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Remember Me
Remember Me
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fifteen years ago Ellen Smith vanished from the woods near her small Welsh village. Never to be seen again.
Eight people were in the woods that night: eight splintered lives, eight people hiding a terrible secret. But who can remember the truth?
Now, Ellen’s best friend, Detective Ava Cole is all grown up back in the village where it all began, and everyone is asking the same question.
What really happened to Ellen?

The book is told from the point of view of Ava a New York detective who returns to her childhood welsh village upon learning about the terminal illness of her ex-husband. There is a lot going on in this book. It all centers around a group of friends who have known each other since childhood. They have a dark secret that they have concealed since their teen age years.
Gripping and creepy this is a claustrophobic thriller that never leaves Aberdyth.
The tension built throughout and I couldn't put it down until I finished it!
The plot has many twists and turns to keep the reader guessing.
I highly recommend this book.

Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for kindly providing me the eARC of this book.

James Koppert (2698 KP) rated Lil Pump by Lil Pump in Music

Oct 19, 2019 (Updated Nov 9, 2019)  
Lil Pump by Lil Pump
Lil Pump by Lil Pump
2017 | Hip-hop, Rap, Rhythm And Blues
1.0 (3 Ratings)
Album Rating
The 25875337th time he says Ouu is great (0 more)
The second it begins (0 more)
This is bad, not in usual Hip Hop terms as in "I just spat a bad ass rhyme", no, this is bad as in wack.

Lil Pump has rose to meteoritic fame and wealth and the reason why? His stuff speaks to kids of that age where swearing and talking about drugs upsets mummy and daddy.

This is mumble rap. I'm not hating on mumble rap, Some artists are artists. Pump however shouts a line, then says Ouu and then repeats the formula the entire album Ouu.

So we've established he can't rap, lyrically it's just offensive. Now I have a lot of horribly misogynistic hip hop but somehow this feels worse because there is no artistic element. Lil Pump shouts things like "I f##ked your daughter" Ouu, yeah, that is the base level, women are nothing but botches to abide and drugs are new and clever according to Pump. It really is playground level.

What about the beats? Ok anyone knows my output knows I sometimes play with distortion but Pump takes it up so it distorts and the base blows and I bet he giggles like a toddler and goes "that's great Ouu".

Utterly terrible
Cartier's Hope
Cartier's Hope
M. J. Rose | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Cartier's Hope is set within the gilded age of New York City during the year that Mr. Cartier and his infamous diamond were making headlines all over the city. However, despite the name, the diamond is a background character to Vera Garland, her journalist alter ego Vee and all of the drama that surrounds Vera's life.
Vera is a society girl turned journalist in 1910, which means she has ruffled feathers amongst all of her peers and her family. While trying to prove her worth as a journalist to her mother and the men in her field, she stumbles over a chance to get her big break and perhaps finally have a mother who is proud of her. But this means using Mr. Cartier, without his knowledge, to get her scoop.
There is a lot of hype around this book. And I fell into it, but the book did not live up to it. Overall it is a decent story. But there is so much in the way of background storytelling that readers can easily get lost in the noise. And while the diamond was a key part of the last third of the book, I feel we were oversold on the idea of the book centering around the diamond.