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Blood Shadow (Blood Never Lies 1)
Blood Shadow (Blood Never Lies 1)
Dianna Hardy | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Paranormal, Romance
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
The start of an exciting new series!!
This is the beginning of a new series from Dianna Hardy, which has it's roots in The Eye of The Storm series. You don't need to have read the series to read this book though, although you will be able to understand why the main character, Jennifer Warren, acts in the way that she does.
Five years after Jennifer has put her werewolf past behind her, she is settled in to a new life with a job, house and a boyfriend. She receives anonymous notes from time to time that warn her of things that will happen and people that she should steer clear of. There is a Supermoon coming, and she has been warned that something big is going to happen. Her past seems to be catching up with her.
Jennifer is a much more likeable character in this book than she was in the EOTS series. She is vulnerable, shy and genuinely seems to care about her boyfriend. Her flashbacks and dreams are disturbing for her (and may be disturbing for the reader to, to be honest), and we see just how devastating an effect her past has had on her.
I liked the way that certain myths were incorporated in to the story (I can't say which, it'll give the game away!!) and the backstories of other characters were very interesting.
All in all, this was a gripping story, and if it hadn't been for the fact that I had to go to work, I would have finished it in one sitting.
This is a good book for those who enjoy Urban Fantasy with a bit of romance (not as much in this story as in her previous series, though). I'm looking forward to any more that the author writes in this series - there were a few loose ends that are crying out to be followed up!
Many thanks to the author for early access to her book to review (and an honest review as well!!)
West of the Moon
West of the Moon
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
West of the Moon is a lovely tale of two sisters who, after their father travels to America from their homeland of Norway, end up in the care of their Aunt. Whist living with their Aunt the two sisters get separated when the Aunt sells the eldest sister, Astri, to the local goat herder. As we soon find out he is as cruel if not crueler than the greedy Aunt. The story basically revolves around Astri saving herself, the spinning girl who is also being held by the goat herder, then rescuing her younger sister Greta and embarking on a journey to America to find their father.

Whilst I can see why many people are enjoying this book, and I will point out that I read an ARC proof so there may still be slight changes to be made, I just wasn’t fond of the writing style for the most part. This was such a small book compared to what I normally read but I just didn’t feel drawn to read it. Additionally, Astri, the main character uses folk tales and myths to deal with the situations around her and as a coping mechanism. Which I just found long winded and at times confusing. I would have preferred a childlike musing of the situations much like in [b:Room|7937843|Room|Emma Donoghue||9585076] by Emma Donoghue, than a child using stories to describe how she feels.

This just wasn’t for me personally and I understand it is aimed at younger readers but I don’t honestly think it would have been my thing even when I was younger. The last section of the book was much better as the folk tale inclusion was minimal and I finally felt like I got to understand Astri’s real feelings about everything that had and was happening to her. I wish it had all been written like this.