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Amy Tan recommended An Unnecessary Woman in Books (curated)

An Unnecessary Woman
An Unnecessary Woman
Rabih Alameddine | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"The breathtaking beauty of Alameddine’s prose alone makes this compulsive reading. Its true genius, however, lies in the sacrosanct ideas that the narrator—a translator of books that will never be read—lays bare with humorous irreverence, wry insouciance, or intellectual outrage. She is fearless in looking at aging and death, the morality of war and survival, and the true meaning of a meaningful life. She also gives advice on not dying your hair blue in bad light."

The Lorax
The Lorax
Dr. Seuss | 1998
8.5 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Environmental Morality Tale for Kids
Meet the Once-ler. Back in the past, he found a forest of Truffula Trees. Through ingenuity, he found a way to make these trees into something that everyone could use. However, the Lorax shows up to try to warn him of the dangers that might cause. Will the Once-ler listen?

I had this book as a kid, and we read it many times while I was growing up. Rereading it as an adult, I was struck again by just how dark this book is. There is a clear environmental message to the book. I do wish it were more even handed, but I realize this is a picture book for kids, and a morality tale at that. The pictures and creatures are pure Dr. Seuss and are fun. The story, while told in rhyme, features some of Dr. Seuss’s made up creatures, so it isn’t early reader friendly, but as kids are ready to tackle something more challenging with the help of adults, this book would be great.
Boccaccio '70 (1962)
Boccaccio '70 (1962)
1962 | International, Comedy, Sci-Fi
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"In the early 30s, Gabrielle Chanel introduced Jean Renoir to Luchino Visconti, who would become his assistant director for several films. In the early 60s, Visconti connected Chanel with Romy Schneider. This short film, part of an anthology feature on morality and love with segments directed by other Italian masters such as Fellini and De Sica, focuses on a society woman (Schneider dressed in CHANEL) and her unfaithful husband. The production could be seen as an homage to the designer’s world."

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
J.K. Rowling | 1997 | Children, Young Adult (YA)
9.2 (174 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"The first book I ever really wanted to read on my own. I spent hours as a kid staring at different stuff in my room, trying to make something levitate. To this day, when most people would reference the Bible to make a point about morality or whatever, instead of Judas or Jesus, I’m more likely to bring up Snape or Sirius. When I miss home on tour and can’t get to sleep, I listen to the audiobooks. My inner monologue is narrated by Jim Dale."

Unbelievable, explosive, mind blowing claims
There were times where I literally gasped, laughed, clapped and whinced listening to this.

Exposing the dark heart of politics where morality has been swept away with the brush of business, Martin Williams has done an epic job of proportions revealing how intertwined the British government is with lobbyists, expenses scandals, external business interests with many even relating to human rights abuses. I would definitely want to hear an updated version reflecting the current government in power.

Bravo to Williams - an extremely important read for this generation.
Seven Samurai (1954)
Seven Samurai (1954)
1954 | Action, Adventure, Drama
7.7 (19 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I thought this movie was mind-blowing. It’s a western and a morality play. It was everything. And of course [Toshiro] Mifune was so unbelievable. That impressed me for my whole childhood. It’s black and white but I remember it in color, which is weird. There’s another film — the Japanese films had a big effect on me. There’s a movie called Mishima, and this was about a suicide in Tokyo. Some movies are inextricably bound to a kind of era of expression and that’s another one from that same era."

The Passengers
The Passengers
John Marrs | 2019 | Contemporary, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller
9.4 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
This novel is in every way original, thrilling and compelling. The issues of morality, ethics, politics and self-interest come across clearly and are thought about long after the book has been read. The fact that this novel can accomplish all that while delivering a truly interesting and plausible concept in a page turner is nothing short of genius. While the character development may be a little one dimensional and the writing stilted and trite at times the plot propels this story forward much like an uncontrollable self-driving car.

James Marsters recommended Blade Runner (1982) in Movies (curated)

Blade Runner (1982)
Blade Runner (1982)
1982 | Sci-Fi
8.5 (75 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Of course taken from Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Philip K. Dick, a short story, and like a lot of his books, it paints a world where technology has vastly outstripped our morality. We can create artificial beings that are every bit as human as we are, to any measurement, and yet we still treat them like a machine. What does that say about how human we are? I think in the age of cloning and bio-medicine that is exploding right now, with every month, it seems there is some new problem that is jeopardising our morality as human beings. It just seems like we should be very careful in the next hundred years. Philip’s very clever in saying this is what is going to happen, if we’re not careful. I also think it’s the best noir that doesn’t have to have gumshoes ever. He’s successfully made a noir in a new setting. One of my favourite things is the flying blimp with the picture of the Asian lady taking the pill in close-up. How perfect is that? We’re seeing those commercials now, where they say the side-effects maybe your hair falling out and so on. How they talked to Coca-Cola about the product placing on that building, I’ll never know. "


Hari Nef recommended Fish Tank (2010) in Movies (curated)

Fish Tank (2010)
Fish Tank (2010)
2010 | International, Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Andrea Arnold’s films in general, and particularly this one, just feel so real. They gaze at women living on the outskirts of society, behaving outside conventional morality, without seeming sensational. The way the camera follows its protagonist in this film is so gentle and so unlike the cinematography in films with similar subject matter that are trying to give a piercing revelation of what it’s like for women in desperate circumstances. In Arnold’s film, no matter how deep into the pits we go, I never feel like I’m watching poverty porn. I feel like I’m watching flawed characters play themselves out to their logical conclusion."

Architecture & Morality by Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark
Architecture & Morality by Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark
1981 | Pop
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"There are certain bands that are hard to talk about, OMD, Simple Minds, where their earlier records were just phenomenal, and later on they made records that were too commercial and not quite as strong as their earlier ones. The first OMD album, Dazzle Ships and Architecture & Morality were flawless. They were beautiful, experimental, inspiring records, then a few years on they were making music for John Hughes movies, and they were good at it and I'm glad that they had success with it, but it wasn't nearly as creatively inspiring as the first three records. Architecture & Morality, I mean it's not hard to overdo the hyperbole, but it's a perfect album, so cohesive, and every song perfectly speaks to the other song, the unapologetic emotional quality of it is really inspiring. Even the artwork by Peter Saville, everything about it is perfectly crafted. One of my very odd musical moments was years ago when I was at South By South West in Austin and OMD were doing a reunion show at a BBQ at three in the afternoon, and they asked me to play bass with them. I found myself playing bass with OMD on 'Enola Gay' at a BBQ at three in the afternoon in Texas. It was one of those moments where you told me that actually I'd just done way too much mescaline and I was currently lying on a bed somewhere and making up the whole thing, I'd believe you. It's a shame that a lot of people came to know of OMD through the last couple of records that were more commercial. It's like Simple Minds, the first five albums are amazing, and then they became a stadium rock band. Now you mention Simple Minds and people think about 'Alive And Kicking' and 'Don't You Forget About Me' which aren't terrible songs, but the earlier stuff was experimental and textural and weird. Maybe someone sees OMD on this list and immediately thinks of a John Hughes movie, maybe they'll be inspired to back and listen to Architecture & Morality."
