Introduction to Health and Safety at Work: For the NEBOSH National General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety
Introduction to Health and Safety at Work covers the fundamentals of occupational safety and health...

Escape to Pagan: The True Story of One Family's Fight to Survive in World War II Occupied Asia
A gripping true story of survival set in Hong Kong and Burma, as one family struggles against...

Palestine Ltd: Neoliberalism and Nationalism in the Occupied Territory
Despite their failure to yield peace or Palestinian statehood, the role of these organisations in...

International Health and Safety at Work: For the Nebosh International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety
International Health and Safety at Work has been specially written in simple English for the...

The Healthy Indoor Environment: How to Assess Occupants' Wellbeing in Buildings
Despite policy directives, standards and guidelines, indoor environmental quality is still poor in...

Occupy World Street: A Global Roadmap for Radical Economic and Political Reform
Across the world, in an ever-growing number of cities, people are starting to rise up against a...

Manual of Coronary Chronic Total Occlusion Interventions: A Step-by-Step Approach
Manual of Coronary Chronic Total Occlusion Interventions: Practical Approach, Second Edition is an...

Risk Analysis and Management of Repetitive Actions: A Guide for Applying the OCRA System (Occupational Repetitive Actions)
Daniela Colombini and Enrico Occhipinti
This book covers the application of the OCRA (Occupational Repetitive Actions) method. The methods...