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Leon Morin, Priest (1961)
Leon Morin, Priest (1961)
1961 | Drama, Romance, War
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I suppose given the tenor of this list, Melville is pretty predictable, being that he’s a genius of crime noir, but this film is neither noir nor gangster; it’s about a thoughtful, intelligent, wise, and committed country priest, played by the young Jean-Paul Belmondo (!). Melville has a strong moral code, standards of honor and loyalty, as seen not just in his crime movies, but in the devastating Army of Shadows, his film drawn from his experience in the French Resistance, but I never could have foreseen him making a movie that is basically an argument of morality between a compassionate young stud of an impeccably behaved priest and a wild and magnetic, cynical woman, the riveting Emmanuelle Riva. Also, it made me get Catholicism in a way I never had before, namely the appeal of having as a confessor and advisor someone whose concern is for one’s soul. What could be more moving and fulfilling (and flattering)? It’s way more seductive than a psychiatrist, and it’s almost free."


Dean (6921 KP) rated The Hot Spot (1990) in Movies

Dec 24, 2018 (Updated Jan 22, 2019)  
The Hot Spot (1990)
The Hot Spot (1990)
1990 | Drama, Mystery
A good attempt at a film noir by Dennis Hopper. It's a little slow to begin with, but soon there are plenty of twists along the way. Things heat up when a drifter passes through a small town and sets off a chain of events which will change many lives. This film has a few themes running through it, hot women, American classic cars and some cool Jazz tunes as well. Doesn't seem to be on TV much, catch it when you can.

Raul Castillo recommended Drunken Angel (1948) in Movies (curated)

Drunken Angel (1948)
Drunken Angel (1948)
1948 | Crime, Drama, Romance
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I pretty much could have picked any Kurosawa film. They’re all masterful. But the first time I saw Toshiro Mifune in Drunken Angel it was an absolute revelation: I want to do what that guy’s doing! He did it with style throughout his career, and I love him in all of his collaborations with Kurosawa (High and Low, Seven Samurai, Stray Dog, etc.), but his performance in this film, as a small-time gangster with tuberculosis, is badass. I love film noir."

Blade Runner (1982)
Blade Runner (1982)
1982 | Sci-Fi
8.5 (75 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
Which version do I review? The original? Directors cut? Aunt June's revised 5th edition? How bout just the basics? Decker is a Blade Runner. He hunts down replicants. Is he one too? Who knows. Wanna learn how to make origami? Sure why not. Darryl Hannah is super sexy. One of the best death monologues in a movie ever! Not her... Rutgers. And how neo-noir can you get?!? Cyberpunk baby!!! It's a slow burn though, so be prepared for a long ride.
Serenity (2019)
Serenity (2019)
2019 | Drama, Thriller
Good cast (0 more)
The twist! (0 more)
A very surreal film
I didn't bother reading any reviews before I watched this Sky Original film. I was impressed by the cast line up and like a noir, mystery film. At least that's what you think you are going to see. It's one of just a handful of films with a surreal twist that will make most people think "are you serious?". Should have just stuck to a normal thriller plot. At least the scenery is nice to look at.
Sweet Smell of Success (1957)
Sweet Smell of Success (1957)
1957 | Drama, Film-Noir
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"The ultimate film noir that’s not about violent crime, it’s just character assassination at its most brutal. Tony Curtis and Burt Lancaster are beyond iconic in their performances; they become the embodiments of a rancid spirit that can sometimes be found in New York, in show business, in every business everywhere, where money talks and I’ll walk over your body to get some. “I’d hate to take a bite outta you, Sidney—you’re a cookie full of arsenic.” I like to say that to my wife."

The Happytime Murders (2017)
The Happytime Murders (2017)
2017 | Comedy
Funny (1 more)
Noir Humour (0 more)
Nearly But Not Quite
Contains spoilers, click to show
Starting with the introduction of a puppet private detective, this is intended to be a gritty, noir, detective story with the added twist of Jim Henson puppets as characters. While film technology has vastly improved since such films as Cool World, and Who Framed Roger Rabbit, puppet technology hasn't really changed, so the puppets all have overtones of The Muppets and Sesame Street.
Despite the humour inherent in puppet characters, and the use of puppets as an analogue for minority populations (up to and including a puppet who has been 'humanised'), it's neither funny enough nor enough of a social commentary to fit into one of those two dichotomous genres.
Noir comedy, carpet-bombed with dick jokes, riddled with puppet humour, and boiling with 'social commentary', this film doesn't really land in a single genre, and the ones it tries to are too different to make a really good film. It turns out a bit like 'Muppets She Wrote' with added swearing and crudery.
Melissa Mccarthy plays the typical irreverent, foul-mouthed, stereotypical racist cop, and interacts really well with the puppets, but even all of her talent can't save this film.
It's funny (the puppet sex scene is just insane), carries some preachiness about racism (trying to decide how much 'puppet' makes someone a puppet based on a surgical implant), thoroughly irreverent (foul mouthed, 'drug' addled puppets), has an okay storyline (the twist is fairly well written), and concludes with the usual happy Muppets ending, but it feels like it's trying too hard to do too much. Perhaps, if it had tried to do less, it could have been a really good film.
All of that taken into account, it's not bad for something to watch for lighthearted fun, if you don't want to think too hard about it.

David (771 KP) rated Logan (2017) in Movies

Jan 17, 2018  
Logan (2017)
Logan (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
Banter between Jackman & Stewart's characters (0 more)
Very different from other X-men films
I sat at home to watch this not knowing much about it except the synopsis on screen. Watched the colour version rather than the film noir version. As my title says it's not like other X-men films with it's bloody violence and bad language as the previous films were aimed at a younger audience (in my opinion). The film was fast paced and gave us a little back story on how Prof X and Wolverine got to where they are now. As I am used to him in humorous roles, Stephen Merchants character was a surprise showing that he can step out of his comfort zone. The actress that played Lauren was fantastic even though she didn't speak for the first half of the film. She would be a great evil spirit in a ghost/horror movie as she has a very good deadpan glare that looks straight through you (chilling). I am not going to do spoilers, I will say that I would watch the film again maybe even the film noir version.

AJaneClark (3962 KP) rated Happy! - Season 1 in TV

Aug 9, 2019 (Updated Aug 9, 2019)  
Happy! - Season 1
Happy! - Season 1
2017 | Comedy, Crime, Fantasy
Great casting (1 more)
Very funny
It got cancelled (0 more)
It’s no law and order
Happy - a darkly comical crime series with plenty of action and outrageousness!! The series features Christopher Meloni ( looking somewhat ragged compared to his SVU days) we an ex cop turned hitman, that is injured and begins to see a flying blue unicorn.

His irritating blue sidekick takes him on an hilarious journey to rescue a young girl, who is the unicorn’s best friend! Expect a few laughs at this noir-ish style comedy that takes you to the borders of insanity!

MelanieTheresa (997 KP) Aug 9, 2019

Such a great show! Completely bonkers in the best way.

The Angel of Vine
The Angel of Vine
Society & Culture
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
Brilliant storyline (4 more)
True Crime inspired
Amazing cast
Glorious suspense
Truly Wonderful writing
Fantastic Fiction
As a fan of true crime podcasts, I have very few fiction podcasts in my favourites (mostly things like King Falls AM, for the wackiness) and I tend to avoid crime fiction, primarily because the real thing is better, crazier, and so much more twisted.
The Angel of Vine is a sublime fictional podcast, written to sound like true crime in the Noir tradition being retold in the modern podcast format. The podcast begins with the discovery of some old cassette tapes by the family of a deceased ex-cop turned private detective, and their choice to involve a podcaster/reporter to help them investigate the story enshrined in those cassettes.
Following the investigation into the murder of a young actress in Hollywood, the podcaster makes use of the recordings to tell Harry's story.
Voiced by some amazing talent (including the gorgeous growl of Joe Manganiello, the incomparable Alan Tudzyk, and the delightful Mischa Collins) the story is gripping, compelling, and extremely difficult to not binge.
For fans of true crime, crime drama, and any sort of Noir (Sam Spade eat your heart out), this is a podcast to listen to, save, and listen to again later.