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Modern Romance
Modern Romance
Aziz Ansari | 2016 | Health & Fitness
8.0 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Going into this book I wasn't expecting much. I mean, how could a comedian write an intelligent non fiction book about romance? I know, I was that person that had a snap judgment on an author and I shouldn't have thought that.

This book was extremely interesting and the audiobook was HILARIOUS! I loved listening to Aziz Ansari read this book and describe the statistics that he gathered. The book was interesting and quite entertaining. He gathered a lot of information and was able to bring life into what could have been a dull psychology book.

Ultimately, if you're looking for an interesting and fun read, this is the book is for you. The statistics were never dull and it was fascinating to learn about other cultures and the differences between generations.
A Cure to Die For
A Cure to Die For
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Unfortunately I could not 'get into' this book. The flow of the writing, the character set-ups and the overall voice of the book was unorganized, unbelievable and, in my opinion, lacking in experience. It felt like the author was excited, rushed almost, to write the book. The characters were hastily pushed into emotions and situations that they were not 'lead' into. Trust is earned, even in books, not just given inexplicably to a stranger you just met, for example. Even with that said, I did love the premise of the book. The 'cure' is so wonderful that you just wish it were a work of non-fiction. I am grateful that I was able to read this book, even if it is not one of my favorites, it is thought provoking and inspiring.
Have you ever opened a package and immediately felt giddy over the book that popped out? Well, I will be honest that is how I felt about this book. The cover pulls you in, the weight and feel of the paper further builds up the hopes in your mind, and then to cap it all off, the description is intriguing! Did I mention I got a hardcover edition? 

  Bryan Litfin is a new to me author with a very great writing style. He pulls you in with vivid characters, drama, battles, and dreams. I loved the period and setting, and I am so thankful for the research Bryan Litfin put into making this book believable and accurate. The characters were pretty realistic, and they chose believable courses of action. Although at times I marveled at their courage! The Religious aspects of the book were spot on for the period (but more on that in a bit), and I truly felt like I was back in time facing off against the lions with the characters. Both Flavia and Rex captured me from the first page, and I enjoyed getting to go on their journey (But I am curious to see what happens to them next).

  On the religious aspect. I usually only review Christian Fiction. This is not your normal overtly Christian Fiction. It does not mention God in the sense of having a personal deep abiding relationship with him. He is thought of more as a deity and mostly mentioned in passing. He is not the focus of this story, as most people expect from Christian Fiction. Yet to clarify it is not primarily listed as Christian Fiction, but Ancient, Historical, Romance with a Christian fiction genre thrown in there. Personally, if this book were to be marketed directly to a non-Christian audience, I could see it doing very well (maybe even having a movie made of it) but directing it towards Christians… I do not think it will go well. Also, because it has sexual connotations throughout the story, as well as taking an odd (period correct though) stance on women.

Overall, I give it 2 out of 5 stars for the great research, interesting story plot, and vivid characters. But I would NOT recommend it to anyone who is not sure of their faith, has problems with reading sexual references, or an impressionable audience. I would also recommend the publisher Revell not label it as Christian Fiction.

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.