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The Descent Part 2 (2009)
The Descent Part 2 (2009)
2009 | Action, Horror, Mystery
Should never have been made
I’ve put off watching this film for years as I resented the fact that it had ever been made, and it turns out I probably should have kept on putting it off. The original Descent was brilliant, but this sequel is just plain awful.

For starters, it looks cheap. The entire thing from the cinematography, the visual effects (the blood looks like fruit juice), and the look of the monsters just looks so horrendous and as bad, if not worse, than a SyFy original film. Then there’s the plot itself, which is so ridiculously stupid it’s laughable. It completely ignores the ambiguous and very good ending from the original and uses a cliched overused trope (memory loss) to get Sarah back into the caves. The new characters are underdeveloped and cliched stereotypes (the brass moronic cop who can’t leave his gun behind). And then there’s the fact that it seems an identical copy of the original, using the same scenes, ideas (seeing through the video camera) that were used in the first film. This loses any of the suspense and atmosphere generated in the first film, and it doesn’t use the music to any good effect whatsoever. It’s not scary, it’s not interesting and it looks horrendous. Avoid at all costs.

Andy K (10821 KP) Feb 2, 2019

Almost 100% the same as part 1 only crappier!


Sarah (7798 KP) Feb 2, 2019

A lot crappier!


Awix (3310 KP) rated Kong: Skull Island (2017) in Movies

Feb 9, 2018 (Updated Feb 9, 2018)  
Kong: Skull Island (2017)
Kong: Skull Island (2017)
2017 | Action, Sci-Fi
The Vietnam Movie That Time Forgot
Surprisingly effective and entertaining attempt to combine classic monster movie structure with a Vietnam War movie vibe. The secret monster-hunting agency of the US government organises an expedition to the mysterious Skull Island; everyone gets more than they bargained for. Is it a spoiler to reveal there's quite a big gorilla called Kong in residence?

Leading players Tom Hiddleston and Brie Larson seem a bit all at sea but there is some good work from the supporting cast, who know just how much of the scenery to chew - Samuel L Jackson, John Goodman, and John C Reilly all raise a smile. The monster mashes are good fun, too. You could probably argue that doing a King Kong movie where Kong never gets off the island kind of misses the point entirely, but this is still arguably the most faithful take on the general tone of the original movie since the 1930s.

Altogether much lighter on its feet and less portentous than the most recent American Godzilla, with which it is in continuity - they don't make a big deal out of this, thankfully, but all-in-all you do rather hope the forthcoming Godzilla: King of the Monsters and Godzilla Vs Kong are closer in style to this than the 2014 movie. Toho fans should stick around for the post-credits bit.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Mutants & Masterminds (3rd Edition) in Tabletop Games

Mar 7, 2018 (Updated Mar 7, 2018)  
Mutants & Masterminds (3rd Edition)
Mutants & Masterminds (3rd Edition)
2018 | Fantasy, Roleplaying
Green Ronin's supers RPG is probably the best ever published; owes a lot to some of its illustrious predecessors in the genre but is definitely its own thing. D20 mechanic keeps things mostly simple, although people used to dealing with hit point may find the damage resolution system tough to get their heads around.

This is a game which really demands that everyone is on the same page in terms of the tone and style of game they want to play: the character creation system is point-based and it's potentially very easy to create unbalanced, unstoppable combat monsters. Character advancement can also be a little tricky over an extended (20+ session) campaign. Getting to grips with the finer points of the creation system can also be difficult; using a character-building app is an extremely sensible idea.

That said, when a group is sympatico and the GM knows his comic book tropes, this game allows you to play through superhero adventures with an ease and sense of fun like few others. I played in a group running this system on pretty much a weekly basis for 15 months and the individual sessions were almost all great fun; it was long-term problems with the campaign rules that caused the whole thing to grind to a halt.
Four's a crowd
Twenty-sixth Godzilla movie (also eleventh Mothra movie, eighth Ghidorah movie and third Baragon movie, in case anyone's counting) recruits director Shusuke Kaneko, helmsman of the brilliant 90s Gamera trilogy; results are (perhaps inevitably) disappointing. A new incarnation of Godzilla threatens Japan, but a young tabloid TV journalist encounters a mysterious old man in an equestrian safety helmet who tells her of three legendary Guardian Monsters who will defend the country against this menace (Baragon is also a Guardian Monster but not famous enough to get his name in the title).

Some interesting innovations: first film to address (even obliquely) issues of Japanese culpability for events of the Second World War, first film where King Ghidorah is a good guy, first film with a scene set in Godzilla's intestinal tract. However, the end result is let down by a fatally uncertain tone - seemingly serious scenes of death and carnage are intercut with knockabout cheesy humour and in-jokes (in the English dub at least). The retro feel of the movie, hearkening back to the 60s films of the series, is not unwelcome, but its take on the formula is just plain weird. Most importantly it lacks the mythic grandeur of the Kaneko Gamera trilogy. Still better than the films which immediately preceded it, though.

Awix (3310 KP) rated The Mummy (2017) in Movies

Feb 11, 2018 (Updated Feb 11, 2018)  
The Mummy (2017)
The Mummy (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
Oh, Mummy.
Laborious attempt by Universal to grab a slice of Marvel's meta-franchise pie by launching a series of fantasy blockbusters based on their stable of famous monster characters. Tom Cruise plays an annoying mercenary who catches the eye of an ancient and evil supernatural creature unearthed in Iraq.

There's a good reason why sensible studios don't try to make horror blockbusters, and especially horror blockbusters starring Tom Cruise - every time the film starts to be effectively creepy or atmospheric, along comes a CGI-enhanced chase sequence, or Tom Cruise doing that smirk, or some other manifestation of corporate blandness. Isn't Tom Cruise too old for this sort of thing? Watching him flirting with a considerably younger actress is by far the creepiest thing in the movie, and he seems quite incapable of the moral ambiguity the part probably requires - Russell Crowe, in the Samuel L Jackson plot-device-character role, acts him off the screen.

You scratch your head wondering how this thing is supposed to work - are all the monsters going to team up together? And do what, exactly? No-one seems to have thought this through. It's much more of a zombie movie than one about an actual mummy, anyway. The depiction of the one-way system in Oxford City Centre is also very misleading; I nearly knocked off a point because of it.
A Court of Wings and Ruin
A Court of Wings and Ruin
Sarah J. Maas | 2017 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.8 (113 Ratings)
Book Rating
Don't want this to be over
This was a different ride to the two previous books in the series but it delivered. The focus was strategy and war which was complex but so cleverly plotted and written. I feel this book provided consistency in quality and didn't dip like some trilogies do at this point.

There is a lighter romantic touch to ACOWAR but the depth of love is solid, desperate and tangible. Feyre has been on such a journey as a character and what a woman she has become, a woman I admire and love as a favourite character. Rhysand was wonderful and the cast of strong side characters rocked this book, namely Nesta, Cassian and others. Dare I say, I both loved and feared some of the monsters in ACOWAR and cried over others. The creatures are described so skillfully that this is fantasy that has a 3D feeling.

I'm sad on the one hand that this first trilogy instalment is over, but I'm excited about who will feature in the next three. I have hopes about who will be the main characters, however I trust Maas to deliver. I will re-read without doubt.

This was an audio listen and I was worried about the narrator change but Amanda Leigh Cobb seamlessly slipped into the role which is admirable on book three. Great narration from start to finish.
White Stag (Permafrost, #1)
White Stag (Permafrost, #1)
Kara Barbieri | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.2 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review. "White Stag" introduces us to Janneke, a seventeen year old girl who is the youngest child in a family of all girls. She is raised to be the family's "male heir" and is raised as a tomboy who is taught to hunt and fight. When her village is invaded and burned down she is the only survivor. Taken captive by goblins, she must learn to live among them while struggling trying to keep hold of her humanity.

Pulled into a goblin war, Janneke must face beliefs she was taught as a child and try to fit them into her current reality. Are goblins merely monsters? Are they similar to humans? Can they feel emotions? Can they love? Can she love them? Can she love him?

While much of "White Stag" is predictable and follows the typical formula for YA books it is still entertaining and worth reading. There are a few surprises revealed along the way. Janneke is an interesting character who has to deal with growing up and falling in love with the enemy.

"White Stag" is the first novel in the Permafrost series by Kara Barbieri. No publication date is listed on Goodreads for the sequel, "Goblin King".
Pacific Rim: Uprising (2018)
Pacific Rim: Uprising (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Not as good as the first
I need to admit straight off that I was never a huge fan of the first Pacific Rim film. It was good, but never lived up to my admittedly high expectations. And I'm sad to say this sequel isn't even as good as the first.

What really let's this film down was the plot. It was ridiculously weak and silly, even for a film about giant machines and monsters. It was uninteresting and definitely made for a younger audience. Which was only too evident from the cast of mostly irritating teenagers. There also seemed to be a lot of minor characters thrown in for no real purpose whatsoever. The effects were good though and the fighting scenes were at least predictably impressive. These, along with a brilliant turn from John Boyega (who's sure to go even further than he has already), at least made this film bearable for its overly long run time. It's shame the rest of the cast were forgettable, although Charlie Dag wasn't half as irritating as he was in the original.

I'm afraid to say you can really tell that Guillermo Del Toro hasn't hand much of a hand in this. It's definitely missing some darkness,some seriousness and a little bit of heart. But like Transformers and other similar films, if you don't expect much then it's at least watchable.
The Thing (1982)
The Thing (1982)
1982 | Horror, Sci-Fi
In my many years of enjoying movies, I've yet to come across anything quite like John Carpenter's The Thing.
It's quite simply, a horror masterpiece!

The imagery and monsters bought to the screen feel like they're straight out of hell. All these years later, and The Thing, and it's many disturbing forms, remains arguably the most terrifying movie monster out there.
The incredible use of practical effects ensures that the films visceral and horrible imagery still remains to this day, and is a testament to the amazing work put by the art and make up crews.
The isolated and snowy setting is almost iconic as the titular alien, and adds an eery atmosphere from the opening scene.

Kurt Russell is a fine lead, as his character McCready drives the narrative forward at a fast and manic pace. The story if one dripping with paranoia and tension, and the whole cast do a great job at conveying this.
The plots conclusion is different from what you might expect of the genre at the time, and it's lack of a 'final girl' shows that The Thing was not afraid to go against the grain when it came to horror.

It's probably my top horror movie of all time, with the original Halloween coming a close second. Long live John Carpenter.
Little Monsters (2019)
Little Monsters (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Horror
Shes so cute tho...
387. Little Monsters. Nope it's not a remake of the Fred Savage 80s flick. Instead this is the 'Life Is Beautiful' for the zombie genre. And it was pretty sweet! We meet Dave, a down on his luck musician, broke up with the girl, band broke up, has to live with his sister and her young son. (Dave reminded me of a Andy Dwyer type, Park n Rec fans? Anyone, anyone?) To pull his weight around his sisters house, he takes his nephew, Felix, to school, and there he meets and is instantly infatuated with Felix's teacher Miss Caroline, with reason, she's played by Lupita Nyong'o!! One thing leads to another and Dave finds himself as a chaperone for the next field trip to the local zoo, which just happens to be next to a military research facility, which so happens to be suffering from a zombie outbreak at the time. As you may have guessed these zombies find their way to the zoo, and yep hell breaks loose. However, the kiddos are completely oblivious to this thanks to Miss Caroline convincing them its all just a game! It was a very well done comedy zombie flick. Rounding out the cast is Josh Gad playing a kids tv show host, he is great! Worth the watch!! Filmbufftim on FB