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With Every Letter
With Every Letter
Sarah Sundin | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sarah Sundin's masterful skills have done it again! Another amazing home run, out-of-the-ball-park hitter for this amazingly talented author. From the start, I was instantly in the heart of the story, following Philomela Blake, Tom MacGilliver, Rose and Georgie and all the other complex and amazing characters. This is most definitely the start of a fantastic new series and I can't wait for more!

Philomela "Mellie" Blake, aka Annie, is a wonderful character. She was chiseled perfectly and I loved following her story. She was a young woman, desperate to be a flight nurse and make a difference. Never fitting into America because of her Asian descent, and never fitting into the Asian world because of her American heritage, she's just wanting to fit in to something, make a difference and make friends. Joining a team of flight nurses, though, doesn't look to be much help as every thinks she's just a bit odd. When an opportunity arises, she takes a chance on mailing out a letter to one of the Armed Forces members. Just one is all she'll write. But, then, one turns into and then three...what can it hurt though, as anonymity seems to be the top priority and he'll never know what she looks like, or who she is. Right? Until a chance meeting during a flight evac pick up brings her face-to-face with her letter writing hero.

Thomas "Tom" MacGilliver, Jr. aka "Earnest". I fell in love with him instantly! He's a wonderful character who always hides behind a smile. He's had rough past, always getting looked down upon because of his father and a terrible happenstance from the past. But, this letter writing with his "Annie" is helping him become a better person. She's helping him realize that with God, all things are possible, and people will overlook the past of crimes with mercy and forgiveness. He loves what she makes him feel just through her words. Can this anonymity turn to more than just a friendship? And what of the beautiful Mellie Blake he meets? He doesn't want to betray his sweet Annie, but the attraction to Mellie is undeniable. Will God help him through this and show him which woman is for him? Or will his dreams of Annie and Mellie being one and the same come true?

These two were amazing and I didn't want to say goodbye! A powerful message of self forgiveness, mercy and friendship were woven in among the pages, and really spoke volumes to both myself and the characters! Not only were these two characters the heart of the story, Ms. Sundin used her secondary characters as the heart as well. I loved all of the amazing people of this book and know that Ms. Sundin has so much more history and fun to weave for us with the other characters!

Definitely an amazing 5 Book worthy, richly detailed with historical elements and war time efforts, and I highly recommend it to all! Ms. Sundin will quickly become a favorite if you've never read her previous works. If you have, well, then, this will be a wonderful addition to your Sarah Sundin collection! Forever on my bookshelf, I can't wait to see more of these amazing flight nurses and their WWII military men that capture the heart! Amazing job, Ms. Sundin!
The Wonder
The Wonder
Emma Donoghue | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Also read my review here:

<b><i>It came to Lib then that the question to ask was not how a child might commit such a fraud, but why?</b></i>

<i>The Wonder</i> is an absolutely beautiful and thought-provoking novel and by far one of the best books I’ve read this year.

Set in towards the end of the 19th century, we meet one of Ms Nightingale’s own nurses, shipped out to Ireland to investigate a so-called miracle. Young Anna O’Donnell hasn’t eaten since her 11th birthday, which passed four months ago. Lib begins a frustrating journey into learning whether Anna is truly a modern day Saint.
She is determined to prove the miracle a hoax, but being faced with old Irish superstitions she doesn’t understand, sexism and strong Catholic faith, she has a hard time getting to the truth.

It’s a bit of a slow ride, but it’s interesting enough to keep you wanting to know more. Donoghue creates a beautifully vivid story for you to really lose yourself in, you’ll find yourself reading this book within a couple of days (or hours, depending on when you’re reading it). Not what I’d classify at a mystery novel - the story is so much more than just working out the story behind Anna’s apparent loss of appetite. It’s a story of faith, believing in yourself and following your heart.

A really enjoyable book, with a wide array of likable and dislikable characters, beautiful scenery and heart warming lessons to take away, this is a must read for any historical fiction lover.
Five Feet Apart
Five Feet Apart
Rachael Lippincott | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
6.9 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
So we meet Stella in this, a cystic fibrosis sufferer who is entering hospital to fight a throat infection and high temperature. The hospital is like her second home after going in and out of it over the years to fight whatever illnesses are troubling her. She knows where everything is and has free movement of the hospital. In the process of having to come to the hospital for an extended stay, she is missing out on a school trip to Cabo with her friends which she helped organise.

Already at the hospital is her long time friend and fellow CF sufferer, Poe. And then there's new to the hospital Will, who's on a drug trial to stop his B. cepacia - which is a dangerous bacteria that can eventually kill CFers.

There's an instant attraction between Stella and Will but initially Stella's a little antagonistic towards Will as he seems too ready to give up on his treatment so he can travel before he dies. While Will thinks she's a teachers pet and a goody two shoes with how close she is to the nurses who've treated her since she was 6.

They eventually come to realise that they can help each other and the attraction grows - making them shrink the required 6 feet to 5 - and they fall in love.

I cried about three times during my reading of this because I had grown to like the characters and for being so young they'd all been through a lot.

I thought it was a cute story, falling in love while being poorly but did they really get their HEA?


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