of us who grew up in a time where games where just taking off and that grew up in the 80s there is alot of nostalgia within the movie. Anything from the Delorean from the Back to the Future movies, to Bigfoot the monster truck, to songs that make us remmeber when life seemes much more simple, and fun. In the end our heros must face the evil corporation trying to take over and must save the world from said Corporation. All in all this is a must see for gamera and 80s geeks alike.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Jabberwocky (1977) in Movies

Feb 10, 2018 (Updated Feb 10, 2018)  
Jabberwocky (1977)
Jabberwocky (1977)
1977 | Action, Comedy
Little bit Slithy, little bit Frabjous
Oddball comedy-drama that sets the tone for much of Terry Gilliam's career by being visually ravishing but a bit all-over-the-place story-wise. Gilliam's background at the time was in TV comedy, which may explain why so many well-known TV comics turn up in the film - apart from Michael Palin, there's Warren Clarke, Harry H Corbett, John le Mesurier, and so on.

The thing is that this isn't actually very funny - there are the seeds of some good jokes here, but the fact the movie has been filmed and edited in the style of an art-house historical drama kills most of them dead. Still, the medieval period has seldom been brought to the screen with such an authentic sense of filth, squalour, and misery, and the monster suit is pretty good. That said, if you're not into absurd comedy, Dragonslayer (1981) tells a very similar story in a more accessible style.

(And I have to say I'm astounded a film so focused on gore and bodily functions has only got a PG certificate. Caveat emptor.)

Awix (3310 KP) rated Godzilla (2014) in Movies

Mar 24, 2018 (Updated Mar 24, 2018)  
Godzilla (2014)
Godzilla (2014)
2014 | Mystery, Sci-Fi
Second American attempt at a Godzilla movie avoids some of the old pitfalls which scuppered the Roland Emmerich version, but discovers some brand ones and promptly stumbles into those instead. A slightly oblique take on the Godzilla mythology - Godzilla is not the result of nuclear testing but a survivor from an earlier epoch - and the fact the film often seems more interested in the Muto monsters (Godzilla's opponents this time around) result in a film with a rather odd feel, for all that on paper it looks like a more 'classic' Godzilla story.

They get a lot right - Godzilla is a properly imposing beast, and there are monster battles at the centre of the film - but it's much more po-faced than the Emmerich version, apparently worried that if it cracks a smile for a second or acknowledges its own absurdity everyone will instantly lose interest. Gareth Edwards' habit of cutting away to another sequence every time the monsters start fighting rapidly becomes very annoying, too. A better Godzilla movie than the 1998 version, certainly; but less assured and capable as a piece of entertainment.
The Dinosaur Project (2012)
The Dinosaur Project (2012)
2012 | Action, Sci-Fi
5.0 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I stuck with it (1 more)
I've seen worse CGI and acting
Forgettable movie (2 more)
Not enough dinosaurs
Blair witch project meets Jurassic park?
Yet another £1 movie I discovered and I have to say it is not worth it. That is 1 hour and 20 mins I will never get back.

The front of the blu ray case says 'the best Dino film since Jurassic park". That is laughable. It might as well have been a monster movie because I did not see that many dinosaurs. Maybe 3 different types?

This is a found footage movie. This genre has been, I feel, exhausted. It is no longer fresh and unique. It felt a lot like Blair witch project with them trying to build a suspense but that was not there. A fear of the unknown which meant there was no action.

The acting isnt horrible and neither is the CGI. Only good things about it I guess. But the characters were forgettable and their relationships were not believable.

It is badly paced with a lot of slow talking scenes while doing a lot of travelling. It is a predictable movie with an obvious betrayal and and ending.

Dianne Robbins (1738 KP) created a post in Dear Smashbomb....

Jan 18, 2019 (Updated Jan 18, 2019)  
How do you feel about watching tv and movies, or listening to music or podcasts after learning unsavory details about an actor, director, producer, podcaster, or others involved in them? Can you compartmentalize their behavior and enjoy art as art or does it forever ruin it for you? How can we reconcile our love of certain performers and their onscreen personas with their monstrous behavior offscreen?

I find it so frustrating and disappointing when I learn that someone I have admired for decades is a perverted sex monster. I want to be politically-correct and denounce their behavior but it's difficult when they have created art that speaks to me and moves me and that I have loved for years. Some truly talented people have turned out to be terrible people. It's one thing when you've known for years about someone's exploits and abuse, such as in the case of Woody Allen and Roman Polanski. Those were things I knew about for ages and I avoided their movies. But another thing when it's someone whose work you've admired and respected for years. I don't know how to feel.

Dianne Robbins (1738 KP) created a post

Jan 18, 2019  
How do you feel about watching tv and movies, or listening to music or podcasts after learning unsavory details about an actor, director, producer, podcaster, or others involved in them? Can you compartmentalize their behavior and enjoy art as art or does it forever ruin it for you? How can we reconcile our love of certain performers and their onscreen personas with their monstrous behavior offscreen?

I find it so frustrating and disappointing when I learn that someone I have admired for decades is a perverted sex monster. I want to be politically-correct and denounce their behavior but it's difficult when they have created art that speaks to me and moves me and that I have loved for years. Some truly talented people have turned out to be terrible people. It's one thing when you've known for years about someone's exploits and abuse, such as in the case of Woody Allen and Roman Polanski. Those were things I knew about for ages and I avoided their movies. But another thing when it's someone whose work you've admired and respected for years. I don't know how to feel.
Show all 15 comments.

Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) Jan 21, 2019

In my opinion, they are two totally different aspects of a person's life that should not affect one another in any way.
There are so many creators that I love watching or listening to that I totally disagree with politically, but I am able to separate those things. Just because I disagree with one aspects of a person's opinions or actions, doesn't mean it tarnishes everything that that person has ever done.
George Washington was an incredible man who was fundamental in the battle for American independence over Britain, but he also kept slaves and treated them as animals. Both of these things exist and that's what makes a person whole. As much as we would like to believe that everybody is either purely good or purely evil, that is just not true, there are always shades of grey.
I am not in any way defending any of the despicable things that people like R Kelly and Kevin Spacey are accused of doing, but just because Spacey allegedly preyed on young boys, it doesn't mean that his performance in Se7en isn't still one of the greatest performances ever committed to film.
Another example of this is rap music. I am a huge rap fan and there are rappers that I listen to that brag in their songs using misogynistic language or homophobic slurs, things that I fundamentally disagree with. However, that doesn't mean that I can't appreciate their flow or delivery.
To be honest, I think that it is actually way more healthy to separate these things as an audience member. If I was to stop listening to/watching everyone that had ever been accused of doing something bad by the press, there probably wouldn't be much content left.


Allison Knapp (118 KP) Jan 21, 2019

I would have to agree with you there. Talent and personal life are definitely two separate matters

Colossal (2016)
Colossal (2016)
2016 | Comedy, Drama
An interesting idea
I remember seeing a trailer for this film when it was first released, and as didn’t play at my local cinema I hadn’t seen anything from it since until it popped up on Netflix recently.

It’s a very interesting idea and a great take on the traditional monster movie. Without going into too much detail, this film really doesn’t pan out the way I was expecting. It took me a little while to adjust to this, but I actually really enjoyed it and the ending was beyond satisfying. It was great to see Jason Sudeikis play something other than his usual type of comedy character, and Anne Hathaway was wonderful as always. I do think Dan Steven was ridiculously underused and they really could’ve given him a much better part.

The effects are a tad dodgy at times but given the low budget, it’s not a massive surprise or issue. I do think there are some slightly irritating plot holes and it does drag a little at times, but overall still a rather good film and a refreshing change to the traditional “Godzilla” style films.

Andy K (10821 KP) Nov 2, 2019

I liked this quite a bit more than I thought I would. I think this movie has the distinction of being the very first I rated on Smashbomb! 😊