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Life: An Exploded Diagram
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A Separate Peace: As Heard on BBC Radio 4
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Describing the Past
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Acting with Passion: A Performer's Guide to Emotions on Cue
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The Silenced Child: From Labels, Medications, and Quick-Fix Solutions to Listening, Growth, and Lifelong Resilience
Are children and adolescents being silenced and their growth stunted in the age of quick diagnoses...

Everest 1953: The Epic Story of the First Ascent
On the morning of 2 June 1953, the day of Queen Elizabeth's coronation, the first news broke that...

David McK (3505 KP) rated Cars 3 (2017) in Movies
Dec 27, 2020
This time around, Lightning McQueen is starting to lose races to a new generation of racers, and to feel his age with lots of talk of his early retirement (I would love that. he doesn't).
To get back into his former winning ways, the plot of the movie has him teaming up with a younger race technician who always wanted to race herself and, well, you can see where this is heading ...
As always with Pixar, superlative animation alongside a tale which tries to teach some life lessons (here, around ageing), although I have to say that, as a whole, the 'Cars' film do not really rank up there amongst their best output for me.