The Moral Economy: Why Good Incentives are No Substitute for Good Citizens
Why policies and business practices that ignore the moral side of human nature often fail.
Mischief, Morality and Mobs: Essays in Honour of Geoffrey Pearson
Geoffrey Pearson, who died in 2013, was one of the outstanding social scientists of the post second...
The Science of Sympathy: Morality, Evolution, and Victorian Civilization
In his Descent of Man , Charles Darwin placed sympathy at the crux of morality in a civilized human...
The Beloved Does Not Bite: Moral Vampires and the Humans Who Love Them
In this new monograph, author Debra Dudek defines a new era of vampire texts in which vampires have...
Manufacturing Morals: The Values of Silence in Business School Education
Corporate accountability is never far from the front page, and as one of the world's most elite...
Within the Limits: Moral Boundaries of Class and Gender in Urban India
The post-liberalization era of the Indian economy has given birth to a burgeoning middle class who...
Dams and Development in China: The Moral Economy of Water and Power
China is home to half of the world's large dams and adds dozens more each year. The benefits are...