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Courting Light
Courting Light
A. Zukowski | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
great for LGBT and young adult fans
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Josie volunteers to help at a summer camp for disabled children. But it's the camp leader, Sam, who draws Josie like a moth to a flame.

Something must have piqued my interest with this one because it came with a young adult tag and I said yes, I would read it. And I did like! Not love but I liked it.

Josie, by her own admission, only at camp to have something else on her CV other than school. Paired with Lucian, an autistic teenager, she learns a lot about herself and her life; and that of those around her.

The draw to Sam, the camp leader, is instant and powerful, and Sam fights it a long time before they finally give into each other.

At the end of camp, though, Josie is in for a surprise, as were we! And I did like the ending. From what Josie was saying, about what she thought in years to come, I really wasn't sure which way it was gonna go!

BUT only Josie has a say and ya'll know what I think about that! AND it IS young adult, very much so. What Josie does say, is well written and well delivered. I quite liked Josie!

It's a lovely, easy read, great for young adult fans, and for LGBT fans alike. Just maybe not one for me.

3 good solid stars.

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

Merissa (11731 KP) rated The List (Second Chances #1) in Books

Jun 15, 2021 (Updated Jul 18, 2023)  
The List (Second Chances #1)
The List (Second Chances #1)
Felice Stevens | 2021 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
THE LIST is the first book in the Second Chances series and in this introduction, we are treated to Elliot and Win. Elliot is a diehard romantic homebody who just wants to be loved. Win is afraid of love, having lost his husband to an RTA, but there is something about Elliot that draws him in like a moth to a flame.

I loved Elliot and Win. Both of them have been through so much and I really wanted them to be happy - with each other, of course! They both have tragedies in their pasts and show how different people react. I thought this was incredibly sensitively written, and I loved every word.

What I didn't love are Spencer's friends. I'm sorry, I know I should like them, but I don't. Chess is the nicest one and even he is hiding a secret. Spencer is completely annoying and I want to slap him upside the head with every scene he is in. And Wolf!!! As a lawyer, what the hell was he thinking, going off half-cocked like that? I look forward to reading their stories and having Ms Stevens change my opinion of them.

This is the start of a new series and I am already hooked. Elliot and Win stole my heart, and I hope to hear more from them in the future. Highly recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 15, 2021
Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House
Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House
Michael Wolff | 2018 | History & Politics
5.8 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sensationalist yet frighteningly alluring
You're a moth to a flame reading this rather alarmingly captivating book by journalist Michael Wolff. At times you question which are facts and which are fiction thanks to a bombardment of fake news by the Trump administration. And while Fire and Fury does sound satirical due to the surreal nature of the entire book, much of it can be sadly backed up by what we have seen.

Wolff seeks to fill in the gaps between the various tweets and public appearances made by the U.S. president during the last 13 months, the rash decisions and the thinking behind the bizarre rants. But more than anything, this book seems to explain the Trump brand, and everyone who has become a prime role in marketing it, especially Trump's ex-right hand man Steve Bannon and his family Ivanka and husband Jared Kushner. Their position is explained to be the 'puppet masters', in which unlike any other U.S. government - policies are dictated and "trickled upwards".

In this, Trump is described as 'post-literate', unable to read or concentrate on anything that doesn't interest him, petulant like a child, and disturbingly vacuous. This is less shocking than expected. However, the claims made in the book range from covert connections with the Russians ahead of the elections in great detail, to 'allowing' former head of the FBI, James Comey, to stay in power so that would did not investigate internal affairs - allegedly confirmed by Bannon.

Other less explosive statements include Trump's inner circle reportedly saying how ridiculously stupid he is, which he has recently refuted by saying he is a "stable genius". Overall, an incredibly readable book mostly corroborating what liberals and non-Trump supporters believe.
That's My Ethan
That's My Ethan
Tarian P.S. | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
really REALLY enjoyed this!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Damir met Ethan at a college coffee and was SMITTEN. It's the only word to describe how he felt about Ethan. And this is their story: the true story of love at first sight.

I liked this one! I LIKED it a LOT!!!

Damir is in a frat house, and is, by his own admission, a bit of a man-whore. Ethan is. . . not. And like a moth to a flame, Ethan pulls Damir in, and keeps him close by throwing that 6 months wait time him! Loved that! Loved that it was ETHAN who called time, so close to the end and finally gave in!

But what I particularly liked about this one, was the development of the D/s relationship between Damir and Ethan. That Damir didn't know he was a Dom till his friend, Lance, pointed it out. That Ethan didn't know what he needed, til Damir gave it to him.

I loved that Lance taught Damir how to wield a flogger correctly, how to restrain and how to push Ethan way more than Damir could have on his own. All too often, these books have experienced Dom and newbie subs, and we don't get HOW the Doms are taught.

While I am aware this is based around a true story, I didn't read it as such.

It is written in the first person, from both Damir and Ethan's point of view, and there are a lot of flipping from one to the other inside of the chapters, sometimes from page to page BUT each change is clearly headed. So you know who is talking to you.

First I've read of this author, I'd like to read more!

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Start With This
Start With This
Books, Education
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
Start with this is a podcast by the creators of ‘Welcome to Nightvale, Jeffery Cranor & Joseph Fink. Each episode is on a chosen topic to help with either writing stories or recording podcasts. Each episode is split into two parts; in part one the hosts talk about the subject, giving the listener information how the subject would work and then, in the second half they set out two tasks, the first takes the form of reading material or audio which uses the episodes subject and then the second task is use the subject in a short piece of written/audio work. The listeners can then post their work on the Start With This site ( although this is a patron page with a $5 moth charge to use. As well as the web site there is a Facebook page.
As the hosts write record and produce ‘Welcome to Nightvale’ as well as other shows they have experience in the subject matter and use that experience in the show. You can also tell that they are used to working together as the show flows well as they talk.
I have only recently found this podcast and only listen to a few episodes but I have found it entertaining and useful. Each episode is only about half an hour long so the listener is not bogged down with too much information and all the assignments seem easy enough (if you choose to do them) but the show doesn’t get tied up with the listener taking part meaning it is ok and useful if you only want to listen to the show. I use Stitcher to listen to podcasts and all the back episodes are still currently available
Chloe (2010)
Chloe (2010)
2010 | Drama, Mystery
4.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Decent Beginning Then All Downhill
A woman struggling in her marriage hires a call girl to come on to her husband to see if he will cheat. If Chloe sounds like a recipe for disaster in real life, just wait until I dive into the movie! It’s not a complete failure, but it fails enough for me to highly recommend avoiding it.

Acting: 9

Beginning: 7
All the players are introduced in the first ten minutes doing their respective jobs. You can tell the movie will be shrouded in a bit of mystery. I didn’t hate the way it started, but I was looking for a bit more originality.

Characters: 10
Chloe (Amanda Seyfried) is an intriguing character in and of herself. I was drawn to her and I couldn’t figure out why. Is she crazy? Misunderstood? Is she making everything up? What the hell is with this woman? The other characters are merely a moth to her flame. It’s not to say I didn’t like them, but they would fall flat without Chloe at the helm.

Cinematography/Visuals: 9
As you’re watching this movie, you definitely get the erotic thriller feel which I think is exactly what director Atom Egoyan is going for. There are certain scenes that seem to jump off the screen with sensuality and intrigue. It keeps your eyes rooted to the screen while little details are shot to keep you guessing.

Conflict: 7

Entertainment Value: 7

Memorability: 6

Pace: 6

Plot: 3
Remember my description in the opening paragraph? Yeah, it somehow manages to get even dumber than that. It’s a shame because I think the movie definitely could have been redeemed with a slightly better storyline.

Resolution: 5

Overall: 69
Going back over my notes for Chloe, I notice I have a lot of whats, whys, and hows. That’s usually not a good sign. Few loops were closed here which is a burden for a viewer already sitting through a wandering story. Close, but no cigar.
The Secret of Pembrooke Park
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Mystery, murder, treasure and romance. All of which can be found in Julie Klassen’s most recent book, The Secret of Pembrooke Park. This book will have you turning pages until the wee hours of morning.

England, 1817, Abigail Foster and her family are in the midst of a financial crisis that could ruin them forever, when an offer to let Pembrooke Park is brought before them. The house has been vacant for almost 20 years, and there is a lot of clean up needed before they can move in, but the terms seem too good to be true. This is just the opportunity the Foster’s need so they can begin to rebuild their lives. Abigail and her father travel to the village of Caldwell to begin fixing up the property. It is not long before whispers and rumors make it to Abigail’s ears regarding the previous inhabitants. Whispers of treasure and murder and ghosts. What happened here so many years ago? Will Abigail be able to uncover the truth? Clues are found and mysterious letters are sent to Abigail from what appears to be someone who lived at Pembrooke Park. Does the miniature doll’s house hold the key to where the treasure was hidden? Abigail befriends the previous steward’s daughter, Leah Chapman, who has her own mysteries of the past that she is concealing. William Chapman, Leah’s sister and the local pastor, seems to become interested in Abigail, but will Miss Foster’s sister, Louisa sweep him off his feet as she does to every man she meets? And Mr. Chapman is not the only man that has taken an interest in Abigail. Truth, faith and love are the primary factors guiding our players. “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt.”

I have not enjoyed a book so much as I enjoyed reading The Secret of Pembrooke Park. I stayed up late many a night reading when I should have been sleeping. Most definitely a page turner if I ever read one. I cannot praise Mrs. Klassen enough for her fine works. The historical accuracy, the depth, the feeling. Creative liberties are used in regards to classes intermingling, but that’s what makes her books so intriguing. The suspense and mystery was mild (compared to the thrillers my husband reads), but it was enough to make my head turn at the sounds of my own house creaking in the night. I am looking forward to her next release. I told my husband that I want the rest of Julie Klassen’s books for Christmas this year!

As a part of their blogger review program, I received a free copy of The Secret of Pembrooke Park from Bethany House Publishers. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Lost In Translation (2003)
Lost In Translation (2003)
2003 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
Solid Film
When a famous actor hops over to Tokyo to shoot a commercial, he meets a young woman that fills an empty void in his life.

Acting: 10

Beginning: 10
My son hates dramas and rightfully so as he's a thirteen-year-old boy. He wants to see things blowing up and people getting thrown through walls. Yet somehow, the first ten minutes of Lost In Translation sucked him in as much as it did me prompting him to watch the whole thing. From the time he touches down in Tokyo, Bob Harris (Bill Murray) sucks you in and holds on to your attention for dear life. You're anxious to see what this man is going to do next.

Characters: 10
Staying on Bob for a moment, his character made the film. His dry sense of humor and pure disinterest in everything going on around him is so sincere and captured just perfectly. He's torn between his sense of duty with work and family, so much so that he's almost forgotten how to enjoy life. When Charlotte (Scarlett Johansson) comes along, everything changes for him. Charlotte is innocent and sweet and is somehow drawn to Bob like a moth to a flame. Like most "opposites attract" relationships, the two fit extremely well together and add a sense of appeal to the film. Watching them both interact with the Japanese people and try to bridge cultural and language gaps was easy comedy that works everytime.

Cinematography/Visuals: 10

Conflict: 7

Genre: 10

Memorability: 9
There are a number of memorable scenes that stick out in my head with a couple of favorites I keep replaying. The first is where he's trying to shoot his commercial. The director is trying to relay something to Bob in Japanese which a translator is telling Bob in English. The scene is only five minutes long and had me cracking up from start to finish. In my other favorite scene, Bob has a run-in in his hotel room with a Japanese prostitute. Again, the language disparity makes the entire interaction one hilarious situation.

Outside of memorable scenes, Lost In Translation gives you a pause for introspection and contemplative thought. Oftentimes we wander aimlessly through the relationships in our lives...but what do they really mean? What are relationships without happiness or closeness? What is the real meaning of a connection?

Pace: 9

Plot: 10
Had this film's story taken place in North America somewhere, it wouldn't have been nearly as impactful. With the setting in Japan, it throws a monkey-wrench into a plot that could have been extremely simple and makes it way more intriguing. Are Bob and Charlotte truly falling for each other or are they just connecting because they are lonely and so far from home? Definite food for thought.

Resolution: 8
Ah, the famous ending of Lost In Translation. What did she say? What does it all mean? How does the story end anyway? The ending, while it does leave you hanging, is an intriguing one for sure. I understand the ambiguity and I don't love it, but I'm ok with it.

Overall: 92
Bill Murray is like the Marvel Cinematic Universe...on steroids. They have been putting out hits for a decade now. Murray has been starring in classics for decades. This film is another notch on his belt. Loved it!
The Commuter (2018)
The Commuter (2018)
2018 | Crime, Drama, Mystery
“This train is freaking me out”.
“The Commuter” is not a good film. You know that I’m not a prude about action films: “Die Hard” is one of my all time favourites and I even gave this actor/director combo’s previous outing – “Non-Stop” – a rather generous three Fads. But like many of my commutes, this is a hundred minutes of life that I won’t get back again.
Liam Neeson (“A Monster Calls“, “Taken 3“) plays Michael MacCauley an insurance salesman (no, I’m not making it up) who of course used to be a police officer with a certain set of skills. With advancing years, a couple of mortgages to keep up and a son about to go to college, he is financially rather exposed.

“Give me a sausage roll off the trolley…. NOW damn it”.
When a bad day turns worse, the commuting MacCauley is approached by a mysterious woman (Vera Farmiga, “The Judge“, “Up In The Air”) who offers him a financial bail-out for doing “just one small thing”. No, it’s not for sex in the toilet… it’s to use his familiarity with the train and its normal passengers to find the person that ‘doesn’t fit there’. For there is a lot at stake and MacCauley is drawn into a perilous game where his own life and the lives of his son and wife Karen (Elizabeth McGovern, “Downton Abbey”) are put at risk.

Vera Farmiga has a proposition for Liam Neeson.
What the inexperienced writers (Byron Willinger, Philip de Blasi and Ryan Engle (“Non-stop”)) were clearly shooting for was a Hitchcockian “ordinary man in deep-water” style flick of the James Stewart “North by Northwest” variety…. but they really miss this by a mile. With the 65 year old Liam Neeson – here playing 60 – performing acrobatics on, under and across an express train, belief is not just suspended – it is hung drawn and quartered! The action is just ludicrously unrealistic.
Unfortunately, Neeson – although still looking remarkably good for his advanced years – is increasingly is starting to look like Roger Moore in “A View to a Kill”: its time to hang up the ‘action hero’ coat and focus on more character acting pieces (this was the man who gave us Oskar Schindler after all).

A chain defies all the laws of physics… train guard Colin McFarlane tries to help Neeson avoid disaster. A green screen is obviously not evident!
The plot also has more holes than a moth-eaten jumper. Omnipotence of the villains is evident, but never explained, and while they are fiendishly clever in some aspects they are face-palmingly stupid about others. (No spoilers, but the threat to MacCauley’s family is mind-numbingly foilable).

It was fairly obvious that Obi Wan Kenobi was out of place on the train. No.. of course not… this was just MacCauley’s commuting pal Walt (Jonathan Banks)
A ‘major event’ at the end of reel two (if you’ve seen the spoilerish trailer you’ll know what this is) leads – notably without any ‘consequence’ – into a completely ridiculous final reel that beggars belief. It also includes a “twist” so obvious that the writers must have assumed an IQ of sub-50.

What’s the great Sam Neill (“Jurassic Park”) doing in this mess?
This is a film that melds “Taken”, “Non-stop”, “Unstoppable”, “Strangers on a Train” and – most bizarrely and cringe-worthily – “Spartacus” to create a cinematic mess of supreme proportions. I put director Jaume Collet-Serra’s last film – “The Shallows” – into my Top 10 films of 2016. He’ll be lucky if this one doesn’t make my “Turkeys of the Year” list for 2018.