Stars of the Caucasus: Antique Azerbaijan Silk Embroideries
Michael Franses, Jennifer Wearden, Moya Carey and Irina Koshoridze
Published on the occasion of an important international loan exhibition at The Azerbaijan Carpet...

Histories of the Unexpected
In this fascinating and original new book, Sam Willis and James Daybell lead us on a journey of...

A-Z of Heirloom Sewing
The ultimate reference guides for needleworkers with amazing projects, detailed step-by-step...

Textile Collections: Preservation, Access, Curation, and Interpretation in the Digital Age
Collections of textiles-historic costume, quilts, needlework samplers, and the like-have benefited...

X-Stitch App
Lifestyle and Productivity
X-Stitch is an easy-to-use app designed by cross stitchers for cross stitchers. X-Stitch includes...
Japanese Knitting Stitch Bible: 260 Exquisite Designs by Hitomi Shida
In the Japanese Knitting Stitch Bible knitting guru Hitomi Shida shares some of her favorite...

Needle Lace Techniques for Hand Embroidery
Hazel Blomkamp has compiled over 40 key needle lace embroidery techniques in one handy and portable...

Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post
Jul 2, 2022 (Updated Jul 2, 2022)

Miniature Needle Painting Embroidery
Trish has always been fascinated by miniature art and for years has had a yen to try and embroider...