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Searching for Sugar Man (2012)
Searching for Sugar Man (2012)
2012 | Biography, Documentary, Music
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"A superb documentary about the once little-known American singer-songwriter Sixto Rodriguez, and his huge popularity in South Africa, which starts with a rumour about him killing himself by setting fire to himself on stage. His real story then reveals itself to be very different. This film delves into mythology, how it develops, and the way we elevate musicians as beacons in culture. It’s also a film about an incredibly underrated guy, and how difficult it was to find lost stars before the internet took off. It couldn’t happen now."


Ian Anderson recommended Swingin' Machine by Mose Allison in Music (curated)

Swingin' Machine by Mose Allison
Swingin' Machine by Mose Allison
1963 | Jazz
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Many of our generation of white, British, middle-class musicians who went to art college all knew about Mose Allison from ‘Parchman Farm’ and one or two other songs in the early Sixties that had been done by British R&B bands. So I knew a little bit about him but I suppose like many people, assumed he was a black guy. He turned out to be a Mississippi white guy with pasty legs and an obvious understanding of jazz and its traditions. He did most of his work in a piano trio with a bass player and a drummer, and he sang in this very laconic and down-home way. I wouldn’t say his songs never touched on romantic lyrics but they were often about stuff. About real life – that’s what gave him credibility and a high level of authenticity, because you knew this wasn’t a guy making it up, this was a guy who had lived the things he sang about. I, like many people of my generation, was struck by his work. The Who recorded at least one of his songs. I expect today there are a few younger musicians who will know about Mose Allison in the same way they will know about Roy Harper."

To Be Loved by Michael Bublé
To Be Loved by Michael Bublé
2013 | Pop
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
Everything (0 more)
Oh I just love this album!
Gosh I can't believe this album came out in 2013, it truly doesn't feel that long ago!!
Michael Bublé has a fantastic way of drawing you in and making you feel so many emotions through his music. He's probably one of the most humble and funny musicians in this day and age and his voice just seems to be getting better and better every day!
It's a Beautiful Day is definitely a favourite of everyone's and the duet with Reece on Something Stupid is beautiful and full of class.
A true gentleman singer!!
Three of Hearts
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This one was a very interesting story. the characters and plot kept my attention. some parts were very ehh at times but overall i enjoyed it.
I love books about musicians and I love that when Haylee got down the boys picked her back up. The sexyness between the 3 of them was amazing. The m/m parts were hott... and all 3 together were hott. I cannot wait to see what happens in the next book and see how it all goes. I love that they got their HEA and it was a very good story.
Shrek the Musical (2013)
Shrek the Musical (2013)
2013 | Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Musical
7.1 (10 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The entire performance (0 more)
Shrek-tastic fun
Found this gem whilst browsing online, I was surprised I hadn't heard of it being a fan of the franchise so was eager to give it a look.
based on the 2001 DreamWorks Animation film Shrek and featuring elements of sequels Shrek 2, Shrek Forever After and William Steig's 1990 book Shrek! This is a brilliant performance by both cast, crew and musicians with wonderful set colours & designs, really catchy musical numbers classic lines & some subtle adult jokes.

The runtime is a little over 2 hours which is more that enough to enjoy.
Some Like It Hot (1959)
Some Like It Hot (1959)
1959 | Classics, Comedy, Drama
Classic Billy Wilder comedy farce, starring Marilyn Monroe, Jack Lemmon and Tony Curtis (doing his Carey Grant impersonation), with the latter two playing down on their luck musicians who witness a mafia murder during the Prohibition Era of the 1920s and hatch a plan to escape Chicago by joining an all-girl band (enter Monroe) in drag in order to escape.

Full of sizzling one liners/repartee such as:

"Water Polo? Isn't that awfully dangerous? "
"I'll say. I had two horses drown under me..."

(I think it was 2)

and who can forger the final line of the film ("nobody's perfect")!
A Dry White Season (1989)
A Dry White Season (1989)
1989 | Drama, Mystery
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"This film made me cry real tears! It’s about the 1976 Soweto Uprising and the injustice experienced by many Black people due to corrupt police and the flawed South African governmental system. I think it’s worth listening to Miriam Makeba and Hugh Masekela whilst looking at the momentous history of apartheid, and the fact many writers and musicians had to go to into exile in fear of prosecution. Also, in Come Back, Africa (1959) by Lionel Rogosin​, Makeba makes a cameo and sings two songs in a bar. One I cherish a lot is a lullaby called “Lakutshon, Ilanga”."

This Is Spinal Tap (1984)
This Is Spinal Tap (1984)
1984 | Comedy

"I’ve played in heavy rock bands, funk bands, jazz bands, and this film captures the hilarious madness of touring life: the egos of musicians and managers, the pedantry behind getting the right things on riders, the bathos behind big epic concerts… I got lost in a labyrinth of corridors before getting to the stage once, just like Spinal Tap! This remains a tour bus favourite because of the attention to detail, particularly in the actors’ performances. I couldn’t believe it when I realised that Michael McKean from Better Call Saul was the guy who played David St Hubbins. But of course he was. He was always that good."

Shiny Beast (Bat Chain Puller) by Captain Beefheart / Captain Beefheart & The Magic Band
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"The thing about Shiny Beast is it features Beefheart having come through a very difficult period. If you look at him, he started off with The Legendary A&M Sessions doing 'Diddy Wah Diddy' and then Safe As Milk with Ry Cooder, which is a great blues album with a bit of pop to it. And then you've got Trout Mask Replica which is one of the wonders of the world, really. I love the myth of it, him locking the musicians up in the house and feeding them hallucinogens but not proper food, of them having to go to the local store to thieve food to keep body and soul together, and Beefheart taking credit for all the music when he couldn't really play and he was surrounded by these musical geniuses - so the myth of it is well deserved. They're all great records but then the Magic Band left him and he got session musicians in and it just got depressing. He wasn't a particularly nice character, he was just hell bent on making records the way he wanted them. For example, there's a story about him firing a crossbow at one of his musicians. That's why Ry Cooder left, he had to dive behind the sofa and then left not long afterwards. [Actually Ry Cooder quit in disgust after Beefheart fell off a ten foot stage at the Mount Tamalpais Festival, landing on the band's manager Bob Krasnow. The singer was on LSD and in a state of shock after seeing a girl in the audience turn into a fish with bubbles coming out of its mouth. It was the original Magic Band drummer Doug Moon who threatened Beefheart with a crossbow, unable to put up with the singer's incessant criticism. Ed] It was Mark Smith who introduced me to Beefheart and it was this album, it was 1977 and I was 16. It was an amazing album and so beautiful. 'Tropical Hot Dog Night' is one of the most beautiful songs you'll ever hear. 'The Floppy Boot Stomp' is so exciting… it just rings like a bell. It has some of the most beautiful and exciting music you'll ever hear and the musicianship is great."


Will Young recommended David Live by David Bowie in Music (curated)

David Live by David Bowie
David Live by David Bowie
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"An odd one and another charity shop purchase actually, and another one that would be played at house parties. The musicianship on it is incredible. It's not the best recorded record, and a lot of things were redubbed apparently, and not massively well reviewed from what I can gather. The first half of the tour had been Spiders From Mars and then he came back with the artwork for Young Americans and he was moving towards things all the time. It's the tour that's featured in Cracked Actor - although I hadn't seen that when I first heard the album. I remember watching him come out across the crowd on a crane on the phone and that was amazing. He's got some amazing musicians on it too, with Michael Kamen who was the MD on it, and he's a legend, so that alone was great. And the most incredible piano parts too. Apparently the story goes that there was a mutiny backstage when the management hadn't told the musicians that they were doing a live recording and would only be paying them the standard $70 fee for a performance. And so they all said that they weren't going on, and so 20 minutes before they went on they agreed to $500 and I wonder if you can hear that incentive in the performance. For some reason I really noticed the band on that record and they really stand out."
