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Cars 3 (2017)
Cars 3 (2017)
2017 | Animation, Comedy, Family
2017 was not a good year for Hollywood, but it was a great year for cinema. That year gave us modern masterpieces like Blade Runner 2049, Get Out, and one of Pixar's absolute best. And of course I'm talking about Lightning McQueen's swan song. Oh wait...yeah I misread my list. That 4-letter word read Coco. At the very least, CARS 3 doesn't do anything misleading or unexpected, and that's mostly for the best. A highly unoriginal retread of superior sports films, CARS 3 is content with taking Lightning McQueen down the same path as Rocky Balboa, Ricky Bobby, and Happy Gilmore, but it does so without as much heart needed when exploring concepts of mortality and obsolescence. To its credit, it is, at times, a poignant story about days gone by and longing for glory, but what this movie really excels in is only hinting at emotional drainage and not having the nerve to do something really involving. Owen Wilson is still great in the lead role, and it’s redeeming to see Lightning in the same position as his former mentor, Doc Hudson, who makes a brief return thanks to an archived cameo from the late, great Paul Newman. Much like the film itself, the residents of Radiator Springs, and their voice actors, are as harmless as ever, and the new characters fill the screen nicely enough without making much of an impression thanks to respectable voice work from veterans like Cristela Alonso and Chris Cooper. All of this is well and good, but what the film lacks in the overall wave of melancholy that makes some of Pixar's best efforts shine, it makes up for in returning to its roots and leaving the previous adventure where it stands, as if it never happened at all. While the series protagonist goes out on a predictable, if not fitting, final note, his character arc, thanks to his special relationship to studio big John Lasseter, is highly reminiscent of the studio itself: knowing when to end and move on to better things. CARS 3, to put it in an overly Thanosian way, is inevitable.

Butch Vig recommended track Virginia Plain by Roxy Music in Early Years by Roxy Music in Music (curated)

Early Years by Roxy Music
Early Years by Roxy Music
1989 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

Virginia Plain by Roxy Music

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"The first heard time I heard Roxy Music I was smitten. I was in a record store and I asked the guy ‘What are you playing?’ They used to put the record jackets on the front desk, I picked it up and they looked like a band from outer space. I couldn’t figure out what was going on, but I loved everything about it, ‘Virginia Plain’ was just an incredible sounding song. It’s the way the synthesiser bends at the start, then the songs kicks in and Bryan Ferry’s singing is so over the top and melodramatic, I’m not even sure what he’s singing about. There’s those breaks where they jam in the middle, the keyboard and synth solos. It was the sonic template, it sounded completely otherworldly to me. I felt a kinship with Roxy Music. I grew up listening to The Who and The Beatles and they were rock stars, but I felt Roxy Music were sort of my peers. With a lot of the new wave and punk bands I thought ‘I can do this, I can be in bands and do what they’re doing.’ It didn’t sound anything like the classic rock records I’d been listening to, it was arty, very flamboyant and kind of crude in a way. It was a bit pretentious but I liked that, I found it really fresh at the time that they had an art-school approach to the music and yet the music was very DIY, it wasn’t slick. They were great musicians but didn’t sound like virtuoso bands like Yes or Emerson, Lake and Palmer, though I did have some ELP records too! I fell in love with Roxy Music, I bought all their records, their solo records and live bootlegs. I was the self-appointed president of the Roxy Music fan club in Madison, there were only seven members. For a couple of years, once every two months we’d have a ‘Roxython’ on a Saturday night until the sun came up, we’d play their albums and dress up in very flamboyant clothes. It was great."

Gangster School
Gangster School
Kate Wiseman | 2018 | Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
There was a while since I had so much fun while reading a book. I would describe this book something like Hogwarts meets “Despicable Me”.

Our main characters in this book were Milly and Charlie, two year seven students, who just started a school for future villains. The whole book was told from these two people’s perspectives, sharing their thoughts and adventures. Like in most of the books about schools, there are plenty of various characters to choose from, but my favorite in this novel was Milly. I loved her personality and smartness, and I think she was a great young female lead. She is a very intelligent and observant girl indeed.

The plot of this book was about how Milly and Charlie had to stop an evil villain, who wants to ruin their school. It was filled with quite a lot of action and interesting details, but as an adult, I found the plot was quite predictable. I think that the idea and the setting are very original, but the “good vs. bad” thing was quite unimpressive. But this book directed at children so, I believe, they would love it. 🙂

I really enjoyed the light and funny writing style of this book, where the chapters are pretty short, bringing in something new in every chapter. I don’t think this book is suitable for very young children, it is all about how to be a good villain and it encourages the use of lying and deceit, so I would not want to encourage that in my 6-year-old nephew… However, I noticed that children’s books about thieves and villains are kind of on the “wave” right now… 😕

So, to conclude, as an adult I had great fun while reading this book. I found the characters very charming and the whole idea of gangster’s school pretty intriguing, and I would recommend this book if you (or your child/sibling/nephew/niece etc.) are into villains and saving the world (in this case saving the school). This book is a first in a series, and I will be waiting for more books to come. Please do give this a try and hopefully, you will enjoy it. 🙂
Blinded by the Light (2019)
Blinded by the Light (2019)
2019 | Biography, Comedy, Drama
It's a Sin
1987 Luton, UK: New wave rules the radio, Margaret Thatcher controls the country which is leading to closed factories and people losing their jobs, and Pakistanis are moving into neighbors which the "white" majority resents (when people are losing their jobs, it is easier to blame the "others" moving in instead of the government whose policies have led to these losses). But I digress. Ravi is trapped between two cultures, his Pakistani family and the culture he grows up in in Luton. One day at his school, he meets a Sikh student who gives him two cassettes by Bruce Springsteen and he meets a writing teacher who encourages him to write what he knows. Like the culture clash in his soul, his heart is consumed by these Springsteen songs and expressing his feelings through writing. As is wont in these films, his parents and town learn to accept him and his obvious talent.

Two things struck me about the film. The first is the costume for the father. With the exception of the wedding party which I will discuss in my second, the father is dressed in a dress shirt, tie, and slacks, sometimes a sportcoat. This is the traditional outfit of a 1st generation immigrant. Even though he works in a factory manufacturing cars, he still goes to work or out in public dressed like a successful businessman/financial advisor. There is a belief that in order to achieve success, you must dress as though you have already attained that success. The second is the connection to Bend It Like Beckham, Chadha's previous film, which had a lot more success in the US. There is the best friend's parent who accepts the protagonist quicker than their own. But I am talking about the wedding party scene. In both films, the family is having a wedding party and the protagonist has to leave because there is something urgent that they need to do (play in a soccer game, buy tickets to a Springsteen concert). Family members assist the protagonist to get away without the parents noticing and in each case conflict ensues that brings a feeling of abandonment from the immediate family.
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    Awesome Voice Recorder

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    Interactive Sketchbook

    Entertainment and Education

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    Learn professional techniques, sketch your own ideas, and collect your digital art! Practice...