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Do the Right Thing (1989)
Do the Right Thing (1989)
1989 | Comedy, Drama

"I saw this one on the evening of its release in New York City. The advance buzz spread fears that it would ignite racial friction and incite race riots. The tension in the audience before it began was nothing I had ever experienced before in a movie house. The melting pot of moviegoers sat in stillness and silence and finally stood up and applauded the screen as the end credits rolled. We walked out of the theater transformed, more united, tolerant, and together than we were two hours before. How many films have ever been able to do that?"

Right Direction by Benjamin Lazar Davis
Right Direction by Benjamin Lazar Davis
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
This is Beck, circa Sea Change, but with a boxier mix and these lo-fi drums that sound like old sneakers. The songwriting is top notch. This track will resonate with anyone who has had to walk through the darkness. That's always the question: am I doing this right?

Davis got his start in New York City as a multi-instrumentalist, songwriter, and producer. We like where he's going with this:

“Fade out but the lights are still glowing
tell me where to go
how long will I run without knowing
if I’m running in the right direction...”
— Benjamin Lazar Davis