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The Windmill (The Windmill Massacre) (2016)
The Windmill (The Windmill Massacre) (2016)
2016 | International, Drama, Horror
5.2 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I spend a bit too much time on Facebook, of that there’s no doubt. As a result, I tend to pay attention to what movies my friends talk about. One such friend is horror author Edward Lorn, and one such movie that popped up in my feed because of him is The Windmill.

Set in Holland, The Windmill is a fun film that follows the traditional “haunted locale” story. Like most movies of this nature, viewers are presented with an abandoned building (the windmill), an old legend, and a supernatural being. In this case, the windmill is considered a gateway to Hell, courtesy of a miller that, after making a deal with the devil, ground the bones of his victims rather than flour. When a group of individuals embark on a tour of Holland’s windmills, what appears to be an every day, run of the mill (pun totally intended) attraction quickly turns deadly.

The Windmill‘s cast of characters fits several different roles, from the uppity doctor to the vengeful model and even the cliché mad woman with daddy issues. These characters remain true to their personality types and don’t tend to waiver, even as things continue to spin out of control, for which I am thankful – even though it means that they’re downright horrible people. The acting is fairly well done in comparison to a lot of available horror movies, too.

One of the things that did bother me about this movie was an extremely brief lack of continuity. At the point in which the tour bus breaks down in middle of the road, an incident occurs and the bus falls over. That isn’t altogether strange, aside from the fact that it appears to have been knocked over by a bird flying into the window. Whether that was intentional or not, I did find it to be a bit amusing. Since I don’t consider this to be much of a spoiler, I figured I’d simply point it out.

While The Windmill contains several elements of the slasher genre, it appeals more to the psyche via the use of the demonic haunting and vivid hallucinations that reveal the deepest, darkest secrets of its cast. It’s not the best film out there, but it is certainly entertaining in its own right and is undoubtedly worth the watch for a bit of cheesy horror fun. The title, also known as The Windmill Massacre, can be found on Netflix in the United States.

Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) rated The Dirt (2019) in Movies

Apr 4, 2019 (Updated Apr 4, 2019)  
The Dirt (2019)
The Dirt (2019)
2019 | Biography, Music
Decent cast (0 more)
Feels false (0 more)
Brainless Fun
The Dirt is a Motley Crue biopic that debuted on Netflix last month. It is Jeff Tremaine's, (the director of the Jackass movies,) first narrative feature film. This should maybe give you some idea of what to expect within the movie. If Bohemian Rhapsody, Wayne's World and Jackass had a baby, this would most likely be the result.

Your enjoyment of this movie will probably depend on what you are wanting out of it going in. I am a casual Motely Crue fan, I only know a few of their songs and have a very surface level knowledge of their history. I was watching this movie for a bit of dumb fun after I had seen the trailer and it delivered exactly what I expected it to. If however, you are a die hard Motley Crue fan looking for an in-depth biopic with a sense of grit and realism, you will most likely be sorely disappointed.

The plot to this thing plays out like a Wikipedia article, in the sense that it hits all of the major beats of the band's history, but glosses over so much more and leaves any sense of nuance at the door. It is also incredibly cartoonish and cheesy, at no point in the film do you ever feel that you are watching the actual members of Motley Crue and it is always painfully clear that you are watching a group of actors in bad wigs playing faux, characterture versions of real people.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think that the cast have anything to do with how shallow or glossy this thing is. I think that Daniel Webber did a decent job as Vince Neil and Douglas Booth is okay as Nikki Sixx. For some reason, Machine Gun Kelly plays Tommy Lee as a goofy, lovable rogue, as apposed to the aggressive violent abuser he is in real life. Iwan Rheon is by far the stand out as Mick Mars, the older, more jaded member of the group who totally dismisses the immature 'sex drugs and rock and roll,' bullshit mentality of his band-mates and comes away with some of the driest, funniest lines in the movie.

Overall, I gave this a 7 based on the brainless fun I had watching it, but it by no means feels accurate or realistic, nor does it feel like it's trying to be. Hardcore Motely Crue fans will probably feel like they were let down by this biopic, but I got exactly what I wanted out of it and enjoyed it for what it was.
Thirteen Reasons Why: (TV Tie-in)
Thirteen Reasons Why: (TV Tie-in)
Jay Asher | 2017 | Young Adult (YA)
7.8 (108 Ratings)
Book Rating
I would like to start this with a trigger warning because this book covers some sensitive topics. There is the discussion throughout of rape, depression, suicide, anxiety, bullying and other topics that may be harmful to readers. Although I feel it is beautifully approached, I would definitely approach this book with caution if you feel that it may trigger you. I would never want anyone to go into a book uninformed and be harmed by it.

The story was told through dual perspectives which I think really enhanced the impact that this book had. Clay receives the tapes that Hannah has recorded, detailing the people and events that have led to her decision. What she believes to be the tale and connections that made her fall further and further. We hear each story and the heart-wrenching impact another person’s actions have on Hannah’s psyche, whether they mean the harm or not. Everything affects everything. One seemingly innocent, yet mischievous action, can snowball into a very harmful situation.

As the reader, we experience the story through Clay’s eyes and follow the emotional journey with him. We despair for Hannah as the events take place, grow to care for her and see how the smallest action might create a larger impact. Clay’s emotions mirror our own, frustration, horror, despair, outrage, and acceptance. We take the journey and grow along with him, learn to be better people and hopefully make a change.

I feel that beyond the trigger warning, it is best to go into the story without preconceived notions and allow it to have its full impact. So many people have connected to this book over the years and for good reason. It is a fantastically powerful story and I would recommend it.

As an additional note, the Netflix series based on this book is a very faithful recreation of the story. Some minor details may be changed, like a character’s name or the order of one of the stories – but overall it follows the book fairly closely. Some of the more major changes were done for dramatic effects, like extending the amount of time that Clay listens to the tapes, allowing them to add more story to the present day tale. I reiterate my trigger warning and believe that it is even stronger for the show, but would still recommend both mediums of the tale. I don’t believe there is a particular order that you need to or should read versus watch them in.
Bad Words (2014)
Bad Words (2014)
2014 | Comedy
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Guy Trilby (Jason Bateman) is a man with some issues. At 40 he works away as a proofreader in his small Ohio community and has little going for himself in the way of friends, career, or a social life.

Guy decides to enter into spelling competitions using the loophole that since he never completed the 8th grade, he is still eligible to compete under the bylaws of competition.

Needless to say this does not make him a well-liked person especially when he dominates the competition and wins entry to compete in a nationally televised competition.

To say that the surly Triby is the worst nightmare come true for the competition would be an understatement but despite their best efforts to keep him out and place him at a disadvantage, Guy dominates the competition with a mix of psych out tactics, mind games, and a very well-defined knowledge of spelling.

A journalist named Jenny (Kathryn Hahn), attempts to get Guy to reveal his true reasons for entering the competition but despite the fact that her outlet is sponsoring guy and covering his expenses, he remains largely tight lipped about his reasons and continues to deploy all manner of underhanded tactics to get inside the heads of his much younger competition.

A young Indian prodigy named Chaitanya (Rohan Chad), starts to bond with Guy who despite his best efforts becomes fond of the boy and sees a kindred spirit in the child despite being forced to compete against one another.

As the competition heats up, Guy and his new friend bond which causes Guy to question many aspects of his life all of which results in a funny yet poignant journey.

Jason Bateman is making his directorial debut with the film and does a solid job. While I had expected the film to play much more to the bawdy humor and Guy’s methods to undermine his younger foes, the film actually plays out more as a drama with comedy elements.

The film is not one that is going to light up the numbers at the box office and I would not be surprised if it is largely ignored in favor of the more glamorous films that are opening against it. That being said, the film is a solid and enjoyable story and I believe that when audiences discover it, likely on DVD and Netflix they will come to appreciate the film and the creative team behind it.

As it stands, a very good premise that at times struggles with its identity, but delivers when it counts.

BankofMarquis (1832 KP) rated The Ballad of Buster Scruggs (2018) in Movies

Jan 10, 2019 (Updated Jan 10, 2019)  
The Ballad of Buster Scruggs (2018)
The Ballad of Buster Scruggs (2018)
2018 | Comedy, Drama, Western
A winning anthology
I am NOT a Coen Brothers apologist. For every good/great film that they have made (like FARGO, NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN or underrated THE HUDSUCKER PROXY) there are duds/movies that didn't work for me (like O' BROTHER WHER ART THOU, INSIDE LLEWYN DAVIS and the movie I ranked as the worst film of 2016, HAIL, CAESAR). So when I heard that the latest Coen Brothers flick was going straight to Netflix AND (like HAIL, CAESAR), it was a film anthology of 6 short stories, I dragged my feet in checking this out.

But...I am glad I finally got around to it...for THE BALLAD OF BUSTER SCRUGGS is a strong film, taking on a heavy subject (death) in a variety of ways - light-hearted, poignant and deadly (pun intended) serious. The tone of this film - or, more accurately, these 6 short films - worked for me and I felt they wove together very well to tell an overarching story of man's relationship with death - as seen through the eyes of Wild, Wild West characters.

And what characters they are! From Tim Blake Nelson's titular character, Buster Scruggs, to James Franco's hapless (but lucky) Outlaw to Liam Neeson's traveling theatrical show to Tom Waite's grizzled prospector to Zoe Kazan's lonesome Prairie Widow to the group of passengers on the Stagecoach in the last vignette, all are interesting to watch, and listen to.

Credit, of course, needs to go to Joel and Ethan Cohen. These characters are interesting to watch, because these two put wonderful scenes and scenery up on the screen with dialogue (or lack of dialogue) that perfectly reflects what is going on and what the characters are feeling. In my opinion, the Coen Brothers are at their best when they focus on gritty subjects with poignancy (BARTON FINK) but fail when they try to get "wacky" or "over-serious" (BURN AFTER READING, A SERIOUS MAN), this film is full of the former and has very little of the latter.

I'm sure, like all Coen Brothers films, that this anthology of short films is not for everyone - and not every film will work for everyone - but they did for me. I thought each short film was the better than the one before it. I caught the vibe of what the Coen's were after and I fell under their spell.

Letter Grade: A-

8 stars out of 10 and you can take that to the Bank (ofMarquis)
How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World (2019)
How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World (2019)
2019 | Animation
The heating in the screen for this was broken so I was sitting with my scarf wrapped up tight around my face... which came in very handy to soak up all the tears at that ending.

I can't tell you the last time I watched the original two movies, what I can tell you is that Toothless is a comedic genius and should probably just be allowed in every animated film... live action ones too... I might have to start a campaign for that.

This review has the potential to be a massive contradiction. I loved it, I'd totally see it again, but it isn't great for a couple of reasons. We've got a very bland bad guy who should be menacing but manages to stop somewhere at forgettable, then to top it off the storyline isn't great. I've seen a couple of people on Letterboxd refer to it as Thor: Ragnarok... and they're basically right.

Those things aside though it's still a funny and entertaining film. The animation is beautiful and the different landscapes they had to create came together as one world really well. Everything is also accompanied by a wonderful score, when they first come across the hidden world it's particularly dramatic.

When you look at the characters beyond our villain nothing has really changed. Ruffnut was very amusing and one of her scenes had me laughing and realising I have friends just like her. Everyone else was just there... I can't say any of them did anything you wouldn't have expected them to. The only thing that I did find amusing was Hiccup getting the Captain America treatment at the end of the film.

The dragons are by far the most amusing part of the whole film and Toothless practicing his dance with his shadow was super cute. I personally would have been happy just to have a whole movie of dragon "behind the scenes" pieces or one that focused on everything from the dragons' point of view. Something that was a little more goofing off than trying to be an actual story.

Hidden World has lots of flaws but that doesn't stop it from being a lighthearted and amusing movie. I'm going to miss Toothless, I might have to hit Netflix and binge the series they have on there to get my fill.

What you should do

It's a great family film, definitely see it. It doesn't tax the brain and it'll leave you feeling entertained.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

If I could have a little panda dragon that would be wonderful. They don't get too big, right?
Stranger Things - Season 3
Stranger Things - Season 3
2019 | Horror, Thriller
Almost perfect
I toyed between giving this an 8 or 9, and in the end I’ve decided to be generous although I’m still not entirely sure. I was worried I’d hate this series as I’ve heard some say it’s not great, but I actually enjoyed this much more than series 2 and possibly even slightly more than the first series.

My first negative is the story. The whole Russian thing is a little bit ridiculous and far fetched (even for this show), which is a shame as the rest of the plot is intriguing and really rather good. The horror and gore aspects of this are brilliant. I thought this was by far the scariest of the seasons as the Mind Flayer is truly terrifying and beyond creepy. The mixture of retro references, humour and horror works so well and makes it really enjoyable to watch. All of the characters shine, even the new ones like Robin or new-ish ones like Erica, are well developed and fit in well with the rest of the originals. I of course still have a soft spot for Hopper who is just marvellous yet again in this, often rather sinister and darkly hilarious. And the pairing yet again of Steve and Dustin is such fun. The childhood romance thing is a little bit cheesy and sickly sweet, but fortunately bearable for the most part as it takes a backseat to the rest of the action.

My biggest issue with this show, other than the over the top and strangely stupid Russians, and the reason why I was debating giving it a lower score, is the ending. Or rather the end credits scene that ruined everything. The actual ending to this show is one of the most emotional things I’ve seen in a long time in a tv show, and I’m not ashamed to admit I was virtually in tears at the ending. It was such a heartwarming and fitting way to end the show, and really quite lovely in a sad way. It was a great way to round off a show and finish the entire series on a massive high without the need to make another season. However, the end credits scene is pure ‘sequel baiting’ and whilst Netflix haven’t officially confirmed, it already sounds like season 4 is in the making. And I can’t even begin to describe how angry I am at this, why do they insist on ruining a perfectly good ending?! I really wish they hadn’t done this. But this aside, I enjoyed this series quite a lot.

Andy K (10821 KP) Aug 10, 2019

I need to start watching this!

The Banana Splits Movie (2019)
The Banana Splits Movie (2019)
2019 | Horror
6.0 (10 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Poppy’s storyline (0 more)
Contains spoilers, click to show
The Banana Splits Movie
Isn’t it nice when a network tries to reboot an old children’s favourite? It seems to be happening a lot these days with Netflix reviving Voltron, She-Ra and the Dark Crystal. They have taken a different approach with the Banana Splits though. The starting premise is that the Banana Splits show was never cancelled and, for his ninth birthday Harley is taken to a live filming of the show. Drooper, Fleegle, Snorky and Bingo are all there but the actors have been replaced with animatronics and they have three human friends they interact with (Paige, Stevie and Thadd). The show is still the same as when it first started way back in the 1960s with silly sketches, fun catchphrases and an assault course for the kids although the show has gathered a cult following (as it would in real life) and half the audience are adults.
As the live filming gets under way the actors are informed that this will be the final show as the network has cancelled it, this news is met with mixed reactions from the crew. The Banana splits however only have one reaction, they are programmed that ‘The Show Must Go On’ so, during the back stage tour they begin to make sure that it will never stop. They kidnap all the children, after all the show will always need an audience, and they start to kill or torture all the adults.
Yes, that’s right, someone took a beloved children’s show and added a splash of the ‘Child's Play’ remake and a whole ton of ‘Five Nights At Freddy’s’. To be clear this is a horror/slasher that’s rated 18 (R rated in the USA) that features a group of 60’s children’s characters going on a killing spree because their show got cancelled. It’s campy, it’s dark, it actually builds up to the kills and it has some really good characters and scenes, I especially like Poppy’s story line.
So, we have a film based on a 60’s children’s series that’s been turned into a horror whilst still sticking to its roots that is defiantly not for kids and isn’t a total pile of rubbish.
As a side note I did read that the Banana Splits movie came about because Warner Bros wanted to make a ‘Five Nights At Freddie’s’ movie but they couldn’t get the rights so they made this. not sure how true it is but there are similarities.
Entertainment, Lifestyle, Social Networking
8.9 (123 Ratings)
App Rating
Looks good, easy to use, rate/review almost anything, nice pro/con section to reviews, if something hasn't been reviewed, add it and be the first to review it and recommend to others, giveaways... (0 more)
Back button, little to no reviews on certain things, giveaways bit infrequent and daily missions random instead of similar interests (0 more)
Smashbomb Review
Smashbomb is a pretty cool social media app for entertainment recommendations. What do I mean? Well, you can rate and review all kinds of things like movies, tv shows, books and more; as well as discover things through recommendations too. You can also recommend stuff to your friends and follow each other to see what stuff they've recently reviewed. Find out what they love or what they hate, or what they really felt about a certain movie/tv show, etc.. You can even join "Orbs" which are groups where you can talk with other members about different topics related to recommendations. You earn points for adding reviews and rating things and even earn different badges for contributing that show off your status in the community. There's even a system of points called Kudos points that you earn for adding reviews and ratings and the more you earn the more you can give to friends and followers. These points are used to enter giveaways where you can win all kinds of prizes from Funko Pops, DVDs, table top games and even video games.

So in conclusion, I think this app is pretty awesome. I've been using it now for a couple of weeks and have really been enjoying it. It's pretty fun adding reviews for movies and shows I've seen, earning points towards winning awards and also giving points to other people writing reviews helping them get more points to win stuff too. And the best is just finding something cool that you haven't heard about before like a movie or tv show you were thinking about watching but weren't sure about. Because there's nothing that sucks like staring at the menu screen at Netflix/Hulu/Prime etc... and not knowing what to watch and just staring at that screen for 15 mins. Especially with things like fake reviews and trolls out there and paid reviews that hype up a movie that you wind up spending good money on seeing in theaters only to feel like you were robbed. It's a cool place to get some good opinions and if you get your friends to join or add in the fun then you will be able to see and share your reviews, ratings with each other and actually know who they're coming from.

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated Nobody Sleeps in the Woods Tonight (2020) in Movies

Oct 29, 2020 (Updated Oct 29, 2020)  
Nobody Sleeps in the Woods Tonight (2020)
Nobody Sleeps in the Woods Tonight (2020)
2020 | Horror
5.6 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
As a starting note, please please please watch this film with the audio set to Polish with subtitles. Netflix started playing the dubbed version for me, and I managed about 30 seconds worth of cheesy American voice over before I couldn't stand it any longer. It's 100% more natural the way it was intended.

Nobody Sleeps in the Woods tonight is absolutely and wholly not original - it cherry picks parts from other horror movies and shamelessly imitates them, and do you know what? I don't hate it.
The whole movie is shot nicely, especially taking into account it's low budget.
Among these moments we have:
- A sleeping bag kill ripped straight out of Friday the 13th Part VII.
- A character explaining the rules of horror movies just like in Scream.
- A character tied to a chair and ballgagged a la Hostel.
- Big cannabalistic, dungaree wearing woodsman straight out of Wrong Turn.
- A cut-in-half-vertically-with-an-axe kill from Wrong Turn 2, using the same damn camera angle and everything.
- A character going through a woodchipper like in Tucker and Dale vs Evil
- An under the bed shot of someone being stabbed repeatedly with a machete, just like in Freddy vs Jason.

So yeah, absolutely zero points for originality, but props for executing it all to a satisfactory degree. A less cynical person could choose to look at it as a horror love letter, rather than a rip off.

Some of the camerawork is genuinely fantastic. There are multiple shots during the runtime that are quite captivating, and took me out of the standard slasher situation now and again.
The make up effects applied to the monster men are pretty good, and the movie delivers some pretty brutal gore. It's hard to fully tell, but it looked like a fair chunk of it was practical, which is always a bonus.
The characters are likable as well, especially the badass final girl Zodiac, played awesomely by Julia Wieniawa-Narkiewicz.
The film also touches on some social issues, such as the perception of homosexuality in Poland. It's a shame it's not explored further than a few lines of dialogue.

Nobody Sleeps in the Woods may be down right predictable, but if you can leave any cynicism at the door, then it's a pretty fun slasher to pass the time.
As my first foray into Polish horror, I found it mostly enjoyable. Worth checking out for any horror fans.