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"As a young girl growing up in northern Michigan, Estes felt most at home in the woods where she often heard wolves howling. Instead of scaring her, the animals’ cries comforted her in a way she was later able to express in this book. Wolves and women share many qualities: playfulness, strength, curiosity, bravery, they are adaptive, and each care deeply for their young. But both wolves and women have suffered a similar fate of being hounded, harassed, exhausted, marginalized, accused of being devious and of little value. How does one reconnect with our deepest, most true selves when today’s world demands us to conform to ridiculous expectations? Estes retells ancient myths and fairy tales from around the world and in doing so shines a light on a path which leads us back to our natural state — and help us restore the power we carry within us."


Jack Reynor recommended Kwaidan (1964) in Movies (curated)

Kwaidan (1964)
Kwaidan (1964)
1964 | Drama, Fantasy, Horror
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Kwaidan is a film like no other. Adapted from Japanese legends and myths that were collected by Irish author Lafcadio Hearn, the film is an anthology of four ghost stories. The superstitiousness of Irish culture clearly influenced Hearn’s recording of these tales, and to see these stories adapted again by a Japanese artist is fascinating. I think Kobayashi poured his soul into this project. Kwaidan, in every way, bleeds Japanese culture and identity: not a loud and obnoxious nationalistic pride, but a thoughtful and considered love and respect for its heritage. Toru Takemitsu provides an austere and haunting score using traditional Japanese instruments and warped sound effects. The majority of the film is shot on a soundstage and features strikingly, often eerily painted backdrops. This was Kobayashi’s first color project, and cinematographer Yoshio Miyajima uses light, a 2:35:1 aspect ratio, and refined camera movement to astonishing effect."

Death Do Us Part
Death Do Us Part
Miranda Grant | 2021 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Arienna is a wayward brownie that wants to have love and sex and lots of it. She has had her heartbroken too many times especially when her ex marries her mother!! She gets drunk then wakes up in a fairy prison with her best friend can she form an alliance to help the fairies bring peace to the kingdoms or will she be executed for her sins?

I really enjoy Miranda Grant's writing and stories I have read the fairy-tale of the myths series. This book has a lot more sex and steamy scenes and a lot more graphic violence then the others I have read but there are also a lot of other emotions involved and you can feel them with the way she writes. She is a fantastic author with a fantastic imagination and I cannot wait to read more from her.

Well done Miranda 4/5 stars
Broken Luna ( Broken Trilogy 1)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
124 of 235
Broken Luna ( Broken Trilogy 1)
By Paulina Vasquez

Do you believe in Myths? Just when she thinks it can't get any worse, it does. Lucy lost everything four years ago in a rogue attack. She's been abused, starved, rejected, and broken. As her eighteenth birthday approaches, strange things start to happen, things that only happen once every century. She finds friendship in the most unlikely place and escapes to find her true self with the help of the most dangerous Alpha.

I enjoyed this it was a really good read I wanted to go up to 4 ⭐️ but somethings were niggling at me like the communication between them and their Wolf it was a bit dumbed down in places, also felt it was quite rushed in a few places. But it was good and I read it with 24 hours.
Cúchulainn & The Crow Queen
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating

I'm not really sure how this fits into the categories I have set up on my Goodreads account.

This is a re-telling of the stories of 'The Hound of Ulster', of Cuchulainn, from his birth through to the cattle raid of Ulster and his final death at the hands of the Morrigu, the Crow Queen.

It's also a straight re-telling, which is both its strong point (there's no trying to fit modern sensibilities / political statements into it) and it's weak point (these stories were originally intended to be told orally).

I have to say, I did find that most of the chapters didn't really 'flow' into each other; that there was no connection to the stories other than (occasionally) having Setanta (Cuchulainn's real name) himself appear in them every so often: for my money, Neil Gaiman's Norse Myths is a better retelling of stories that have helped shape modern society.

(Oh, and in the end, I opted for shelving this as Educational)