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Diablo III : Rise Of The Necromancer


Crypt Of The NecroDancer : Launch Trailer

Diablo III : Rise Of The Necromancer
Diablo III : Rise Of The Necromancer
2017 | Role-Playing
New class is fun to play (1 more)
Addictive as always
No new story (0 more)
Pulled me back in
In between other things, I've been sneaking in some Necromancer leveling. Definitely having a lot of fun with this class.
Again, Diablo has its way and hours disappear with each corpse explosion.
I would have liked new storylines set just for necromancer since the class was brought recently. A mini story, something we didn't see with in first run through of the story would have been nice.
All and all, still fun to play.

Merissa (11726 KP) created a post

Oct 13, 2020  
A Knight, a Priestess and a Necromancer set off on a quest... What could go wrong?

Orestin's Own by L. Alyssa Austin - @Archaeolibrary, @hotchoc84, #Dark, #Fantasy, 4 out of 5 (very good)

Madmandi3 (3 KP) rated Legacies in TV

Jan 3, 2019 (Updated Jan 3, 2019)  
2018 | Action, Drama, Romance
This is a new TV series that I stumbled across but I have been engrossed from the first episode. I find myself eagerly awaiting the next episode. (0 more)
Contains spoilers, click to show
Set in a school in a house that was donated by the characters from The Originals. Witches, vampires and werewolves are the main characters but new species are appearing like dragons and a necromancer!! Dealing with supernatural mysteries and normal teenage antics.
The Necromancer's Apprentice
The Necromancer's Apprentice
Icy Sedgwick | 2014 | Children, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
5.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is not a Harry Potter copy (just so's you know!)
I liked this little book (it’s very short), and can’t help but think that it’s all set up to be the start of at least another book! But perhaps not!
Jyximus Faire is a student at the magical academy, and gets caught reading what he shouldn’t be. Instead of being expelled, he is given over to the city’s Necromancer to become her assistant.
I thought this was going to end up a copy of Hogwarts, but it’s not. It’s very much it’s own story, and the characters are not copies of any other books characters. The Necromancer is a woman who doesn’t stand for any nonsense, and I quite liked her. Her Wolfkin servants are the strong silent type, and Jyximus is a very curious boy who wants to run before he can walk!
A great little story ideal for children as well as adults. I think my 11 year old would have loved this as much as I did!
Diablo III : Rise Of The Necromancer
Diablo III : Rise Of The Necromancer
2017 | Role-Playing
One superb, fun-packed class to play (3 more)
Revitalises campaign and adventure modes
Diablo 3 remains stupidly addictive
More great animation and art design
No new campaign content (1 more)
More for existing fans than noobs
Think you’re tired of Diablo III? Rise of the Necromancer will soon change that. The revamped corpse-raiser is a blast to play and a smashing way to revitalise both the campaign and Adventure Mode.
Critic- TrustedReviews
Original Score: 4 out of 5

Read Review:
Cursed (Beholder, #1)
Cursed (Beholder, #1)
Christina Bauer | 2016 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.

This is not my normal read as lately I have been hitting the erotica/contemporary romance hard. However, it had to do with necromancy and that is something I simply cannot pass up. Necromancy is something I am highly interested not only because it is rarely written about (compared to vampires, shifters, etc.), but also because rarely is the hero/heroine ever the necromancer. Usually the necromancer is the villain/antagonist.

This story was refreshing, like a breath of fresh air from what I have been reading. Elea is such a powerful character, both in magic and personality. I could definitely get behind her and her ideals. The author’s created world was also fascinating. I felt she not only created a marvelous world but also did a good job at explaining it. Sometimes in fantasy novels, I get lost concerning the author’s created mythology, but I wasn’t with this novel.

It definitely has a young adult feel to it though. Regardless, I loved it and can’t wait to read more. If you are a fan of strong heroines with interesting magic, and a fascinating world beyond imagination, then you may enjoy this novel. Not to mention the young love that spurs main characters. I am all for young, dewy eyed love…

Charlotte (184 KP) rated Orestin's Own in Books

Oct 21, 2020  
Orestin's Own
Orestin's Own
L. Alyssa Austin | 2020 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Knight, a Priestess and a Necromancer set off on a quest......

What could go wrong? Enough to break my heart to be fair. Not bad to say I wasn't sure I'd be able to read Orestin's Own at all. I'm not normally a reader of things written in a medieval time period but I'm so glad I read this.

I love the way the characters grow, how they each become more than you'd expect.
    Caelesta, the Priestess, is by all accounts still a child in her mid-teens, full of hope and naivety. She's the one I think I feel for the most. She is sent out into a world that even an experienced adult would be hard pushed to find their way through......She does what is needed but the cost is high.
    Solarys, the Knight, is a wary warrior. He's seen and done things that nobody should have to but still he does his duty to protect his people and honour his God.
    Melèbrand, the Necromancer, for all the evil he has done, has a weakness where caelesta is's almost bittersweet.

I would love an epilogue to help fully close the book so to speak......unless L. Alyssa Austin is going to treat us to a follow up?

Orestin's Own is a solid 4 out of 5 for me. The right level of detail, good characters and good continuity, no random jumps that make you wonder what's happening.
Cursed (Beholder, #1)
Cursed (Beholder, #1)
Christina Bauer | 2016 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Christine Bauer takes you to a new world, where magic is (roughly) divided into two - Creator and Necromancer. When Elea's best friend is dying, she finds out that not only will she lose her best friend but she will also be the next victim. She has five years to learn all she can, to have a chance to beat Viktor, the originator of the curse. Fear can be a great incentive though, and she does succeed. Now, all she has to do is beat Viktor and she will be free of the curse. Simple, eh?!

This is primarily a Fantasy tale, with magic and misuse of the same, throughout the book. I loved how the Sisters of Zelle were described, and the necromancer/creator magics were opposite and yet complementary if given the opportunity. The characters, whether they were good or bad, were all believable and well-rounded.

There is a hint of romance between Elea and Rowan, but it most definitely takes second place in the main story.

Well written, with no editing or grammatical errors that I found, this is a wonderful start to a new series and I look forward to returning to the Beholder world! Definitely recommended.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
May 17, 2016