
Erika (17789 KP) rated My Lady Jane in Books
Nov 19, 2017
I wasn't expecting to like this book at all. I chose it on the fly to listen to as an audiobook. I was not disappointed. It was completely humorous. The novel rotated through three points of view, Edward VI, Lady Jane Grey, and Gifford Dudley. It definitely borrowed from the likes of the Princess Bride, Shakespeare, and Monty Python. There were some irritating parts, like when it quoted too much from those sources. In the end, I did really like it.

Jabberwocky (1977)
Movie Watch
A dim-witted peasant seeks his fortune in the city while the land is ravaged by a terrifying...
monster movie

Michael Korda recommended The Ruling Class (1972) in Movies (curated)

The Greedy Bastard Diary: A Comic Tour of America
Eric Idle, the legendary star of Monty Python fame, takes fans on a deeply personal and hilarious...

Cori June (3033 KP) rated Smoke Bitten (Mercy Thompson #12) in Books
Jun 23, 2020
descriptions (1 more)
This would have been better as a novella. I felt there was more filler than normal and it was odd that she had two books building to something, I expect that the next one will be something large. I'm not going to lie I did think of Monty Python while reading this book so there were some unintentionally (?) funny parts. There is the usual Mercy wit so that's good Picks up not too long after Storm Cursed. I enjoyed this book but it wasn't my favorite.

Lauren Hutton recommended Will in the World in Books (curated)

Tom Lennon recommended Brazil (1985) in Movies (curated)
A Green and Pagan Land: Myth, Magic and Landscape in British Film and Television
British literature often refers to pagan and classical themes through richly detailed landscapes...

David McK (3505 KP) rated Dungeons and Dragons: Honour Among Thieves (2023) in Movies
Apr 10, 2023 (Updated Sep 10, 2023)
Feature-length movie set in the D&D universe, this is much better than the 2000 travesty, with Chris Pine this time taking the lead, alongside Michelle Ridriguez and Hugh Grant and is set in the 'Forgotten Realms' campaign setting, with Baldurs Gate and Neverwinter both getting name-dropped.
(I must admit that, as large parts of it were filmed in my home of Northern Ireland, I did spend quite a bit of time playing 'spot the location').
It also has a refreshing low-stakes feel about it (there's no real 'end of the world' disaster to be averted), and I did also feel that it had elements of Monty Python around it (particularly in the talking to the dead graveyard bit)
(I must admit that, as large parts of it were filmed in my home of Northern Ireland, I did spend quite a bit of time playing 'spot the location').
It also has a refreshing low-stakes feel about it (there's no real 'end of the world' disaster to be averted), and I did also feel that it had elements of Monty Python around it (particularly in the talking to the dead graveyard bit)