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Live in Dublin by Christy Moore
Live in Dublin by Christy Moore
1978 | World
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Christy Moore is one of my mum’s favourite artists and I listened to this so much growing up. He had a record, Live at the Point, which we would always listen to on journeys around Ireland and Irish music was the first music I experienced live. My mum was born in Dublin, we would go to Galway and go in taverns all the time and it soundtracked my childhood. “I just recently fell in love and ‘Black is the Colour’ was the song that I really liked and listening to it recently I felt like I was like inside romance. I was like, ‘Ah, I’m so in love right now’ [laughs]. I’ve been quite starved of romance for a really long time and I felt I was in it. I was ‘God, this is so romantic and this is just kind of fucking insane’. I’d forgotten the importance of it and how much I wanted it, so that’s why I put the song in here. “If you get the Live at the Point version, at the beginning he says that he’d heard this beautiful song by this guy and at the end he’s ‘gimme that song!’ He wants it and I love that, that’s so cute - that’s what this is about, it’s sharing stories. Christy Moore heard this guy sing this beautiful song and he’s ‘Come on, give it to me, I want to play that tune, I want people to feel that way’ and how beautiful is that? “I’m Irish, so folk is my origin, sharing songs, telling stories and someone else passing on that story. I’ve been really looking into folklore in the past year, that’s one of the reasons that I really wanted to go to Ireland because I was ‘I need to find a record that’s related to this, this is my culture and this is where I grew up.’ As a kid I played the tin whistle and the Bodhrán. I was winning trophies for Irish dancing, I spent my holidays there and I went around playing in fucking fields with cows. And yeah, I’ve been researching fairies and mythology, I love it so much. “There’s so much ancient, beautiful, really respected and protected traditional stuff in Ireland. The traditional aspect can be so cool, there’s so many amazing musicians that just go down to the pub and play and it’s like breathing to them. I stayed in this little hotel with eight rooms in a town called Kilkee, it was in a bay, it was so cute and there was a family playing music in the pub. There was an eight year old boy just staring off, he was playing the accordion and it was so natural - just a bored eight year old that is a fucking genius and has no idea. And then if someone sang an old traditional song a cappella, everyone in the pub would go silent. It was like a movie or something."

    DJ Rig

    DJ Rig

    Music and Entertainment

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    Ear Trainer

    Ear Trainer

    Music and Education

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    Ear Trainer is an educational tool designed for musicians, music students and anyone interested in...

Dirt Road
Dirt Road
James Kelman | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Kelman's best novel yet. Gets to the heart of human emotion. (0 more)
Nothing (0 more)
Kelman is an expert in understanding people
Kelman’s new novel Dirt Road is story that takes both characters and reader on a journey right from the outset, but the journey is more than it seems. The novel begins in the West coast of Scotland where we learn that Murdo - a sixteen-year-old boy - and his father Tom are mourning the death of their mother/wife and sister/daughter. Searching for solace, they embark on a journey to Alabama, U.S.A to spend time with Uncle John and Aunt Maureen. For Murdo, family is just a happy memory, a moment in time captured in a photograph, ‘The family was four and not just him and Dad’, whilst for Tom, family is the bond that holds them together. Throughout the journey, Tom strives to guide his son and keep him on ‘the right path’, yet Murdo, as we will learn, has a path of his own to find. Stifled by the fathers influence, the boy has a tendency to stray, thus when they reach Allentown Mississippi, Murdo stumbles upon a family of musicians led by Zydeco performer Queen Monzee-ay. Murdo is as drawn to music as his father is to family, the boy himself is an accomplished accordion player, and when he is offered an opportunity to play a set with Queen Monzee-ay in two weeks’ time, we watch as the road between father and son diverges and choice and risk becomes the key plot in the story.
While this may appear a simple story line, Kelman’s exploration into the fragmented relationship between father and son gives the reader an honest analysis of family and grief. The third person narrator, with bursts of free indirect discourse from Murdo, allows the reader both an internal and external insight into the constraints of family. This parallel leaves the reader feeling uncomfortable, yet with a conflicting heart. This is Kelman’s unique writing style at its best.
Dirt Road is more than a novel of grief and family relationships though; it is a novel of risk, of following new paths with uncertainties, about leaving behind the familiarities and safety of the past and following the heart. It is about deep connections; for Murdo this is through music and the feeling of freedom that he associates with music, whilst for the other characters it is about cultural connections and Scottish ancestry. Kelman’s clever use of parallels shows the reader the intensity of human connections whilst suggesting that change and progression is possible. This great novel will linger in your thoughts for weeks after you put it down, and it brings to mind a poem by Robert Frost, The Road Not Taken
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

For the full poem visit (

Dirt Road by James Kelman
Canongate Books (14 July 2016)
The Bipolar Addict
The Bipolar Addict
Conor Bezane | 2019 | Education, Fiction & Poetry, Reference
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Very informative!
Rating: ☆☆☆☆.5

I received a copy to read and review from Smith Publicity for my honest opinion.

TRIGGER WARNINGS: Drug abuse, alcohol abuse, suicide attempts, bullying, sexual abuse.

The Bipolar Addict is broken up into three parts: Part 1 - Conor's Story, Part 2 - Interviews of others who battle with Manic Depression and Bipolar disorder, and Part 3 - Talking of Recovery, getting help, and that sober is the new cool.

Part 1 follows the hardships Conor endured growing up. Bullying which eventually lead to alcohol abuse and then later drug abuse as he grew older. During this time, he also attempted suicide a few times. Conor was then diagnosed with Bipolar disorder, manic depression, and anxiety. Mix all that with alcohol and drug abuse and his body was struggling.

As I read, I was enthralled in the world of what Bipolar disorder really is. I was also blown away with the writing style. The Bipolar Addict is a debut novel by Conor Bezane and he definitely has a way of grabbing your attention and holding it instantly. A first time author, Conor has taken his life and spun it into a tale of struggles, sacrifice, and recovery that will tear the readers heart out, rip it into pieces, and then piece it back together, little by little.

Part 2 was just as interesting as part 1. You learn about a few others who used and through some rough patches like Conor. Part 3 was more informative compared to parts 1 and 2, talking about sober being the new cool and that it's healthy. The book ends with links and information on different helpful groups in the chance that you need to seek help for yourself.

"We are punks. We are poets. Musicians and artists. Professionals and intellectuals. We are drunk. High. Manic. Depressed. We almost died. And now we are stable and sober."

Reasons why I rated it 4.5 stars:
1. The plot:
There really wasn't much of a plot as this was a memoir/ self-help book. But the way Conor wrote, captivated my attention through and through.

2. My enjoyment:
I surprisingly was really interested in the entirety of this book. I couldn't put it down as Conor captivated me, not only in his writing but also the way he was able to take his life and spin it into a tale that read like he was a friend having a conversation.

3. Character and story development:
Again, this was a memoir/ self-help book, so there wasn't much development as it wasn't needed.

4. Grammar and spelling:
I did notice a few grammatical and spelling errors but for this being a debut, I really didn't mind.

5. The overall story:
The way that Conor wrote, you could feel the pain, loss, and loneliness. The lows of depression and the highs of mania. It was all otherworldly and from someone who has balanced depression and anxiety the majority of my life, I felt the painful and roller coaster of a life that Conor lived. This was definitely worth the read and was highly informative.

"Keep coming back."
Get On Up (2014)
Get On Up (2014)
2014 | Drama
5.0 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Thoughts on Get on Up
Characters – James Brown is one of the most influential musicians of the last century, there is no doubt what he did will live on forever. We get to see how James started with nothing, in an abusive childhood with no education, before learning to take the chances thrown his way, trying to make a difference to the world in the spotlight, even if he doesn’t always keep the crowd around him, not always as loyal as he should be. This doesn’t make James look like the most integral person behind the spotlight. Bobby Byrd is the man that gave James a chance to get out of prison, to start something with his singing in gospel, he will stand by James through all the troubles he faces, the bands he goes through, knowing James is the main talent and just being part of this would make him remembered. Ben Bart makes everything happen for James, he tries to help him navigate difficult moments in history, but will help him make the right choices which sees the friendship grow as the success does. Susie is the mother of James, she is forced to leave because of her partner and once he becomes famous wants to come back into his life, while James isn’t willing to let this happen.
Performances – Chadwick Boseman is fantastic in the leading role, he shows that his biopic man, he can bring James Brown to life on stage and in his personal life with ease. Nelsan Ellis is great in his role, showing us that he could provide excellent supporting performances in the film. Dan Aykroyd is strong too, with Viola Davis making a big impact in her scenes in the film.
Story – The story here follows the life of James Brown, from his poverty like childhood, to his international success in the music industry, we see his ideas on wanting to make a change and just what it will do to the people that helped him get to the top. One of the biggest weaknesses in the film here comes from the early time jumps, we are constantly jumping between moments, which doesn’t help the story telling process. This story also doesn’t paint James as a nice person away from the spotlight, even if he was always trying to achieve something more from his career. The story does try to ram too much into the film, which does make it hard to understand each moment of his life.
Biopic/Music – This does show a lot of his life, it doesn’t help us get invested in just how much of an impact each moment was. The music can’t be questioned with his hits playing through the film with every beat we know.
Settings – The film creates some of the biggest stages of James career, never looking like we aren’t in the correct time period.

Scene of the Movie – The performances.
That Moment That Annoyed Me – The time jumps.
Final Thoughts – This is a by the book biopic, it has wonderful performances and the music you would expect to see, though we do cram too much in for everything to run smoothly.

Overall: By the Books Biopic.