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The Adjustment Bureau (2011)
The Adjustment Bureau (2011)
2011 | Sci-Fi, Romance
7.1 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The Adjustment Bureau is based on (or it may be more accurate to say, inspired by) the Philip K. Dick short story “Adjustment Team”, and stars Matt Damon as David Norris, a New York politician running for the U.S. Senate and Emily Blunt as Elise Sellas, a professional ballerina.

When David and Elise first meet in the men’s restroom and he doesn’t question her gender I knew this wasn’t going to be the typical boy meets girl story. Just to clarify, I’m not saying she turns out to be a he, I’m just saying it’s good to check out the engine under the hood. But what should have been a once in a restroom… er, lifetime encounter, becomes a second, then a third and… you get the point. Shortly after their second encounter where David finally gets Elise’s name and number written on a business card he walks in on a strange group of well dressed individuals who were what can only be described as “probing” his friends in a conference room. So David does what any sane person would do after witnessing a group probing, he runs (like you wouldn’t? ). After running down a few hallways, he’s captured. Let’s be honest, running down hallways isn’t Oscar material, so I was glad it was short-lived. David learns that these well-dressed individuals work for The Adjustment Bureau.

This secret organization works behind the scenes to ensure the course of destiny, as written by “The Chairman”, goes as planned and they tell him that men’s room ballerinas are not part of the plan for him. At this point I wanted to yell “Screw them, go for the ballerina! They’re bendy!” but before I could, Agent Richardson (played by John Slattery) informs David that if he doesn’t follow the plan they have for him then they will… well, let’s just say they will probe him like nobody’s business. Then before they leave they take the business card with Elise’s name and number on it and before you can say “rooster-block” they throw him to the floor like Chevy Chase impersonating President Ford and disappear.

In time David and Elise are reunited by chance and with some information given to him by his disgruntled Adjustment Bureau ex-caseworker Agent Harry (played by Anthony Mackie), David works hard to overcome the obstacles placed before them by the Adjustment Bureau. But when Agent Thompson (played by Terence Stamp) joins the fray, he tells David what will happen to Elise if he doesn’t leave her.

Does love win in the end, does fate win or are they eaten by the alligators in the New York City sewers? I will tell you, that once again, the alligators did not win. The film does an excellent job of balancing its romance and thriller aspects with just enough humor to compliment the first two aspects, making it a very enjoyable movie for an individual, a couple or a group of friends to see. On a side note, when the film was over I left the movie wanting to buy a suit and I really dislike wearing suits.
People We Meet on Vacation
People We Meet on Vacation
Emily Henry | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
So excited to be part of the Blog Tour for this wonderful intense and emotional romance!!
Poppy has her dream job, working at one of the top travel magazines. She has a nice apartment and a good friend in New York. But she's not happy. She knows clearly when she last was: two years ago, on a trip with Alex Nilsen. Poppy and Alex have been best friends since college. This despite the fact that they are very different and spend most of the year apart. She works in New York City. He teaches in their small hometown. But every summer, they reunite for one amazing week-long vacation. Until two years ago, when they ruined everything and stopped speaking. Poppy knows she needs to get back to that happiness she shared with Alex. So she plans one more trip. She has one week to repair her friendship with Alex and to make everything right. No big deal, right?

"On vacation, you can be anyone you want. Like a good book or an incredible outfit, being on vacation transports you into another version of yourself."

Like most people, I adored Emily Henry's book BEACH READ and was quite excited to read PEOPLE WE MEET ON VACATION. She's back with another unique romance. I'm not sure I enjoyed this one quite as much as BEACH READ, but I still loved it. This book is intense and emotional yet hilarious at times. A section on Poppy helping Alex rework his Tinder profile had me actually laughing out loud.

"I know right away when when I was last truly happy. Two years ago, in Croatia, with Alex Nilsen. But there's no finding my way back to that, because we haven't spoken since."

VACATION has a small cast of characters, which means the spotlight is focused on Alex and Poppy throughout. It's incredibly easy to get swept up in their story. I flew through this book in a day (on vacation, ironically). It goes back and forth in time, with some chapters revolving around "this summer," which tells us about Poppy's trip and her attempt to save her friendship with Alex. Past chapters look at other summers and their other trips. We know something happened on their Croatia vacation, but don't find out until we get to that chapter. That melodrama was a bit much for the actual "big" reveal, but that was my only major issue with the book.

This is a slow burn, with Poppy and Alex's story unfurling in bits and pieces, thanks to the back-in time-format. However, it was incredibly effortless to become lost in the plot and become part of this book. Henry is an amazing storyteller, and I felt like I was a piece of Alex and Poppy's journey and their trips. I was invested in their friendship from the start. Henry's romances are different, but the lust, passion, and intensity just ooze from the pages nonetheless.

Overall, this is a different and intense story. Our main characters are complete opposites, and it's fun being a part of their journey. 4 stars.

Whatchareadin (174 KP) rated Falling in Books

May 10, 2018  
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Emma Montague has just left the hustle and bustle of life and work in New York City and has moved to Westport, CT. She has left her job as a banker, to slow down a bit and try her hand at interior design. It's something she has always been passionate about and has a great eye for it as well. She finds a house that has a lot of potential, on the beach and the landlord, Dominic is willing to compromise on the changes she has in mind for the cute cottage. Emma sees something in Dominic that she has never seen in any man before. But, they come from two totally different worlds. Emma is from England and left there to pursue a life in the United States and Dominic has barely left Westport. A relationship between these two would never work. Would it?

I love Jane Green books. They are always so emotional and I can always find a way to connect the story and characters to something that is going on in my life. This book was no exception. It was very emotional and the last few chapters had me crying like a baby.

Emma and Dominic have the type of relationship we all wish we could have. They met and had an instant connection Their love for each other and for Dominic's son, Jesse is almost instantaneous. When an unexpected visitor comes to town, Emma thinks that her relationship with Dominic will be over just as quickly as it started. But Dominic is firm in his feelings for Emma and nothing will change that.

Another book for me that was impossible to put down. I may get in trouble from the library for the tear-soaked pages I left behind, but it would be well worth it. If you have never read a book by [a:Jane Green|12915|Jane Green|], you don't know what you're missing and I suggest you pick one up right away.
Go Set A Watchman
Go Set A Watchman
Harper Lee | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (13 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have been excited to read this book as soon as I heard about it. As soon as I could, I reserved my copy at the library. Many have questioned whether this is a sequel to To Kill a Mockingbird, or the first draft of the book, or something entirely separate. All I can say is that I enjoyed this book and now will go back to read [bc:To Kill a Mockingbird|2657|To Kill a Mockingbird|Harper Lee||3275794].

Jean Louise Finch is 26 and currently living in New York City. She returns home to Maycomb Alabama to visit her beau, Henry Clinton, and her father Atticus Finch. In this visit Jean Louise "Scout" learns more about her family and the town she grew up in and especially about herself. Scout still has her same tomboy mannerisms we all love, doing whatever she wants to do and not caring what others think.

Jean Louise is one who just sees people and not so much color. Living in the South during this time, it's hard to make that distinction. She thought her father was the same. I see him as a man who vows to always do the right things no matter who the person. Atticus and Scout get the opportunity to get to know each other as adults with their own opinions and ideas, they discover they are alike in many way and in way very different.

It's interesting to see the dynamic between a parent and a child after they are both adults. And the child is able to think on their own and not they way their parents choose for them. My only problem with finishing this book, is now, I want to know more. Will Jean Louise marry Henry Clinton? I would like to know what kind of impact she is going to have on Maycomb, AL. And will she end up moving back there?
The Perfect Mother
The Perfect Mother
Aimee Molloy | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
8.0 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
The May Mothers is a group of first time mothers in New York City who all have babies coming in May. Winnie, Francie, Nell, Collette, and Token seem to have the closest relationships in the group. The ladies meet before the babies are born and then a couple of months after the babies are born, they decide it's a good time for them to have a night out to enjoy themselves. Nell arranges for them to all meet at a bar called The Jolly Llama. While there, Winnie's son, Midas goes missing. All of the women are determined to find out what happened. But in their investigations, they find out more about each other than they ever could have imagined.

I really enjoyed this book. Normally, I listen to audio books on they way back and forth to work or when I'm in the car, but I found myself listening to this book as often as I could, so I could find out what happened to Baby Midas. The author has you fooled for a while thinking one person is responsible for this heinous crime, but then the twist comes along and **BOOM** mind blown. I didn't see it coming.

The funny part was when the twist did come, I was walking around the grocery store and I said a little loudly, "What the F***!" That got a few people to look in my direction. I was never a part of a mommy group, so I couldn't quite relate to that part of the story. But being concerned about the welfare of your child is something every mother can relate too. There were parts when I was sure I knew how this story was going to end. But I was quite shocked. Another great un-put-downable.

This is the first book I've read by Aimee Molloy, but I look forward to reading more. If you haven't read this book, I highly recommend that you do.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Gray Mountain in Books

Feb 13, 2018  
Gray Mountain
Gray Mountain
John Grisham | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's a little unfair to John Grisham, but I probably would have rated this book 4 stars if he didn't write it. It was a pretty good book, but I kept waiting for the typical Grisham-flair to pop up - a huge courtroom battle, an epic good versus evil duel, etc.

Instead, the battle and storyline I would have really wanted to read about goes on in the background as a secondary storyline. The main plot follows Samantha Kofer, a young law associate at a powerful firm in New York City. However, when the recession hits in '08, Samantha finds herself furloughed and in order to keep her health insurance, and to potentially get her old job back, must intern at a rural legal aid clinic in Brady, Virginia.

There Samantha meets a cast of characters, including Mattie, who runs the clinic; her nephew, Donovan, also a lawyer; Donovan's shady brother, Jeff; and a host of other rural townsfolk. She also gets her first taste of real law. We, the reader, learn about the atrocities of Big Coal and strip mining, including Black Lung Disease, which the book goes into in great detail (and which personally, makes me want to become a lawyer or social worker, as it's all awful).

It's interesting to have Grisham write in the voice of a young female. It takes me back to Darby Shaw (of "The Pelican Brief" - one of my all-time favorite Grisham novels), though Samantha is *no* Darby Shaw, by any stretch of the imagination. She's a bit spineless, though, really, she's not given much story to work with. The first 3/4 of the book I mostly enjoyed and then the last 1/4 just sort of tapers off. It almost seems as if a sequel is in order, but who knows.

Again, I think I might have liked Samantha and her story a bit more if it wasn't Grisham, as I might have expected a bit less. It's a good read, but leaves you wanting more.
The Good Liar (2019)
The Good Liar (2019)
2019 | Drama
Acting (2 more)
Unexpected violence (2 more)
Unexpected adult themes
One random scene of nudity for no reason
A Good-ish Thriller
I had the pleasure of attending the premiere of "The Good Liar" on November 6 in New York City. (I won a sweepstakes to attend.) I was already interested in seeing the movie, but getting to watch it in a theater full of the people who made the movie was thrilling.

"The Good Liar" is the story of two people in their 70's who meet on a dating app. The man, played by Sir Ian McKellen, is clearly a con man. We get to see him interact with the woman - a fantastic Dame Helen Mirren - with a certain old man, kind hound-dog attitude, then immediately leave the room and work on a scam to steal thousands of pounds from unlucky rubes.

It seems, at face value, that he is indeed a good liar. But things are not always clear cut in a game of shells, and although we don't know what Helen Mirren's character is doing, it starts to become clear that she hasn't been completely honest about herself...

I won't spoil anything else in the plot: this is the kind of movie that unravels slowly as it builds with twists and turns. You should go into it with no more knowledge than what I've posted above.

If that was it - if the whole movie was a fun cat-and-mouse game between two phenomenal actors - I would have given it a higher score. But the movie also has a dark underbelly that surprised me and turned me off a bit. There is one gratuitous shot of nudity at the beginning of the film that makes little narrative sense and feels shoehorned in. There are a few moments of unexpected, brutal violence. And the reveal at the end relates to adult themes that left me feeling unsettled when the movie ended.

In short, I liked the movie quite a lot, but I wouldn't recommend it to my mom.