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Biff Byford recommended Tons of Sobs by Free in Music (curated)

Tons of Sobs by Free
Tons of Sobs by Free
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"We liked Free – very bluesy, with a lot of soul. There was a time when there was this thing called Freemania, when they were the biggest thing since sliced bread. They were a bit Led Zeppelinish – brilliant musicians, and Paul Rodgers was a white guy who sounded black. They were all great at what they did. This album didn’t influence me so much, but it influenced the band the other guys were in, Sob. They named the band after this album. They were a very bluesy outfit before Paul Quinn and I joined the band and it became Son of a Bitch, then Saxon – our old band, Coast, was more proggy. So this album became part of my listening cycle."


Biff Byford recommended Disraeli Gears by Cream in Music (curated)

Disraeli Gears by Cream
Disraeli Gears by Cream
1967 | Blues, Psychedelic, Rock
8.5 (4 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"As a bass player and singer I liked Jack Bruce’s style. And then there was Clapton. Sometimes it was hard to tell who was singing what song, but this really influential on a generation of musicians, as was Jimi Hendrix – but I discovered Cream slightly before Hendrix. I liked both sides of Cream – the jamming and the songs – and Paul and l used to play music like that with jamming and long solos. I lost interest in Clapton after Cream, because I liked him best when he was playing through 1000 watts. I do like songs like ‘Layla’, because I’m a songwriter, but I didn’t follow him when he returned specifically to playing the blues. For that I preferred Gary Moore."


Vince Clarke recommended Led Zeppelin IV by Led Zeppelin in Music (curated)

Led Zeppelin IV by Led Zeppelin
Led Zeppelin IV by Led Zeppelin
1971 | Rock
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"The classic Led Zeppelin record. Again I got into that much later, 1995 or something. A guy who used to work at our studio was really into them. 'Stairway To Heaven' I knew because we used to play that at our guitar club. They were almost a precursor to The Sex Pistols, except they were better musicians, it was just very heavy rock & roll. We never had a synth club at school. What happened was when Depeche started I was playing guitar, Fletcher was playing bass and we had a drum machine. Then all these electronic bands started like Gary Numan and OMD, and we thought, ""you know what, maybe we can enter into that world instead"". Our guitar playing wasn't up to scratch, probably."



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