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Hunt for the Wilderpeople (2016)
Hunt for the Wilderpeople (2016)
2016 | Action, Comedy
9.0 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Characters – Ricky is a rebellious teenager that has bounced through the foster system, now he must go into farm life away from the street problems he has found himself in. when he goes off into the wilderness he wants to prove himself to everyone and Hec. Hec is the father figure that adopts Ricky only to take him under his wing after his wife died, he is a reluctant protector and guide who would rather be with at one with nature. Paula is the child welfare officer that is trying to find Ricky, she does want what is best for the children but can take things too far.

Performances – Sam Neill easily gives one of his best performances of his career here, showing the heart the character needs along with the determination to do the right thing too. Julian Dennison is fantastic in this role, he has the innocent side while also showing the front of toughness that the character requires.

Story – The story is a coming of age tale, between a foster kid and his reluctant new father who wasn’t prepared for the responsibility placed upon him. The two go on an adventure through the wilderness which gathers national news and a nationwide manhunt. It shows how two different people from different backgrounds of different ages can work together, teaching each other important life lesson, in what is one of the most enjoyable stories you will see.

Adventure/Comedy – The adventure takes us through the New Zealand wilderness, seeing sights of wonder along the way. The film is told in a comic tone that will make you laugh plenty of times along the journey.

Settings – The wilderness of New Zealand makes for the stunning settings being used, nearly all the scenes have a breath-taking view.

Scene of the Movie – The last run.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – Certain slang turns can go over your head.

Final Thoughts – This is one of the most fun coming of age movies I have ever seen, the adventure is fantastic, the comedy hits and the pairing works all day long.


Overall: Must watch cinema for the family.
    My Town : Dance School

    My Town : Dance School

    Entertainment and Games

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    Welcome to My Town's new Dance School, a must have addition to your Town. Practice in ballet lesson,...

City of Scoundrels
City of Scoundrels
Victoria Thompson | 2019 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Saving a War Widow from Scoundrels
It’s the fall of 1918, and the draft age for World War I has been increased, upsetting Elizabeth Miles since her fiance, Gideon Bates, has been drafted. Gideon is focusing his last few weeks as a civilian on drafting wills for soldiers. Most of them are, but one of the exceptions is Tom Preston, part owner of Preston Shoes, which has made a fortune providing shoes to the soldiers. Tom wants a new will leaving his share of the family business to his new wife and their unborn child – a wife the rest of his family knows nothing about. When word comes back that Tom has died, this new will goes missing, and his family doesn’t want to acknowledge his widow. Elizabeth is quick to jump in, getting her family, all conmen, to come up with a scheme to get this war widow the money she should have inherited. But what complications might there be along the way?

Yes, there are complications. We wouldn’t have much of a novel without them. It would have been nice if they are started a little sooner, but that’s a minor complaint. I was hooked the entire time, and it only became harder to put the book down the further I got into it. History came alive, and I felt like I was part of what was happening in the New York City area during this time. It helps that the characters are extremely strong. Through them, I came to care about the plot and the history that was unfolding around us. Yes, I felt that welcomed into the world that I was actually part of what was happening on the page. If you aren’t taking these trips back in time, you need to do so today.
    My Town : Preschool

    My Town : Preschool

    Education and Games

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    Grab your backpack, it’s time for My Town : Preschool! Build and play in your very own preschool....