Handbook of Neurosurgery
...the reason this new edition is particularly unique and appealing, is the incredible...

UCLA 100 Subjects in Neurosurgery
The 100 UCLA Subjects in Neurosurgery constitute a selection of a hundred relevant topics developed...

Textbook of Focused Neurosurgery
This book is a comprehensive guide to neurosurgery, covering the complete field, from basic and...

Controversies in Neurosurgery II: II
This book is organized and well written; it will make an excellent addition to any personal,...
Goodman's Neurosurgery Oral Board Review
This book will educate and prepare neurosurgery candidates who are preparing for the Neurosurgery...
Functional Neurosurgery and Neuromodulation
Kim J. Burchiel and Ahmed Raslan
Functional Neurosurgery and Neuromodulation provides comprehensive coverage of this emerging,...

When the Air Hits Your Brain: Tales from Neurosurgery
With poignant insight and humor, Frank Vertosick Jr., MD, describes some of the greatest challenges...
Handbook of Bleeding and Coagulation for Neurosurgery
Mark Hamilton, W.T. Couldwell, John G. Golfinos and Graham F. Pineo
In summary, this book is an excellent resource for any practicing neurosurgeon, neurointensivist,...
Intraoperative Imaging, an Issue of Neurosurgery Clinics of North America
This issue of Neurosurgery Clinics focus on Intraoperative Imaging. Article topics will include...
Neurosurgery Board Review: Questions and Answers for Self-Assessment
Cargill H. Alleyne, M. Neil Woodall and Jonathan Stuart Citow
Designed to evaluate candidates' expertise and provide direction for continued learning, the...