Bandaging the Blitz
Phyll MacDonald Ross and I.D. Roberts
In 1938, eighteen-year-old Phyllis Ellsworth packs her bags, says goodbye to her anxious parents and...

Marvel Encyclopedia
The definitive guide to the characters of the Marvel Universe Are you fascinated by comic books and...
Phantom Complete Avon Novels: Volume 2 : Slave Market of Mucar
"For the first time ever, the Avon edition of The Phantom is back in print! Hermes Press is proud to...

Teaching Speaking and Listening: One Step at a Time
Teaching Speaking and Listening is a fully revised edition of the successful language-teaching...

Component-Based Software Development: Case Studies
Component-based software development (CBD) is an emerging discipline that promises to take software...

I Hate Revision: Study Skills and Revision Techniques for GCSE, A-level and Undergraduate Exams
Can't be bothered to revise? Find yourself putting work off? Can't get the information to stick in...

The Illustrated Guide to Dyslexia and its Amazing People
Richard Rogers, Kate Power and Kathy Iwanczak Forsyth
'Use this guide to weed out what dyslexia means for you and discover the tools you need to blossom!'...

Modern Animalism: Habitats of Scarcity and Wealth in Comics and Literature
From T. S. Eliot's Sweeney to C. S. Lewis's Aslan, modern writing has been filled with strange new...

Shaken and Stirred: Intoxicating Stories
In this lively collection, wine snobs receive their comeuppance at the hands of Roald Dahl and Edgar...

Smith': A Reader's Guide to the Poetry of Michael Donaghy
'Smith': a reader's guide to the poetry of Michael Donaghy is the first substantial critical work to...