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When Katie Met Cassidy
When Katie Met Cassidy
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was one of my Book of the Month picks this month, so I got it a little early. It's a very quick read, and a sweet story. Basically, it's lesbian romance fluff. We need more fluff with non-heterosexual romances, so this is great stuff!

The book touches on gender issues - Cassidy is a woman, and seems happy to be so, but abhors feminine clothing and instead dresses solely in men's suits. (The scene with her fabulously gay tailor was an absolute delight!) She flashes back a little onto her childhood when she wasn't allowed to wear the clothing she felt best in. She also has a few conversations with Katie about gender roles. Katie is much more traditionally feminine, wearing dresses and heels and long hair.

I'm a little torn on whether I dislike the use of the trope "straight woman turned gay after breakup" or like the point that Katie isn't sure she likes women, but she knows she likes Cassidy. Cassidy's gender is secondary to her personality. And it's not like Katie decided to go hit on women after her fiance cheated on her; she got practically dragged to the lesbian bar by Cassidy, who saw how much she was hurting and decided to help her.

I enjoyed seeing that Cassidy has casual sex partners, many of them former sex partners, who are still good friends with her. Granted, she has lots of one-night stands who are upset with her since she's quite the player, but there are several women who she's been involved with before the book opens, who are close friends of hers and care about her future. I wish we saw more relationships like this in heterosexual romantic fiction instead of only in GLBT fiction! These kinds of relationships do exist in heterosexual groups, but it seems like romantic fiction is always divided between "heterosexual monogamy" and "everything else." I did read an exception in Next Year, For Sure, but I greatly disliked the ending.

I really loved this book. It was sweet, and light-hearted, and a pleasant breath of fresh air from a lot of what I've been reading recently!

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Stay Alive (Scope #2)
Stay Alive (Scope #2)
Simon Kernick | 2013 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I must admit that I am a huge Simon Kernick fan. I discovered him by accident when browsing at my local library and he fast became one of my favourite authors. I was lucky enough to receive a copy of this book from the publisher via in return for an honest and unbiased review.

To those who have read other novels by this author, Stay Alive sees a return of some familiar characters. For those who haven’t, where have you been? Stay Alive sends you on a roller-coaster ride of twists and turns, murder and mayhem from the very start and although the plot is not as complex as some of Simon’s other novels, it keeps you on your toes and provides you with those “doh” moments when you realise the clues have been drip-fed throughout the story but only come together at the end.

Some reviews I have read say that it is unbelievable - it’s not a non-fiction book people, it doesn't necessarily have to be believable to make it an enjoyable and engrossing read with guaranteed action delivered at breakneck speed.
Leadership Secrets of Attila the Hun
Leadership Secrets of Attila the Hun
Wess Roberts | 2009 | Business & Finance, History & Politics
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Leadership secrets of Attila the Hun by Wess Roberts, PhD
Read by James Lurie
Genre: Non-Fiction: Self Help, Instruction
Rating: 3.5/5

Review: Wess Roberts gives a brief summary of the life of Attila the Hun, and then shows how you can use simple character traits to be a leader in modern society. The advice is down to earth and easy to apply to many aspects of your life.

The only thing I felt was lacking was a Christian perspective, but the book was not a Christian book so I wasn’t expecting it. However, being a Christian myself, I look at self-help books very critically and from a different viewpoint than most people.

The writing was nice—it wasn’t J.K.Rowling, but it wasn’t Meg Cabot either. It was easy to read (listen too). The pacing was pretty good too, I enjoyed the life of Attila more than I thought I would :)

I listened to the audio edition of the book, and the reader did an excellent job.

Recommendation: Ages 14+ People looking to be good leaders at work, students looking to do well in school, people wanting to start an organization etc.
Racing to the Finish: My Story
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I've never been a fan of racing, but my teenage son is an absolute fan. Dale Jr. is one of his top racers and he loves every thing to do with him and his racing. So, when the chance to review this book came up, I jumped on it just for him. 

The upside about the book? I actually liked it, considering I'm not into non-fiction. This book takes some of the why's behind his career and tells his fans about his life. It was beautifully and tenderly written with Ryan McGee. 

My son read it after I did, and he's the main one that would know if this is quality reading about his race car driver, and, he loved it. He's adding it to his keeper collection. He says it's definitely worthy of the 4 stars I want to give it. So, if you're a fan of Earnhardt Jr. and racing, grab this book. You'll learn so much about the man behind the racing.

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Harper Collins (Thomas Nelson) and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
Professor Chandra Follows His Bliss
Professor Chandra Follows His Bliss
Rajeev Balasubramanyam | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Humor & Comedy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A wonderful story of family and finding yourself.
This is SUCH a good book!
Professor Chandra, a Professor at Cambridge University, has missed out on the Nobel Prize for Economics, and he’s not happy about it! So unhappy in fact, that he doesn’t pay attention whilst crossing the road, and gets run over by a bicycle. He ends up in hospital, and decides that he needs to re-evaluate his life and get in contact with his children. And so starts his journey of self-realisation.
I loved this book. The characters were all immensely likeable (even the irritating Steve - Chandra’s ex-wife’s new husband). Some of the things that happened seemed a bit unlikely, but we’re not reading this as a non-fiction book, are we? They were very funny though, and occasionally, they were quite sad. This book had it all for me. I read this on The Pigeonhole, so one part a day for ten days, and I can honestly say that I looked forward to reading it every day. I feel a little bereft that it’s over now.
Highly recommended!