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Julia Holter recommended Court and Spark by Joni Mitchell in Music (curated)

Court and Spark by Joni Mitchell
Court and Spark by Joni Mitchell
1974 | Pop
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I listened to Joni so much when I was like 15, and later also. Is this one my favourite? I don't know. Probably. I love For The Roses and I love The Hissing Of Summer Lawns. But Court And Spark is also a little… rock? Not rock, but it's very '70s. When I first heard it, it sounded grossly '70s in an uncool way. When I was in high school, it was a new sound for me and for a while it almost wasn't something I would be comfortable saying that I was into. It was folky vibes and '60s stuff that was cool. It's slightly jazzy, slightly funky and those sounds began to actually be very exciting for me despite what everyone else might have thought. The songs are very relatable for someone of that age, even though they were written by an older person. You take a song like 'People's Parties' and the psychologies and the stories within the songs: it's fascinating to me."


Jon Watts recommended Mazes and Monsters (1982) in Movies (curated)

Mazes and Monsters (1982)
Mazes and Monsters (1982)
1982 | Drama, Fantasy
5.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"This one isn’t a high school movie, but more a college-age movie. It’s called Mazes and Monsters and it stars Tom Hanks. It’s about the dangers of role-playing games, and if you play these role-playing games, you’ll lose touch with reality. Tom Hanks is a kid who gets too into their version of Dungeons and Dragons, which they call Mazes and Monsters. He loses touch with reality and thinks he really is on the quest, and disappears into New York City. His friends have to try and find him. It’s definitely worth checking out if you can find it. It might be one of those movies that just disappeared. I think it was a made-for-TV movie, but it’s always affected me. I saw it when I was a kid on the Saturday afternoon matinee movie, and it just has this ending that is so bleak that I’ll never forget."


Joseph Mount recommended Innervisions by Stevie Wonder in Music (curated)

Innervisions by Stevie Wonder
Innervisions by Stevie Wonder
1973 | Rock
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I think I first heard it when it was in my parents’ record collection and there was a point where I’d learnt how to put a record on, I must have been about 8. At that point you’re going through the records and judging them by their covers and Innervisions has got this really engaging cover. I got really into Stevie Wonder when I was 16. My taste in music at that age was kind of mirroring my sister’s, but I remember lots of her friends and lots of us were listening to Stevie Wonder like it was a new discovery. We listened to Talking Book, Fulfillingness’ First Finale, Innvervisions and Music Of My Mind which I can’t believe were all made around the same time, this insane output. Now if I don’t know what I want to listen to, I’ll put on Stevie Wonder. It’s a simple, satisfying conclusion to that question."

    Doctor Lowhigh

    Doctor Lowhigh


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Zami: A New Spelling of My Name
Zami: A New Spelling of My Name
Audre Lorde | 1982 | Biography, LGBTQ+
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is a snapshot in time from Audre Lorde’s childhood to young adulthood. She is born to immigrant Caribbean parents, and grows up in New York City. She leaves home to forge her own path at a young age, and lives in Mexico for a while during the McCarthy era. Throughout the book, she learns to love herself and accept her lesbianism. This book tells us what it was like to be a lesbian in the 1950s and more so, what it was like to be a black lesbian. It shows how Audre worked hard for everything, from working to provide for herself, to studying. She was fiercely independent, and even in hard times she doesn’t fall back on her parents.

This book is a real snapshot in time, and I loved reading it. This is such a readable memoir. I really enjoyed the pieces of poetry that she has added to the prose that she wrote around that time too.

Definitely a book worth reading.