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Annabelle Comes Home (2019)
Annabelle Comes Home (2019)
2019 | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
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I love the Conjuring series. I find it fascinating. I'm a little obsessed with Ed and Lorraine Warren so I watch anything to do with the universe. After the second Conjuring film, this is my favourite. It takes a lot for a horror to scare me and though it wasn't terrifying it made me jump a lot! That feeling like you're on a rollercoaster dipping down! I love it!!!!

It's set after the Conjuring (or inbetween depending on your source) after the Warren's have the doll secured in their occult museum. Mary Ellen is babysitting Judy, the Warren's daughter (who we learnt in the Conjuring shares her mothers gift) and her friend Danielle, distraught from the death of her father, pays a visit. The events after are pretty much all her fault. I kind of hate her for it despite understanding her reasoning. While the other films focus mainly on the demon Valek or the Annabelle doll demon (with the exception of the many spirits in the first conjuring) this film has a lot of the other never before mentioned spirits that the real Ed and Lorraine have written about. The White Lady, the Samurai, the Black Shuck. I was actually concerned for how they would portray the Werewolf after such disasters as teen wold or an American Werewolf in London but was happily suprised that they made it work quite well. Of course there is a semi happy ending and all is well, Judy gets her birthday and some friends and Danielle has closure but I'm very much looking forward to the third Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It. Released this year hopefully!!!!!

Lee KM Pallatina (951 KP) rated Constantine - Season 1 in TV

Apr 15, 2020 (Updated Apr 15, 2020)  
Constantine  - Season 1
Constantine - Season 1
2014 | Drama
Casting,special effects, acting, story. (0 more)
Only one season (0 more)
It says master, does it? I should really change that to petty dabbler
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My name is John Constantine. I am the one who steps on the shadows, all trench coat and arrogance. I'll drive your demons away, kick 'em in the bollocks, and spit on them when they're down, leaving only a nod, a wink and a wisecrack

Demon hunter and master of the occult John Constantine decided to cease fighting evil since his soul now belonged to the netherworld.
when demons target the daughter of one of his closest friends, he reluctantly rejoins the battle.
discovering Liv (the friends daughter) has second sight, an ability to see other worlds and predict supernatural occurrences, a power that makes her a threat to the new evil, She and Constantine take their combined skills on the road, travelling the country finding demons and send them back to hell.

Matt Ryan stars as john Constantine "master of the dark art's" who after failing to save an old friends young daughter from a powerful demon that dragged her to Hell years prior, leaves that life behind...until now.
This show was short lived, it was eventually accompanied by a animated mini series & an animated movie.
The character was voiced by Matt Ryan of course allowing that version of the character to continue, also being a main character in the DCAU movie justice league dark.

The character also appeared in the CWs arrowverse & is currently a mainstay in CWs legends of tomorrow, Ryan is casting perfection and is a fan favourite.
Midnight Exposure (Midnight, #1)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Don't you just love it when you read a book and it is so much more than what you expected? This is what happened to me when I read Midnight Exposure. I thought it would the usual story of hero meets heroine, they don't get on, big calamity, insta-love, everything's fine. That is so NOT what you get with this. You get a well thought out, full of plot, suspenseful story. Yes, there are overtures of romance to the book but they are brilliantly done.

Our main female and male leads both come with baggage and flaws. Jayne is no weeping wallflower mind you. One of my favourite parts of the book was when she used her black belt karate on someone. She is not just going to sit there and be a victim. The supporting characters are all well rounded and develop really well throughout the book.

As for the 'occult' side of things - I thought this was remarkably well written and that's coming from a pagan. Too often in books, knowledge is mis-used or only given in part and the result can be something that makes me cringe as it dumps every earth and nature based religion in with satanism. The parts of this book that were revealing more about the villain and his motives etc, never painted the actual symbolism as black, instead just showing how it was being used for his purposes. I know I haven't explained it very well but trust me, Melinda Leigh did a great job. As for the reviewer who said "we get no clue what kind of religion this is", I suggest you take a re-read as it is written plain as day.

Loved this book and have started on book 2, Midnight Sacrifice. Recommended!
Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones (2014)
Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones (2014)
2014 | Horror
5.0 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Supernatural Superpowers That Are Cursed
Ugh here we go again- which one is this number 8, number 3210, number who cares, number whatever. Its the fifth one by the way, if people are wondering.

Im just tired of this franchise, nothing happens until the last 15-20 minutes of the movie, thats when shit happens. So the rest of the movie is boring. So whats the plot this time.

The Plot: Teenagers Jesse (Andrew Jacobs) and Hector (Jorge Diaz) look forward to a carefree summer, but the murder of a neighbor leads to a terrifying encounter with the supernatural. After breaking into the neighbor's apartment, Jesse and Hector find a collection of ritualistic art and other bizarre items. Jesse takes a journal of occult writings and soon after finds a strange mark on his arm. His subsequent erratic behavior leads Jesse's friends and family to the realization that he is possessed.

So in this one a recent high school graduate has a myserious neigherbor, and deicides to go into her house and gets the curse and than has superpowers??? Like he can lean back far, jump the stairs high from his skateboard, and push people, wait what??Later on, when he gets captured two man get their shotguns and shoot the cult, wait what?? Than his friend goes through a door and ends up at the house from the first move and see Kate and Micah, wait what?? That makes no sense.

By the way this movie came out in Januray and besides the first one which came out late September, the rest of them came out in October. So this one came out in dump month, and it was a piece of dump.

Ugh One more right....Right.....Right....