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Andy K (10823 KP) created a video about The Poseidon Adventure (1972) in Movies

Oct 30, 2017 (Updated Oct 30, 2017)  

Tidal Wave!


Andy K (10823 KP) created a video about The Perfect Storm (2000) in Movies

Dec 6, 2017 (Updated Dec 6, 2017)  

The Giant Wave


Andy K (10823 KP) created a video about Major League (1989) in Movies

Mar 4, 2018 (Updated Mar 5, 2018)  

The Cleveland Wave


LeftSideCut (3776 KP) created a video about Zombie Tidal Wave (2019) in Movies

Jul 23, 2019  

Zombie Tidal Wave Trailer


Entertainment Editor (1988 KP) created a video about Little Nightmares in Video Games

Oct 25, 2017 (Updated Oct 25, 2017)  

Little Nightmares - Deep Below the Waves Trailer

LITTLE NIGHTMARES presents a grim shadow-filled adventure through an interactive storyline, outstanding sound design, and a unique art-style that is sure to deliver eerie chills and goosebumps.


Imogen SB (4507 KP) created a video about track Every Breaking Wave by U2 in Songs of Innocence by U2 in Music

Apr 4, 2019  

U2 - Every Breaking Wave (Official Videos)


Josh Burns (166 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Wraith in Video Games

Jun 21, 2019  
2017 | Horror, Shooter
Be Horror waveshooter
Wraith is a horror wave shooter. Now the thing with wave shooters is, that there are a TON of them on all VR platforms. They all have their own little things that make them stand out, but you only need to own so many before they get redundant. To its credit, Wraith has quite a few unique elements:
1: the wraiths make no sound as they approach, so unlike every other VR wave shooter, you can't hear them come up behind you.
2: when you switch magazines in you gun, any rounds that were still in it are lost, they don't magically stay like most games.
3: you have an in the moment shop that comes in the form of a sort of tablet wrist thing. You can't pause, you have to look and choose what to buy on the fly with enemies incoming. In the shop thete are flashlight batteries, different guns, ammo, armor and laser sight batteries.
4: There are 4 maps, which are very atmospheric even if two of them are similar but they are endless. Sadly there is no story, not scores to beat, no grinding...nothing.
5: There are only 3 character models for enemies. They look great! but there are only 3.
6: The one neat thing about the endless aspect, is that the longer you play, the darker it gets making you rely more and more on your flashlight.
Overall it's not bad, the silent enemies can scare the shit out of you if you turn around to find them right in your face. You use the Move controllers if you perfer smaller weapons like pistols, uzis, sawed off shotguns, and the Aim Controller if you prefer rifles and shotguns etc. It has a great atmosphere, everything tracks well. The problem is, with only being a survival mode and so few enemy types, there just isn't a lot of reason to pick this up when nearly half of the vr games are wave shooters it seems like. I also found that once I got into a rythm with an assault rifle, bouncing between ammo, armor and flashlight batteries, I migt have never died. I let myself after twenty some waves because I was kind of bored. So overall, it's cheap and not bad to mess around with this time of year. Maybe a good pass the headset game if you stick to the move controllers, thus eliminating the assault rifle. There are better wave shooters but there aren't many that are horror themed (actually I only know of one and I'll be covering it). On the positive the latest patch cleared all bugs and states that it makes visual adjustments allowing for future expansion. So maybe it will grow into something more.
Y Tu Mama Tambien (2001)
Y Tu Mama Tambien (2001)
2001 | International, Comedy, Drama
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"This came out right around the time that a new wave of Mexican filmmakers were making a splash on the global cinema market. It was a very exciting time, I think. And no film exemplifies that period to me more than Alfonso Cuarón’s beautifully intimate Y tu mamá también. It felt like he really captured Mexico, and the complexities of male friendship and intimacy. And those moments in our lives that change us forever. I just saw Roma at the Savannah Film Festival and was blown away. It feels like he’s come full circle. I see an artist really contemplating life, and it’s very inspiring."


Adele recommended Colour It In by The Maccabees in Music (curated)

Colour It In by The Maccabees
Colour It In by The Maccabees
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"When we were growing up, we had mutual friends. I used to go and watch them play at the Bug Bar in Brixton when I was 14… I remember them getting signed to Fiction and how exciting that was. I’ve still got one of their demo CDs, in a photocopied and stapled-together packet, which had their early song Latchmere on it. Latchmere was a swimming pool we all went to; it had a really good wave machine. That’s how their song goes: “Latchmere’s/ Got a wave machine.” When I watched the Maccabees play at Glastonbury this year, it was so moving – seeing all those random people singing their song back at them, about a little swimming pool that was a huge part of my youth. It took me back… I’d say they’re the most consistent band in the UK right now. Without fail, they deliver with their songs, and I find them very inspiring for that. They know who they are; as individuals, as friends, as a band. They’re lovely boys – and with their new record, Marks to Prove It, they had their first No 1 album."
