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One Night (Night Series #1)
One Night (Night Series #1)
A.M. Salinger | 2018 | Erotica, LGBTQ+, Romance
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
its hot hot HOT!!!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Book title is One Night and the whole book takes place in just that: one night!

After an attack 8 years ago, Gabe hasn't been able to be intimate with anyone. Moving across the world gives him a chance to push himself and at least try. He never expected that Cam would become anything other than one night.

OOOOOEEEEE!!!! New shelf, folks, just for this book! Cos let me tell ya, these boys get up to inferno level heat in that one night!

Cam and Gabe have a powerful and instant reaction, even with a whole club between them, and it carries, right through these some hundred pages, with both of them, independently of each other, deciding that one night will never be enough, but Gabe runs still. His trauma is dark, and could well have ended his life but for a nosey neighbour. Cam's reaction to that trauma is, again, powerful: his need to protect Gabe, to keep HIS man safe skyrockets and Cam realises that he will never get enough of Gabe.

Short it is, but there is enough history of the two men to gab you and pull you in. There is SO MUCH action, let me tell ya, these boys burn high, and hot and LONG!!!

I wrote in a recent review that what I loved about THAT book, was that it was so very CLEAN. But what I LOVED about this book?? It is so very NOT clean!! I actually don't think I've read such a great story, with so much action, in a long time!

Temperature outside? -2 degrees Centigrade (29 F) but inside?? About 500C ( 932F)!!!

Seriously cannot wait for Cam and Gabe's next book. It's not finished, their story, but they get their HFN here.

5 scorching stars!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Night School (2018)
Night School (2018)
2018 | Comedy
Funny...enough - especially the classmates
Both Kevin Hart and Tiffany Hadish are comedic performers that can wear their welcome out if they are not reigned in properly. They both serve best as the comic "2nd banana" of a film, rather than the lead, so it was with some trepidation that I checked out the Hart/Haddish starring comedy NIGHT SCHOOL and when the first meeting of the two was the both of them running their very fast mouths at each other, I thought - for sure - that they would wear their welcome out with me.

But a funny thing happened on the way to Night School - the focus of this film veered away from these two bantering with each other and settled into a fairly funny, fairly innocuous comedy that I walked away liking.

Directed by Malcolm D. Lee (GIRLS TRIP), Night School stars Hart as a High School drop-out who is now a motor-mouthed salesman who loses his job and just might lose his girl if he doesn't go back and get his GED so he can land a new job. Haddish stars as the teacher of the Night School. Both the leads are used sparingly enough that they were enjoyable participants in this film.

But for me, the strength of this film comes in the rogues gallery of comedians that were brought in to play the other students in the Night School. Rob Riggle, Mary-Lynn Rajskub, Romany Malco, Fat Joe and Al Madrigal are all winning and comforting strengths of this film as the adult "Breakfast Club" that fall under the spell - and direction - of Hart's character. It is a group that I loved spending time with and wouldn't mind spending more time with.

And I'm glad they are there for the Direction, plot twists and other characters are all pretty predictable, but they made it an enjoyable enough romp that I fall on the side of recommending it - especially if you are looking for a mindless comedy that will NOT require you to break into a discussion group afterward. A good "Netflix", rental or rainy afternoon on TBS comedy.

Letter Grade: B-

6 (out of 10) stars and you can take that to the BankofMarquis

Deborah (162 KP) rated Fallen in Books

Dec 21, 2018  
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I really enjoyed both The Liars Club series and The Royal Four by Celeste Bradley, but Fallen for me wasn't quite up to the same standard. This was her first book, so maybe my expectations were too high from her later work? I missed the humour most especially. I also found that Fallen was very much more a charater driven books without a huge amount of plot going on.

The heroine, Izzy, wakes up suddenly one night to find the hero in her bed! It's a mistake, but of course in the eyes of the Ton she is a ruined woman, unless he marries her. I liked both Izzy and Julian, but there wasn't enough there to make this a truly great example of the genre. It's still a pleasant read, but Bradley's other books are better in my opinion.

Adam Ant recommended Idiot by Iggy Pop in Music (curated)

Idiot by Iggy Pop
Idiot by Iggy Pop
1977 | Rock
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I was listening to this all through 1977 at a time when I was staying at a flat in Buckingham Gate with Linda, the famous dominatrix – y'know, beating up MPs and all that. And we'd have the New York Dolls in there and various members of the Pistols hanging out. I was staying there because that was where my friend Jordan lived, who worked with Vivienne [Westwood]. Everyone had gone to bed and I had the headphones on listening to The Idiot. I only ever listen to it late at night; I can't listen to it any other time. It's got such a great mood to it. It's a very dark record, the songs are really grinding. I went to do a gig a year or so later in Berlin at a club called SO36 on Oranienstrasse. The Idiot was mixed in Berlin and was the perfect soundtrack to going there when the Wall was still up. It was such a volatile, dangerous place to be. People were disappearing on the way there. We stayed in an old building. The place hadn't changed much since the war, it was still bomb damaged. There were lots of really old ladies with fur coats on going around buying gloves. There seemed to be lots of shops there selling these beautiful handmade gloves. It was in the Turkish quarter and it was quite exciting to go over there and play a gig. It was lost in time, that place. The fans there were quite ahead of the game. They had their own scene. The SO36 club was the reverse of any club we'd ever played. It was completely white with these dazzling neon lights, so you played in this absolutely bright, white room. The crowd were all there with their wedge haircuts, looking all existentialist. And at the end of the show the police tear gassed the place and it came to an abrupt end. That album always reminds me of that time. But every song on that album is a mood; him in a basement breaking out of whatever it was going through at the time. It's the perfect late night record. I met Iggy once at a theatre in Fulham during the Lust for Life tour, I think. He was there rehearsing and we were introduced. The thing that impressed me was that he'd introduce himself off stage: ""Ladies and gentlemen, Iggy Pop."" [Chuckles] He came out and played that night and he had jeans on with a big fur tail hanging out the back and a German helmet and he'd covered himself in paint. Typical Iggy. He was a great performer. Off stage he was very smiley, really sweet to talk to."

10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b>4.5 stars</b>

This is by far my favorite in the Rogue Club series. I believe Annette Blair brought the characters to life, which I felt were lacking in the previous two, though mainly in the first book. Although I thought it was a slow start, it started to pick up about midway through and I was hooked for the rest of the night (2:30 a.m.!). I loved Chastity, and Reed was wonderful, as were the children and Sennett. The plot was more original than the previous two, in fact I don't think I've come across it much, if at all. I did have a few quibbles, but nothing much except I find it hard to believe that growing up in a nunnery where everyone has to share in responsibilities, that Chastity didn't know how to cook. Otherwise I found it to be a lovely, moving, and heartwarming book.
Say Anything... (1989)
Say Anything... (1989)
1989 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
I can't believe this is my first time watching this movie? How did I get this far in life and have not seen this? Especially with my love of the 80s? I'm ashamed.

Regardless, I want Lloyd. Diane doesn't deserve Lloyd, I do. Just kidding (not really). I thought this film was good. Very 80s, duh, but good! It didn't go the way I thought it would. I thought the iconic scene would be at the end, in the way that the iconic scene is at the end of The Breakfast Club (my favorite), but I have lived and learned. It is not at the end.

I think this movie is a perfect cozy-night-in watch by yourself or with friends. I am definitely going to keep it on my watchlist to come back to ever so often. I love Lloyd. Okay, that's all.
Deadly Games (Dallas after Dark #2)
Deadly Games (Dallas after Dark #2)
Karen Rock | 2018 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
kinda creeps up on ya!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book two in the Dallas After Dark series, but I have not read book one, Dangerous Games. I would like to, though. You don't NEED it, I don't think, I didn't feel I was missing anything by not having read it, but I would like to read Reese's story, she's the owner of the strip club here.

FBI Agent Katherine is out on a girls night out after her divorce in the male strip club, Dallas Heat. Nash is their star performer. Nash pulls Katherine (loved that it was not shortened, not once!) onto the stage, something he has NEVER done before. A night of passion follows but Katherine runs, knowing that it can only be that: one night. But Nash turns up at her office with information that might help find a serial killer. Together, they must catch this killer before one of Katherine's friends turns up dead, all the while with Katherine fighting their attraction. Nash, however, is already all in!

I really really enjoyed this book! Don't you just love being surprised by a book, but you've no particular idea why?? I *think* that it was probably Nash himself.

I must admit, I had preconceptions about a male stripper, and what he got up to with his customers. But Nash blew them all out the water. As did the fact that I, very wrongly, pegged Nash as all body and no brains! I've no idea WHY I thought that, but I did. And for that I'm truly sorry!

I liked the pace the story moved at, not too fast, at a fair and even pace so you can keep up. I DID get who the killer was, just as soon as they popped up in the story, but I did NOT get what they had done before! Loved watching the main play out, so many wrong turns!

It's not over explicit, but it is still incredibly sexy. It does get a little gruesome in the beginning, when it is describing a victim's suffering at the hands of the killer.

I do like the way Rock tells her tales, one to watch, me finks!

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Sifting Through the Clues
Sifting Through the Clues
Daryl Wood Gerber | 2019 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Jenna Must Sift Through the Suspects to Find a Killer
Spring has sprung in Crystal Cove, and the town is celebrating all things book club. Clubs from neighboring towns have come to advertise their clubs and Jenna Hart is letting the Cookbook Nook be used to host some of the book discussions happening during the week. But she’s most excited about the progressive dinner that her own book club, the Mystery Mavens, is planning for Saturday night. However, the night ends in tragedy when they arrive at their last stop and find their final hostess, Ivy Beale, dead on her kitchen floor. Ivy had a reputation of knowing everyone’s secrets, and Jenna had seen her clashing with several people in town recently. Was that what got her killed?

One thing I love about the series is the different themes that author Daryl Wood Gerber works in via the town’s events, and book clubs is one that will appeal to all readers. The mystery is strong, with some unusual elements that Jenna must figure out in order to solve the case. I felt the suspects are good and kept me guessing as I went along. The climax was a lot of fun and perfectly wrapped things up. There is a large cast of characters, and I love spending time with them. However, at times it can be hard to remember all the connections, so I was thankful for the list of characters at the beginning of the book. My biggest issue is the relationship between Jenna and Cinnamon Pritchett, the chief of police. They are supposed to be good friends, but I don’t see it based on their interactions here. I get why Cinnamon behaves the way she does, but we need to see more of the friendship between them. We got over a dozen recipes at the end, some sweet and some savory, and many of them give us regular and gluten free versions. Fans of Daryl’s other series will enjoy the Easter eggs she slipped into this book; I know I did.

Carma (21 KP) rated When I Lost You in Books

Jun 17, 2019  
When I Lost You
When I Lost You
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Logan was looking for a woman who wasn’t after him just for this money. Apparently that was just too hard of a mission to accomplish. Taking his 2 friends to Mexico for a guys vacation before Russell gets married was the least he could do for them, and himself. He wasn’t expecting to find everything he’d ever wanted for himself the first night inside a local club.

Cassie was on vacation with her 2 friends before their lives split them up for a while. Naomi was heading to New York to start her real estate firm and Cassie wanted to soak up every last minute with her best friends before she left. Renting an Airbnb in Mexico seemed like the perfect solution. That first night heading to the club she never imagined she would find the love of her life while standing at the bar.

Logan hid who he really was from Cassie all week while getting to know her and letting her see almost totally who he was, minus the billions. As we all know, lies backfire, even lies by omission. He loses her for 5 years in the blink of an eye.

Now they are both in New York but Cassie isn’t Cassie anymore. Aside from calling herself Sandra she is cold, hard and aloof. Not his precious Cassie anymore. He will finally do whatever it takes to never let her go again. Too bad her ex boyfriend is a psycho who wants her back, no matter the cost.

Logan and Cassie overcome misunderstandings and too many lost years to make a perfect team. They will finally know what it is like to no longer be alone. A great read from this author earning 4 ½ stars from this reader. I read an advanced copy without expectation for review. Any and all opinions expressed are my own.
Lash (The Skulls, #1)
Lash (The Skulls, #1)
2.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
DNF @27%

Yeah, I've decided I don't like MC (motocycle club) books too much. I don't get the concept of them and some of their rules just pee me off.

What the hell's up with this one?

A guy who--in her own words--says 'she didn't realise he had ever noticed her' suddenly goes all dark and brooding on her one night, drags her upstairs and starts kissing/touching her and she just lets him? When she's a virgin? Really? Cos I'm not buying it.

He then orders her to come to terms with his interest in her and that she's now his and she just rolls with it?

If I'm going to read and enjoy a MC book I need a kick arse, smart-alec who gives as good as she gets and I'm sorry but--I can't even remember the main characters name :/--she wasn't that for me.

Will not be reading the next books.