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Endosymbiont (The Vampire Guard #3)
Endosymbiont (The Vampire Guard #3)
Elizabeth Noble | 2022 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
great to catch up with these guys!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 3 in The Vampire Guard series, and I STRONGLY recommend you read Codename Jack Rabbit, and Quarry before this one. It will give you a better view of this group and who they are and what they do.

It's been a long time since I read the first 2 books, 6 years and 3 years and it took me a little bit of time to get back into this group, their dynamics and what they do, and what they are, but once I did, I thoroughly enjoyed it!

It gets a bit complicated, when they are talking about the endosymbiont and what it does and what it was meant for, but I kinda glazed over that bit. In all honesty, my mind wasn't comprehending it, so I didn't try to hard to understand the technical stuff!

The story flips from various times in the past, 1929/1940s and now, giving you a picture of things that have happened to get to this point, at the bottom of the ocean where they are fighting for their lives and I loved that. It gives us Kai and Ori in all their glory, who (but feel free to correct, it has been YEARS!) are a new introduction to the Guard (in terms of these books) and some Sohpia and Porter too, along with Jonas, Lucas, Declan and Blair.

It's quite violent, but dealing with mutated beings would be. And again, it's clean and I'm finding I like that about these books. There is love and feelings, cos you get that through the various bonded pairings as things move along but no actual smexy times and its not needed at all.

There is an epilogue. Said epilogue ends rather abruptly. Leading me to believe that not only will there be another book, but the endosymbiont will pop up again.

A thoroughly enjoyable read, a great catch up with these guys.

4 stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
*I received a copy of this book from Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review*

I have not read anything with Genies, nothing NADA! So when I saw this I jumped on the chance to read it. I love reading short story collections, you get to read from authors that you have never read from before and to see if you like their writing style. This collection of short stories is from authors all over the world and it is their take on the djinn and some of the myths,tales that they have heard whilst growing up or heard. The only author that I had heard and read beforehand was Neil Gaiman, I read ‘The Ocean at the end of the Lane’ years ago and enjoyed it so I knew there would be one possible story that I would like.

So going into this I knew nothing about Genie’s/Djinn other than Aladdin! The book has an introduction written by the editors Mahvesh Murad and Jared Shurin explaining how this book came together and the different authors involved. We also had the The Djinn Falls In Love by Hermes which is poem about a djinn which I really enjoyed.

There are 20 stories in this collection in total and are all very different, however I found the majority of them to be a little dull and wasn’t holding my attention or the story line/plot got confusing. There were however some really great ones that I loved such as ‘Spite House’ and ‘Reap’. I must admit that there will be something for everyone as there several different genres within.

‘Reap’ by Sami Shah – This was a 5 star from me. This is a story about a small team who use a drone for surveillance on a small village in Pakistan. They have to watch the residents of this village and one family has 11 children, but one day Miriam, the youngest, doesn’t return with the clan. This has supernatural elements and is pretty scary but truly wonderful and had me gripped all the way through.

This is not one of my favourite short story collection as there were just too many that didn’t hold my interest or was a little confusing. The cover though is beautiful and recommend if you want to read some different interpretations about Djinn.

I rated this 2.5 out of 5 stars
Papillon (2018)
Papillon (2018)
2018 | Drama
Henry “Papillon” Charriere (Charlie Hunnam) is a safecracker making his name in the Parisian underworld. But when he decides to keep some diamonds from a big score to himself his luck changes. He is framed for a murder and given a life sentence. Even worse for Papillon is that he is being shipped to the Devil’s Island penal colony in French Giana. With no chance at an appeal his only chance at freedom is to escape. On the long boat ride from France to South America he finds an unlikely ally in the form of the forger Louis Dega (Rami Malek). The slight and awkward Dega does not want to escape but rather just survive long enough to have his appeal heard. Papillon agrees to protect Dega in exchange for financing any escape plan Papillon can devise. With Dega’s financial backing Papillon now only has to figure out how to escape from prison no one has been known to escape from on an island surrounded by rivers and ocean, unforgiving jungle and guards who shoot to kill.

Papillon is based on a true story and adapted from the novels “Papillon” and “Banco” written by Charriere himself. This is the second film adaptation of these novels. The other film, also Papillon, is from 1973 stared Steve McQueen and Dustin Hoffman. I have not seen the 1973 version but I did enjoy the story and could be worth viewing to get another directors vision.

The 2018 version is powered but a captivating story of survival and the unlikely friendship of two men thrust together in a harsh environment. Both Hunnam (King Arthur, Pacific Rim) and Malek (Mr. Robot – TV Series, Night at the Museum) give excellent performances. The rest of the cast is okay but these two stars give great performances. Danish director Michael Noer (R, Northwest) does a decent job in the telling of the story visually. There was blood in one scene that was a pink colored and did not look anything like blood and that was a little distracting. The prison seemed realistic and grimy, but also weirdly bright.

Overall I enjoyed this film. I didn’t have any expectations going in and was pleasantly surprised but interesting story. At 2 hours and 13 minutes it does seem a bit too long. This would be a film I would enjoy watching at home and not necessarily something I would spend theater money on.
Between the years of 1869 to 1939 more than 100,000 poor British children were sent across the ocean to Canada with the promise of a better life. Those who took them in to work as farm laborers or household servants were told they were orphans–but was that the truth?

After the tragic loss of their father, the McAlister family is living at the edge of the poorhouse in London in 1908, leaving their mother to scrape by for her three younger children, while oldest daughter, Laura, works on a large estate more than an hour away. When Edna McAlister falls gravely ill and is hospitalized, twins Katie and Garth and eight-year-old Grace are forced into an orphans’ home before Laura is notified about her family’s unfortunate turn of events in London. With hundreds of British children sent on ships to Canada, whether truly orphans or not, Laura knows she must act quickly. But finding her siblings and taking care of her family may cost her everything.

Andrew Fraser, a wealthy young British lawyer and heir to the estate where Laura is in service, discovers that this common practice of finding new homes for penniless children might not be all that it seems. Together Laura and Andrew form an unlikely partnership. Will they arrive in time? Will their friendship blossom into something more?

Inspired by true events, this moving novel follows Laura as she seeks to reunite her family and her siblings who, in their darkest hours, must cling to the words from Isaiah: “Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God”

My Thoughts: This was an interesting compelling book to read. It is honestly hard to read about children being taken away from their families by those who feel they are making the children's lives better when in fact the children are treated like slaves. This is the hard part of the book to read, but the fact is, is that this was actually happening during this time period. The author has done a tremendous job of bringing the truth out in this novel. Like every story that has hardship in it, this one does have a little hope. I certainly look forward to reading the second book in this series.
The Priory of the Orange Tree
The Priory of the Orange Tree
Samantha Shannon | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Strong female characters (2 more)
No filler
Deep history and lore
Battles could of been stronger (0 more)
Compelling Fantasy
Wanting to try and branch out from just reading mainly thrillers this year I decided to get back on the fantasy track and picked this up at the library. I’m really glad I did it’s a great fantasy adventure set in a lore and history-rich world. I did have to get the ebook as well, as my wrists couldn’t cope with long reading sessions of the hardback copy and I didn’t want to put it down…..

It’s not an overly complicated fantasy tale and despite its 800+ pages, I found I was breezing through it at pace. It easily kept my interest and didn’t get too bogged down at any point. We have a tale of ancient evil rising, and a divided world will need to find a way to work together to defeat it.

Brimmed full of strong female characters we meet Ead hiding in the royal household of Inys under the guise of a maid-in-waiting but really is a kick-ass slayer/mage type, trying to protect the Queen. Meanwhile, on the other side of the great Abyss (big continent dividing ocean), we have Tane who has spent most of her life training to be a fearless dragon-riding warrior. The story is told from 4 different POVs but those two are the most engaging.

We have some romance (sigh lovey-dovey stuff - gross) but we don’t get bogged down in it and it feels entirely part of the story (not just tits and arse for the sake of it).

None of this book felt like unnecessary filler, despite epic journey's, we didn't have to read about every breakfast and lunch eaten (cough...). If anything some of the coincidences in characters meeting felt like it could of had more embellishment but I’m not really complaining it kept the story moving at a good clip. I felt the world that was built deserved a bit more of a complicated/nuanced tale but appreciate not having to slog through many years of sequels to get a conclusion. I didn’t feel the battles lived up to the overall size of the story but that may just be me watching too much TV...

Overall just what I needed to get me to want to keep branching out and reading a more diverse selection of genres - Go libraries!!!.
Katharyn Blair | 2021 | Dystopia, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The protagonist of this book is Charlotte, she is a middle child out of three sisters and the least gifted one of them all. Her older sister Harlow is a popular guitar player and very strong personality in general, her younger sister Vanessa is a talented gymnast. All her life Charlotte is left living in Harlow’s shadow, loving the boy who is in love with her sister and taking care of Vanessa. She sounds pretty miserable until she is taken from the camp as the Chosen One, who will save everyone from Crimson. Only then I could see, that Charlotte is not as useless as she portrayed it. I have to admit, in the beginning, I thought that Harlow should be the main character, she was more suitable, but by the time I finished the book, I was glad that Charlotte was the protagonist. 🙂 This book has such a great selection of characters to choose from! I loved them all, they were very well presented and delivered.

The narrative of this book is very fast-paced, and there is always something happening in this book. Most of the book is spent on the ship sailing through the ocean, and I really enjoyed the sailor’s life portrayed in this book. There is plenty of action, turns and twists, and this book really had me hooked and entertained. I loved the romance in this book as well, it is exciting, full of sexual tension and very adorable. The topics discussed in this book are forbidden love, family relations, bravery, adventures, self-pity, friendships, overcoming your fears and phobias and many more.

I really enjoyed the world that the author created for the reader. I felt like I was alongside the characters during their journeys. It has very strong Bird Box vibes, but also there is so much more going on than that. The chapters are pretty short, and the pages just flew by. I loved the ending of this book, it left me very satisfied with the outcome.

So, to conclude, I loved this book, and could not put it down. I really liked the characters and the roles they played as well as the fast-paced and full of adventures plot. It has all the things I need for an enjoyable dystopian/fantasy YA book, and I would strongly recommend it to anyone who likes pirates, ships and adventures.
Everything, Everything (2017)
Everything, Everything (2017)
2017 | Drama
Eighteen-year-old Maddy's world is small. It's the size of a house.

Maddy has a rare form of SCID, an immuno-deficiency disease that means she can't leave the house because a chance encounter could kill her. The only people she sees are her mother, her nurse Carla, Carla's daughter Rosa and members of an online support group.

When as family move in next door, Maddy is bewitched by the son. He's friendly, he's funny, and he's handsome. Communicating through their bedroom windows, they exchange numbers and start texting. Carla notices the difference in Maddy, and is persuaded to let Olly in the house, but only under her condition that they stay on opposite sides of the room.

Maddy wants to see the ocean more than anything else in the world. She has to see what's out there to truly know she's alive, even if it kills her. But when she buys two plane tickets to Hawaii for herself and Olly, she doesn't realise how much it will change her life.

This one is based on the YA novel Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon... you guessed it, haven't read this one either. I didn't know anything about it when I went to see it, mainly picked this one up because of the fact it was book related.

This was a beautiful film. (Yes, of course I cried) There's friendship, love, heartache. One of the problems was that there were really only two ways this film was going, and writers/movie makers aren't quite a cynical about things as I am when it comes to endings, so there wasn't really much chance that she was going to die for love.

Amandla Stenberg in the lead also wasn't quite my cup of tea. She played the naive side of the character well, but at the beginning when she was narrating... I just didn't find her a very good orator.

The subject matter was very different, and I really think the diversity in YA books has taken a massive step in that respect. It's touching on topics that very rarely see mainstream attention and that's a great thing. It also does one of my favourite things, which is enticing people to pick up books, so this one is a winner all round for me.
Bermuda Pirates
Bermuda Pirates
2019 | Action, Kids Game, Pirates, Transportation
The Bermuda Triangle. The area within the Atlantic Ocean that is rumored to be home of an aquatic black hole through which people and ships have gone inexplicably missing for years. What an excellent theme for a board game! I must admit, I learned of this game via one of Marco Arnaudo’s con videos and just had to have it. Was I bamboozled or is this a great game? Well, the ratings graphic above spoils that, but why is it so?

Bermuda Pirates pits players against each other in a mad dash to collect a set of colored gems from the middle island and bring them back to the home port first. Pirates (the players) will be encountering whirlpool vortexes along the way and can even place buoys to remind themselves to steer clear. The first player to bring back a whole set of gems successfully will be the winner!
To setup, first place the bracket piece (can only be seen partially in the final photo) in the middle of the table. Next orient the first layer of four square tiles (unseen in photos) on the bracket and then place the game board atop the tiles. Place flags upon the bracket nubs and matching gems at their bases. Each player chooses a color, takes the boat and buoys of that color and places them near the land with the matching dock color. The game may now begin!

On a player’s turn they must begin their journey from their home dock toward the center island to collect gems. They move their boat using one finger at the stern of the boat and pushing it across the board. Players will know when the boat has hit a hidden whirlpool when the magnets within the boat and within the board meet and create sudden resistance. The player may then place a buoy on that spot to remind themselves, and opponents, where a potential whirlpool spot is located. Should the player make a whirlpool-free trek to the central island, they must dock and collect a gem. From here the player must decide to either return back to their home dock to bank the gem or continue to collect gems before returning home.

Once a player has decided to return home with gem(s) aboard, they must take care not to hit whirlpools along the way because once the boat and whirlpool meet the boat will stop and the gems will fly across the board or even off the board. Those gems that land in the sea stay on the board to be collected by ANY player, and those gems that leave the board are lost forever. Herein lies the fun of Bermuda Pirates. Seeing gems flying will give players of any age and ability a giant piratey smile. The game ends once all players have had an equal amount of turns, and those pirates who have collected a set of one gem of each color will be the winners!
Components. I would certainly be remiss if I did not congratulate the designer and manufacturer of Bermuda Pirates for an absolutely gorgeous game with ingenious components. You see, the magnets that trip up the boats are hidden within that first layer of tiles that are placed on the bracket underneath the main game board. But even if you were to inspect these tiles, you would not necessarily know exactly where the magnets are placed. So every game will be different because of the order and orientation of the tiles setup. Bravo! Truly wonderful outside-the-box designing here. Yes, all the cardboard and plastic pieces are also great quality, but the ingenuity is what makes this one special.

I cannot say enough good things about Bermuda Pirates. My 4-year-old has a BLAST playing this one (even though the box says 7+. Shh, don’t tell anyone)! Seeing his face light up every time the gems go a-flying is just pure joy for a parent. Even when my wife and I played just the two of us, we were smiling the entire time we played. It’s that kind of game.

Bermuda Pirates will probably never reach my Top 10 Games of All Time list, but I certainly will hold onto it and cherish it in my collection. I think this game can work with any group of gamers of any skill or experience level. It is simply a joy to play as you push along your little boat hoping upon hope not to run into the whirlpool and have your four gems strewn about the ocean. Or placing the buoys just ever so slightly in the wrong location so that your opponents accidentally run into the whirlpool by trying a tangential approach. My family loves this game, and that is why Purple Phoenix Games gives this a very family-friendly piratey 10 / 12. If you are looking for something light and dextrous, with a great theme and excellent production quality, please check out Bermuda Pirates. It will definitely be a hit with anyone you introduce to it.
2011 | Book, Card Game, Fighting, Pirates
Game nights with the group are some of my favorite nights, but pesky schedules and “personal lives” often get in the way. Not being able to play with the group hasn’t slowed my gaming roll though, and I am always on the lookout for good, solo-able games! So when I saw ‘Friday – A Solo Adventure’ at my local used game sale, I knew I had to grab it.

Picture this – you live on a tropical island. One day as you’re walking down by the ocean, you see something on the shore. As you approach, you realize it is a grown man! Turns out this castaway is Robinson Crusoe. You decide to help Crusoe learn the ways of the jungle, combat hazards, build up his strength, and eventually escape your island via a nearby pirate ship. The island is a rough place, though, so you must be diligent in your guidance! Otherwise your newest comrade may not survive…

A cute little card drafting game of survival on a deserted island – how hard can it be, right? I seriously underestimated how tough this game actually is – I have never won a game to date. The premise of the game is simple enough (draw cards, overcome hazards, and build your deck), but successful execution is the tricky part.

It all really comes down to the luck of the draw. Some cards are excellent for fighting hazards, while others can seriously negatively impact a fight. Success or failure depends on how well you shuffle and where the cards end up in your draw pile. That is to be expected though – if all the cards were helpful, the game would be so easy! The balance (or should I say imbalance?) of positive and negative cards is what makes the game so difficult. There are almost as many negative cards as there are positive, which makes every fight feel completely random to me. It is hard to strategize because each turn is almost a 50/50 shot as to whether your next card is positive or negative. The game is supposed to last 3 phases, but I am lucky to survive into phase 2.

Friday will stay in my collection, for the time being, while I continue trying to formulate a working strategy. Overall, though, it is not my go-to solo game. Purple Phoenix Games gives it a 8 / 12. (Josh and Bryan haven’t played it yet!)
Death Logs Out
Death Logs Out
E.J. Simon | 2018 | Religion, Technical, Thriller
9.0 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Really Make you look at your real world
Do we ever really know what really happens after death? Did Alex really die or is he still alive somewhere? The author put us in to story as Michael is wondering about this as he find out that his brother Alex as somehow getting in touch with several of his ex-wives.

Sofia is reached out by her uncle but doe not really know for sure. Then she is kidnapped? Will she survive or is this a mad woman going to get her revenge on Michael? Michael goes to his buddy a retired policeman. Whatever happens when they recruit a friend to save Sofia? There seem to be more going on that someone once Sindy Steel gone?

What does the Vatican want? There seems to be more of terrifying going on? Who is the Free Force Party? Kurt seem to want more power then what he got. We got back to learn some history about the Nazi occupation. There are more action and twist as you turn the page.

The author takes you for a ride of a lifetime. Learn a bit about the Vatican church. You also get to tour a bit of Paris. What will happen to Michael as he goes to hunt down the bad guys that murdered his to brothers. Alex is mentioned and talked to though out the book. What is AI? Is it real?

What does John Goldstin want with Michael? I know that once you start reading this book you will not want to put it down. It action packed. I do wish to that parent are aware that his is book has a lot of deaths in it. I would suggest this to be for children of ages 16 + with Mature in it. Please know this is only what i suggest and the parents have the right to allow there children to read it if choose to or not.

I thought this book acted like a lot of my real world that going on around me. Though not at lot but you might remember 9/11 and think of how real that might be if or what really happen to Malaysia plane that when down over the ocean. I know that fact or there but they may not be real in the story but sure feel that way when reading the book. Thank to the author I have enjoyed these books. I can not wait for more. Check out my review for Death Never Sleeps and Death Logs In