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Slender Man (2018)
Slender Man (2018)
2018 | Horror
Director: Sylvain White
Writer: David Birke, Victor Surge (Screenplay)
Starring: Joey King, Julia Goldani Telles, Jaz Sinclair, Annalise Basso, Alex Fitzalan, Taylor Richardson, Javier Botet
Plot: In a small town in Massachusetts, a group of friends, fascinated by the internet lore of the Slender Man, attempt to prove that he doesn't actually exist - until one of them mysteriously goes missing.
Runtime: 1 Hour 33 Minutes
There may be spoilers in the rest of the review
Verdict: The Worst Horror Film of 2018
Story: Slender Man starts with four high school friends Wren (King), Hallie (Telles), Chloe (Sinclair) and Katie (Basso) decide to learn about Slender Man on the internet, they watch a video to summon him and the next morning the girls have had nightmares, before Katie vanishes.
The three remaining girls start searching for answers after the police come up with nothing and soon find themselves the latest target for the Slender Man.
Thoughts on Slender Man
Characters – Usually I would start to describe the characters here, but this film could well be the worst character development film I have ever seen, we have Wren and Hallie who are the longest surviving members of the group, who mostly just scream and think they are better than everyone else. Chloe is here too, she doesn’t listen to instructions and Katie is the one that goes missing. This is how little we learn about the characters in this film.
Performances – With terrible characters, comes no chance for the poor actresses in the main roles of the film to get anything memorable in, it is hard to give any of them any praise for their performance, mostly because it was hard to tell Joey King and Julia Goldani Telles apart too.
Story – The story follows four girls that play along with a Slender Man mystery that leaves them being terrorised by the mythical monster. The problem with this story is that we are force to follow four boring high characters that are given nothing to make them standout in a crowd, we have a internet video starting the nightmare which doesn’t create any sort of rules behind the mysterious figure. We have one person literally vanish, another one getting chased which just makes it hard to believe just what is happening with the characters will be going through. It is the most lacklustre pointless story we have seen that almost feels like everything is complete list of what not to do when making a movie.
Horror/Mystery – The horror in the film could be high tension moment, only for it to come back flat on its face not building the tension just, this is a scary moment, over. We even have a mystery which should be interesting but soon turns into nothing important.
Settings – The film is set in a city, didn’t notice which one, but it is surround by woodlands which only get to add what could be the mystery about the Slender Man who could use this area for hiding places.
Special Effects – The effects are just complete the weak attempt to make a movie here, with the Slender Man never getting anything remotely looking scary which he should be if he is literally kidnapping children.

Scene of the Movie – Ummmmmmm, the credits were good.
That Moment That Annoyed Me – The kids have nothing that makes them look different.
Final Thoughts – This is one of the weakest horror films you will ever see, it is just a terrible mess, with no scares and doesn’t give the talent a chance to shine in.
Overall: Bad is being nice.
The Good Liar (2019)
The Good Liar (2019)
2019 | Drama
Mirren and McKellen are acting in 2 different movies
In a time where large comic-book, CGI-infused monster fests are all the rage in the Cineplex, it is a welcome relief to find a cleverly written, acting-rich mystery story featuring two world class actors of "a certain age", defying the odds to make a memorable motion picture.

And...they almost succeeded.

Written by Twin Cities native Jeffrey Hatcher, THE GOOD LIAR tells the tale of a...well...good liar played by Ian McKEllen. His con-man, Roy Courtney, is a roguish scamp, bilking crooks and ne'er do wells out of their money. He then sets his sights on rich Widow Betty McLeish (Helen Mirren) and her millions of dollars.

We spend the first 3/4 of this film following Roy - and his con-man ways - and it is a pleasure to spend that time under the twinkling eyes of Sir Ian McKellen. He plays Roy with a bit of a light touch, driving down into the dirty work whenever he needs to, but spending most of his time outsmarting his opponents with a sly grin, a wry comment and a light step. He cares not for his marks, that is...until he meets Betty. And Mirren and McKellen have the ability to play off each other very well and this would have been a more effective film if both of them were acting in the same sort of film.

For, you see, McKellen is playing in a bit of light drama, landing his acting chops in a style reminiscent of con-man films like THE STING and NOW YOU SEE ME. Mirren, however, (who takes over the last 1/4 of the film) seems to be performing in a heavy drama like SOPHIE'S CHOICE or THE FRENCH LIEUTENANT'S WOMAN and I think it was the tone that each of these actors brought to their roles that drove both of these fine actors to this project.

Unfortunately, the dichotomy of the different acting styles, mood and tone ultimately derails this film and brings it down a peg from the austere heights it aspires to be.

I place the blame on Director Bill Condon (Mr. Holmes) who had two very good actors - and an interesting story - and just couldn't find the correct balance point for these actors, and this story. He also is not helped by Hatcher's script which really takes a dark turn (darker than is necessary for the story) that is a bit jarring. If this film wanted to be heavy and dark, then it shouldn't have been so light and fun at the beginning - and Sir Ian's performance needed to be heavier and darker at the beginning. Or it needed to "lighten up a bit" at the end and push Mirren's performance out of the darkness and a bit more into the light.

All-in-all it's a fine, throwback. A two actor film that is in short supplies these days - so well worth seeing. Though I will always pine for what could have been had the tone been evened out between these two veteran performers.

Letter Grade: B

7 Stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)

JT (287 KP) rated The Avengers (2012) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
The Avengers (2012)
The Avengers (2012)
2012 | Action, Sci-Fi
As the dust settles on a film that has seriously ‘hulk smashed’ the box office its clear to see why this film has been met with such high acclaim from critics and fans alike. There is no getting away from the fact that this is one hell of a blockbuster, with more superheroes than you can cram into a S.H.I.E.L.D. meeting room and a villain that almost stole the whole show, it had pretty much everything.

The film opens as S.H.I.E.L.D. is mid evacuation after The Tesseract, an energy source of unknown potential, has activated. Loki (Tom Hiddleston) has plans to take over the world with a strong army and have everyone kneel before him, he’s cunning but “lacks conviction” as is pointed out by cult fan favourite Agent Coulson (Clark Gregg).

So, Nick Fury activates the Avengers initiative, pulling resource from Thor, Captain America, Iron Man, Black Widow, Hawkeye and of course Bruce Banner in order to stop the impending attack. The good thing about the Avengers is that no time needs to be spent setting the characters up, as given the previous films we know all about them and their powers. However, this gives more time for them to decipher each others egos.

Tony Stark feels like the team’s unofficial leader, brash and bold he has to contend with a number of personalities, remember he doesn’t play well with others. A great scene sees Thor, Captain America and Iron Man all come to blows but its hard to say if there was any clear winner.

Natasha Romanoff aka Black Widow and Clint ‘Hawkeye’ Barton who have popped up in previous films but neither had their own title struggle at times to fit in, but they are integral to the group and plot. However if there were not part of the assemble you wouldn’t miss them too much.

As for Bruce Banner, Weadon’s Hulk is probably the most realistic CGI transformation to date. Ang Lee’s looked ridiculous and Louis Leterrier’s Hulk looked liked he’d been pumped full of steroids as opposed to gamma radiation.

Weadon though achieved a great balance and with Mark Ruffalo stepping in as the green monster the Hulk had a lot of charisma in this, even having time for some humour. T.V. original big man Lou Ferrigno provided the voice so it all seemed like the Hulk was back.

The perfect villain – Loki
Hiddleston for me though was the stand-out here, as comic book villains go he brought so much to the role. It was a dark, composed and at times sinister portrayal of a man desperate for revenge and to be worshipped like the god he feels he deserves to be.

The films action sequences are second to none, with everything from the initial opening evacuation at S.H.I.E.L.D. to the climactic ending all choreographed to perfection. The only gripe is that it boarder lines on Transformers styled destruction, in which some parts are drawn out. I mean just how many Chitauri can one group of superheroes fend off?

Another post credits scene certainly would pave the way for a sequel, and given the film’s massive haul which is well in excess of $450m no one would stand in the way. It should pretty much be a forgone conclusion that the team will at some point reunite.
The Black Orchids
The Black Orchids
Ish Goel | 2019 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not what you expect
"I knew this wasn't the end."

TRIGGER WARNINGS: death, torture

I originally rated this 3.5 stars but I'm dropping this down to 2.5 stars, as I've had time to sit and really gather my thoughts around.

The Black Orchids is a paranormal fantasy novel about a young girl being haunted by a monster called It (no, not the clown). She goes to a boarding school where she comes into contact with It again and even gains new friends. There are multiple of love interests within this story and the story gave off a very dark, suspenseful, and adventure feel with twists, but it wasn't what I expected from reading the blurb.

The Black Orchids vaguely has the same vibes that the Vampire Academy and Beautiful Creatures series' has. There was a lack of connection with the characters and the story overall lacked. There was potential here but it fell short and left me a bit disappointed.

The main character was in a constant battle with herself and her family, she even considered herself to be different from the "other girls". Basically, she was the loner, edgy girl that didn't have friends. This wasn't executed the greatest and really just made the MC feel shallow and a tad emotionless. The other characters weren't much better. The relationships between them seemed a tad forced and not at all 'believable'.

The story lacked descriptive nature and world-building. But the plot was pretty decent. I wasn't instantly enamored with the story and it was a slow read - even though I devoured it. There was something still keeping me reading and I couldn't put my finger on it. I know for sure it wasn't the characters, as I could never really connect with any of them and the villain wasn't even the greatest. Majority of villains are these morally grey characters with amazing backstories, but not the villain here. There was no grand reveal of who the mystery figure was and the plot twist at the end was rather disappointing.

Don't get me wrong, I loved the ending! But so much more could have been added to the story-line that would have added an appealing and captivating touch that built up until BOOM, plot twist, and cliffhanger. The Black Orchids does end on a bit of a cliffhanger but again, it lacked and didn't give a massive explosion to my brain as most cliffhangers do.

Another aspect of The Black Orchids that I couldn't get over was all of the spelling and grammatical errors. I kept having to reread sentences, paragraphs, and even whole pages! I wanted to DNF this but also keep reading, all at the same time. And I honestly don't know how I feel about that.

The Black Orchids has a good plot for a debut, it just needs a bit of work done to it to revamp and add cushion to the story-line.

"In the end, she settled for trying to show a turtle raising its head out of its shell. She thought it symbolized new hope, courage, and maybe even as a welcoming. For a turtle to peek outside was courage indeed, they never knew what awaited them on the other side."
Underwater (2020)
Underwater (2020)
2020 | Horror, Sci-Fi
Under Pressure
Underwater is basically Alien underwater but without a doubt proves that sometimes you just cant go wrong when you just borrow from the best. From the moment it starts the nostalgia that hit me watching this was insane, its like all my favourite scifi movies from growing up got mashed together and came back just to surprise me. In a sense its The Abyss, Alien, Deep Rising, Virus, Prometheus and Doom all rolled into one movie and I just couldnt help but smile as the film played out in front of me. Right off the get go we are thrown straight into the action and ive read so much criticism from people on this part of the movie saying that it doesnt give us time to get to know the characters. Personally I quite liked this approach as I felt we didnt really need to get to know everyone because in a random catastrophic situation such as this it really doesnt matter about who people are, everyone is a blank slate and they must all put aside thier differences and band together to fight solely for survival. Yes it does mean to an extent we aren't as attached to them but when tension and panic is created so well here not knowing these characters adds way more unpredictability and also helps make you the viewer step into thier shoes easier too. While the story is also fairly basic its way of story telling is subtle using the environment or small character actions so you can piece together a deeper story for yourself. Getting a hold on your mind/mental state is a big theme here and I loved the way the film subjects our already unstable characters to extremely traumatic events but forces them to learn how to subdue or tame thier emotions if if they are to maintain focus and survive. Kristen Stewart is fantastic as always and probably could of carried the film on her own if she had to. Her character is clearly already suffering with trauma and anxiety of her own and watching her have to hold together and stay strong to help motivate others is riveting as every now and then we see small glimpses of her cracking under the pressure. What an absolute joy it also is to see Vincent Cassel back in movies again, the guy is just awesome in what ever he is in and its no different here. Oh and TJ Miller isnt anoying and unlikable for once either, how about that. Visualls are also great and combine with nice sets they help create a creepy, claustrophobic, tense and unnerving sence of dread constantly. Creature design is really nice too (reminded me of the creatures from the recent Doom games) and theres some scenes that are absolutely chilling to watch too. Score wise its is also noticeably good really helping to ramp up the dread and fear elements nicely. To sum everything up I found this movie so much fun and while it doesnt do anything new I lost count of the times I just sat there thinking to myself "Daaamn thats so friggin cool". I do miss movies like this and its nice to see Underwater dare to bring back the good old 90s scifi monster movie vibe.
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