Leading Tones: Reflections on Music, Musicians, and the Music Industry
Leading Tones is a glimpse into several aspects of the musical world. There are portions devoted to...

Making Musicians: A Personal History of the Britten-Pears School
Moira Bennett worked at the Britten-Pears School in its hectic heyday in the 1980s. She charts its...
The History of European Jazz: The Music, Musicians and Audience in Context
The increased circulation of people and ideas within Europe is not matched by an awareness of a...

Star Turns and Cameo Appearances: Memoirs of a Life Among Musicians
Star Turns and Cameo Appearances is the entertaining and insightful memoir by veteran music critic...

Preparing for Success: A Practical Guide for Young Musicians
Pursuing a career in music is one of the most challenging and satisfying things you can do. Because...

Business Basics for Musicians: The Complete Handbook from Start to Success
There has never been a greater need for musicians to understand the music business than now, when...

Melancholic Modalities: Affect, Islam, and Turkish Classical Musicians
Today, teachers and performers of Turkish classical music intentionally cultivate melancholies,...
Arduino for Musicians: A Complete Guide to Arduino and Teensy Microcontrollers
Arduino, Teensy, and related microcontrollers provide a virtually limitless range of creative...