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99 Percent Mine
99 Percent Mine
Sally Thorne | 2019 | Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Different to The Hating Game but equally as good
99 PERCENT MINE grabbed me in with Darcy love from the off, she's an absolute feisty female with a weakness that makes her strong. I admired her attitude, her unfiltered mouth, her inner 'oh s$$t' and her outer 'don't mess with me'. That said, it really did take 20% in for me to really get fully enmeshed into the story. The 5 star rating comes from everything that overwhelmed me and took over my life from there.

Darcy Barratt is a twin, the weaker runt and her twin Jamie, well let me say, I hated that guy and his influence on the characters in this story (even though I suspect there's a story that could come from him). Darcy and Jamie had another half to them, Tom Valeska, unofficial adoptee into the Barratt clan. Darcy has loved him forever but their life has been missed opportunities and it has always been easier for her to up and leave.

<i>"I inhale his birthday-candle pheromones. I want to know what his goddamn bones smell like. Let me start down in his DNA structure and work my way back up." </i>

Tom Valeska (I can't help saying his names together, forgive me) is solid in the friendship stakes, a support, a protector, a wannabe saviour. He comes to renovate Darcy's grandmother's house and therein starts the literal magnetism between these two. Holy chemistry, I cannot explain the draw between them and I felt right in the middle of it, like iron filings. This was a burn of slow proportions but the absolute furnace it created, blew me away.

<i>"My body is taking over. Everything is boiling up out of me-years of stolen looks and tight T-shirts and that bone-deep certainty that the animal in him wants me too."</i>

I literally shelved my Saturday, locked in my fellow arc-buddy and we read together, across the ocean, exchanging highlights, swooning alongside one another, fearing together and having a mind-blown explosion over the chemistry and banter. I could not put this book down, nor would I want to. It is very unlike me to feel drawn back to a book immediately but I just know I will have to read again on release (when I have my pretty, yellow paperback in my hand) and immerse myself once again.

Sally Thorne has followed up The Hating Game with something totally different and entirely as good. No one writes dialogue like Ms Thorne and she has amply shown her diversity and also her consistency. Sorry for the glow-y-ness but I am still riding high on feelings here and I hope you will be too.

<i>"My stomach falls down an elevator shaft. Those words, spoken aloud in his voice, crackle through my synapses, and right now, I've never been more alive. I am heartbeat and full lungs."</i>

I voluntarily read an early copy of this book.
Snowden (2016)
Snowden (2016)
2016 | Drama
7.3 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
As with every Oliver Stone movie, you have to consider context while watching it. Snowden is a persuasive essay attempting to turn the focus from the crime committed by Edward Snowden to the mass surveillance practices of the US government during the Bush and Obama administration. This story was huge when the leaks began hitting the internet and so I was very familiar with the story through the media coverage ensued. Through that coverage it was made to seem as though Snowden, a low level contractor, stole data and was putting it on the internet to spite the American government.

Later more information came forth that he wasn’t as low level as we were led to believe and that Snowden was claiming that he performed the illegal act out of love for his country, not out of spite to harm it. But for a large portion of the country the original story has already been burned into their brain and nothing short of Ronald Reagan descending from heaven to tell them otherwise will change that. A few months ago Donald Trump even called for Snowden’s execution, if that helps paint a picture of the mindset of a portion of the US population about Edward Snowden.

This movie was made to convince you otherwise, that Snowden was and still is a brave American hero. It tells the story beginning with his Special Forces training and takes you all the way through the incident and up to present day, with the actual infamous Edward Snowden closing out the movie. I won’t go into too much detail here because I hate when reviews ruin a movie but I will say that it covers the whole story right down to the Ocean Eleven’s esque way that he got the files out of secured US spy facility.

This movie surprisingly also weaves a love story in and out of the technical background of the data release and while I enjoyed that aspect of the movie, some of it made me question its authenticity… it wasn’t realistic at times how the two reacted to different problems that arose in their relationship.

I left the movie thinking how strange it was that the espionage was the most believable part of the movie and the love story seemed contrived.

Joseph Gorden-Levitt was awesome. I’ve watched enough Snowden videos to know that he nailed it. The love interest was cute and likeable, but the primary antagonist was a bit over the top for a movie based on reality. But I guess that’s what this movie was trying to tell me… that there are some seriously evil people working for our government.

The pacing was good, acting was great, subject matter was insanely interesting and the love story humanized the hacker/criminal/hero. Go see it with an open mind, consider the context with which the film was created and come to your own conclusion. Snowden… hero or villain?
Missing Link (2019)
Missing Link (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Animation, Comedy
Despite being a huge fan of Coraline and Kubo and the Two Strings, I'd managed to miss out on Missing Link, the latest movie from stop-motion masters Laika, last year when it was originally shown in cinemas. Having recently won the Golden Globe for Best Animated Feature Film, and on the receiving end of a number of other nominations, including an Oscar nom for Best Animated Feature, I was very happy to discover (by chance!) that it had now made its way onto Netflix.

Missing Link is set in Victorian England and tells the story of Sir Lionel Frost (voiced by Hugh Jackman), an adventurer with a passion for exploration and the discovery of mythical creatures. When we first meet Sir Lionel, he is on a small boat with his assistant, hoping to obtain photographic evidence of the existence of the elusive Loch Ness monster. Such evidence would hopefully grant him membership to the exclusive "Society of Great Men", which is run by Lord Piggot-Dunceby (Stephen Fry). Unfortunately, despite Nessie making an appearance to Frost, things don't quite go according to plan and he returns home without any evidence. And in need of a new assistant!

Another shot at entry into the society comes in the form of a letter, which is addressed to Frost on his return home to London. The letter describes the legendary Sasquatch and tells of sightings in the Pacific Northwest so Frost immediately makes a deal with Piggot-Dunceby that will see him accepted should he return with proof that the Sasquatch is real. But Piggot-Dunceby has no such plans to admit Frost and enlists the services of an assassin (Timothy Olyphant) to follow and eliminate him before he gets chance to make it back to England.

When Frost eventually arrives in the forest, he not only discovers the Sasquatch, but also that the Sasquatch can talk and was in fact the one who sent the letter! Sir Lionel names him "Mr. Link" and learns that he just wanted his help in finding his relatives, the Yetis who live in the Himalayas. They join forces and set off, back across America, across the Ocean and across Europe, all the while trying to avoid and outwit the deadly assassin.

Missing Link is more vibrant, more detailed and exhibits a much smoother animation style than any of the previous movies from Laika. It is an outstanding achievement from everyone involved and I am always in awe whenever I see the behind the scenes making of videos from Laika. However, despite looking amazing and featuring some very funny moments from a talented and on-form voice cast, I found Missing Link to the be the weakest in terms of story when compared to Coraline and Kubo. It's certainly not a bad movie, it just didn't grab me at any point, and I didn't feel it was particularly memorable when I'd finished it either.
Destiny Gift (Everlast, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'll admit first and foremost that just because I had to swap review dates with The Iron Traitor a few weeks ago, does not mean that I wanted to toss Destiny Gift right out the window and into the ocean. I almost lost part of my notes with the assumption that my Kindle was broken while in perfect condition when it really just needed charging.

      Marking in ebooks is the only way not to get in severe trouble. x) I pity my poor planner with the chickenly scribbles of doom.

      Destiny Gift is actually a really interesting book, being set in a futuristic (though not so far from today I'm assuming) New York with a hint (okay, more like a lot) of mythology – hooray! – and fantasy – double hooray! – mixed in. So much is made clearer about halfway through the book, but Haygert manages to keep us in suspense and not confuse readers in the process, which basically shows that the author has great writing potential – and hopefully a very successful writing career too!

      The idea behind the Destiny Gift is also pretty intriguing, so let me toss some basic word math in: Visions + Made Up Mythology (Because then one has full control of making of legends. So much fun.) + Other Goody Elements = Cooking Up A Pretty/Really Good Story.

      I hope that sums up my entire thoughts in a nutshell of good old math. No Algebra needed (YES). But I'm not exactly finished, because I still need to talk about the characters, and having no clue about the characters is pretty much a book losing an arm or leg (ouch).

      Victor and Micah, the lovely guys one can go swoon over if they so choose – but no thanks. I'm focusing on good old days of Finals – seemed to be too perfect. Well, I take that back. They're not perfect. They just seem too perfect in looks. Not that I mind.

      I also like Micah's humor. Victor seems more of a "I'm a poisonous snake. You know, red on yellow. Stay away if you want to live." type of person. Not exactly the most pleasant image, since this is the snake I'm talking about:
<img src=""; />
     Freaking out? It's not the actual poisonous one. I didn't really want to... "poison" my blog with snakes you know. :p

      I was sort of thinking about Biology at the time the review was written.

      I suppose it isn't a terrible comparison. Why? I'm not giving spoilers....
<blockquote>"All right, let's change the question. What* are you three?"
 "Power Rangers, ever heard of them?"</blockquote>
Review copy provided by author for review
Original Rating: 4.5 out of 5 Owls
This review and more can be found at <a href="">Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
<img src=""; />
Point Break (1991)
Point Break (1991)
1991 | Action, Mystery
Not Bad
My buddy who recommended Point Break asked for my thoughts almost immediately after I watched it. In a word: Fun. No, it's not going to blow your mind or give you chills, but it's a great film to watch if you're just trying to have a good time. It's like Fast and the Furious before Fast and the Furious became Fast and the Furious. Oh yeah, and with surfer dudes.

Point Break can be a bit over the top at times. One scene in particular involving a chase scene where someone literally threw a dog at Keanu Reeves left me scratching my head and chuckling, but I'm pretty sure I wasn't supposed to be laughing at that point. The plot holes threw me off just as much. Spoiler Alert In the Form of a Question: After Johnny Utah's cover is blown, why the hell is he still hanging out with the bankrobbers?

After a slow start, I managed to find myself engaged in what was unfolding. Keanu Reeves got off to a slow start as well in his role as Johnny Utah, but found his way midway through. It was almost like this was the film where he learned how to act, but director Kathryn Bigelow didn't notice until they were well past the point of reshoots. It doesn't kill the movie, not by a longshot, especially considering its setting.

The ending was extremely ambiguous and, ten years ago, probably would have ruined the entire film for me. Now, it left me asking myself, "What does this mean exactly?" My answer in a sec...

For those of you like me that are new to the film, Point Break is the story of a detective trying to take down a gang of surfers that have become notorious on the bank-robbing circuit as the Ex-Presidents. The film has some fun action sequences, including a house raid midway through that I really enjoyed. I also thought Bigelow captured some powerful shots when it came to expressing the love and power of the ocean. I would love to see this film shot in IMAX today. And I said this film, not the god-awful remake. My favorite shot takes place at a gas station. Bodhi (Patrick Swayze) is burning a car (destroying evidence) to the ground using a gas pump and a lighter. For some reason, it reminded me of the one scene I enjoyed in Batman Vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice where the courtroom explodes and just Superman is left among the flames. Scenes like this, no matter how good or bad a film is, stay etched in your memory for a long time.

So what were my thoughts on the ending? I feel like the waves got the better of Utah and he succumbed to their call. He got a taste of a life that was more easygoing and peaceful. Less rules and restrictions. Ultimately, it was enough for him to throw everything else (badge included) away. And yes, I think he does end up staying with Tyler (Lori Petty).

Glad I saw this film. I give it a 77.
The Painted Ocean
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
*I received a copy of this book from Netgalley and the publisher Corsair in exchange for an honest review*

This is another one of my books that I read for #Beatthebacklist 2017 challenge, most of these books are Netgalley books that I have not managed to get around to reading….sorry Netgalley.

Oh I don’t know where to begin with this book,I was very apprehensive about reading it as the rating on Goodreads is 2.86 which is pretty low and only saw a handful of 5 star reviews. I didn’t read any reviews beforehand as I wanted to go in with an open mind.

This is Gabriel Packards debut novel and is definitely an interesting read but unsure of what genre this would fall under as it’s a story of this Indian girls life and just how awful it is.

‘The Painted Ocean’ is told from the perspective of Shruti, her father has just upped and left, disgracing her mother according to her uncle and the rest of the family. With little money and her mother unable to speak English life becomes difficult for Shruti, especially when her Uncle is arranging for her Mother to return to India to marry. Shruti will not be moving to India with her mother as her existence will ruin her mothers chances of marriage, however when Shruti mentions to the headmistress that her uncle has threatening her she finds herself in the care system and her mother abandons her. Shruti’s life sucks, she is now in the care system and being bullied by other kids at her school as she is the only Indian girl until Meena arrives. Meena is also Indian,but she has this way with words and people and gets everything she wants. Shruti clings to Meena as she has shown her kindness and becomes her friend…but is she really her friend?

The book follows Shruti from eleven years old to when she is an adult but I felt the writing didn’t progress as her age did. There were lots of ‘Like’ and ‘Cos’ in the writing that I felt was overly used and got quite annoying in the end and she would even use this terminology when she was an adult.

All the characters were unlikable, we had her mother that abandoned her though she didn’t leave for India for ages. Her Uncle was horrible and made sure she knew that she was unwanted and then there was Meena who had the gift of the gab but just used Shruti and would only be her friend when it was convenient for her.

I found the plot of this to be really unrealistic especially towards the end, everything just conveniently happened and some parts I thought were too strung out.

The story kept me interested and was easy to read but the writing style was not for me and I just found it to be unrealistic. This is definitely a book that you will love or hate.

I rated this book 2 out of 5 stars.
Descend (Awakened Fate #2)
Descend (Awakened Fate #2)
Skye Malone | 2014 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b><i>I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i></b>
So if <i><a href=""; target="_blank" rel="noopener">Awaken</a> </i>reminded me of <i>The Little Mermaid </i>minus Sebastian, I’m not sure what to compare <i>Descend </i>to, honestly. (And it’s probably a good thing that I have nothing to compare it to.)

<i>Descend </i>is the second book in Skye Malone’s <i>Awakened Fate</i> series, continuing from where <i>Awaken </i>left off at after Chloe’s near-death encounter with the Sylphaen, a cult supposedly dead for a century that wants to get rid of the world of people like Chloe. Descend takes us into the world of Nyciena, a world below the ocean that is the only place safe enough for her to seek refuge from the Sylphaen. But Nyciena isn’t the place Chloe wants to remain in for long - she wants to get back to the surface, where her friends and family have no clue where she has gone.

As much as I really enjoyed the <i>Awakened Fate</i> series in general, I feel like something is missing from <i>Descend </i>that didn’t hit the mark with me (really, I need to get better at figuring out why certain books don't work for me). For the duration of the book, Chloe is basically running from the Sylphaen and trying to figure out what she really is. Noah is hoping but not hoping that Chloe will come back to shore. Meanwhile, he’s trying to protect Chloe in his own way, who will no doubt get hunted down by his cousins should they ever find her. Zeke is trying to get his father and older brother to understand that the Sylphaen has returned - they’re not as dead as hoped.

The world and culture of Nyciena are little to none in <i>Descend</i>, aside from the few moments Ina, Zeke’s sister, tries to show Chloe around the kingdom. But the few that I did get to read about Nyciena intrigue me enough to hopefully learn more about the kingdom. (They’re also party people, so I hope that’s not what they’re really all about?)

The same goes for the greliarans, which are a group of people who hunt down the dehaians, the group of mermaid people Chloe seeks refuge from the Sylphaens. From Noah’s perspective, we learn a few facts about how they operate, but it’s even less than the world and culture of Nyciena. They’re extremely strong and are humans who can turn into Hulk-like creatures with a desire to kill.

<i>Descend </i>is very plot driven - and the same can be said for the series thus far. It’s the book to go to for those who want a book that is somewhat slow in character and world development, but also those who don’t mind the slow progression throughout the series.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
The little mermaid (2023)
The little mermaid (2023)
2023 | Fantasy, Musical
5.6 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
(By my wife Genevieve)I must admit that I may be biased about this movie, being a huge fan of all things Disney. However, the popular and beloved original The Little Mermaid was released in November 1989, about 6 months before I graduated high school. Not really the age to be that interested in an animated movie about a mermaid who trades her voice away to be able to live where the people are. But of course, I still watched it and I, like many, definitely loved the songs. The storyline? Not so much.

When I first heard a live-action version was in the works, my initial response was tepid, "That's nice." Only when I heard a person of color would play Ariel was my curiosity really piqued. As a minority, when many asked, "Why?", I thought, "Why not?" I was very moved when I saw the videos of young Black girls reacting excitedly to the first trailer when they discovered Ariel looked like them, further answering the many still asking "Why?" with "This. This is why."

If you've seen the animated version, then you know the gist of the story - young mermaid Ariel, played beautifully by Halle Bailey, is fascinated by the world above the water and collects all the human thingamabobs that litter the sea floor. She rebels against her father, King Triton, the handsome Javier Bardem, by giving in to her curiosity and ends up rescuing the merchant Prince Eric from drowning when the ship he's sailing is caught in a treacherous storm. Ariel is instantly smitten and Prince Eric, played by the perfectly-cast Jonah Hauer-King, is equally obsessed with the voice he heard as he was revived by Ariel’s siren song.

While obviously geared towards a younger audience, I found much to love about this movie. Jodi Benson’s original version will always be perfection, but Halle Bailey’s emotional rendition of “Part of Your World”, coupled with her luminous and expressive face, was just phenomenal. I had to temper my applause after her performance while a few appreciative “Whooo!” sounded through the audience. Melissa McCarthy’s Ursula and her iconic “Poor Unfortunate Souls” was definitely a highlight. Daveed Diggs as Sebastian (also inspired casting) and Awkwafina as Scuttle need their own spinoff. They’re hilarious together.

Alan Menken’s classic songs from the original were given new life by McCarthy, Bailey, and Diggs, and Lin Manuel Miranda’s signature touch is easily identifiable in the new ballads for Ariel and Prince Eric, and a Hamilton-style rap by Awkwafina and Diggs.

I appreciated the parallel stories with the prince just as curious about the world beyond his island as Ariel is about the world beyond her ocean, both bound by duty to their parents and their people, while yearning to explore the great “out there”. In all my Disney and Pixar movie-watching experiences, it has consistently been Pixar movies that get me emotionally compromised, so I was a bit surprised to find myself reaching for a napkin at the end of this movie, after a scene between Ariel and her dad. I will blame it on the nostalgia.

4 out of 5 stars just for the musical performances alone.
Crooked Kingdom
Crooked Kingdom
Leigh Bardugo | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.1 (22 Ratings)
Book Rating
Brekker is back and with more fiendish frivolity from the barrel. Still trying to recover from the disastrous end to the Ice Court job, little does Kaz know how deep the deception went and how much he is going to have to unravel to even begin to salvage what he started. Kaz maybe clever but he is far from the only clever man in Ketterdam. He is going to have to work even harder than ever before to try and recapture what he is owed, but with Inej captured, Nina battling an addiction with parem, Wylan tailored to the wrong face and Jesper now forced to confront his past, how easy will that be?

Crooked Kingdom is a longer book than Six of Crows yet the action takes place mainly over a matter of days, the multiple POV's stretching the tortuously epic and heart thumping twists across the pages. It still has that immense page turning captivation that was within Six of Crows, but it just lacked that extra sense of excitement along with it. They are both books of equal joy but I think book 1 just pips it, but only just. In typical Kaz Brekker style there are twists and swindles and multiple cons that would given Danny Ocean on his best day a run for his money. I love a story that keeps me questioning myself and hanging on a thread as to the outcome, and Crooked Kingdom gave this to me in spades.

I don't know what is wrong with me of late in the emotions stake, but this book again reduced me to tears, the short but intense bursts of connectivity with the characters overwhelmed me. Multiple POV's in books is a risk and I have been drowned by them in books in the past but Leigh Bardugo manages to completely avoid this. Despite every player being forced to battle for chapter time, I felt utterly part of them and their story, sharing their joys and sadness as they peaked and troughed through the words.

The only thing that I didn't enjoy about this concluding part of the duology was entirely down to the publisher. I read the paperback of this book and found that the text was just so hard to read. The margins were so tight, the text was disappearing into the gutter and hiding under my thumbs as I was reading. I hate having to bend back spines on paperbacks which made this even more of an arduous task, I get that more text on a page means fewer pages and lower print costs but this made it such a hard read at times, sort it out Indigo!! This is the first Duology that I have read and I have to say this is now my favourite book series style, all of the action and none of the filler - I hope that more writers/publishers take this forward in the future.

Would I love more from Kaz and the Dregs? Of course! However, unlike a TV show that jumps the shark I am glad that the world of Ketterdam has been left the way it has and I look forward immensely to the next original world created by Bardugo.
Despicable Me 3 (2017)
Despicable Me 3 (2017)
2017 | Animation, Comedy
Minions! In short bursts (0 more)
The pointless subplots (0 more)
Time to stop making these now
The original Despicable Me is a firm favourite in our house. If we come across it while channel hopping, it usually stays on until the end and still manages to raise plenty of laughs. The second Despicable Me was OK, but not very memorable. The Minions movie was a train wreck, and proved that they’re at their best when in short bursts and as part of someone else’s movie. And now we have a third Despicable Me, which continues the trend set by the second of just being OK, but now with the added feeling that they really should stop making these.

A news report introduces us to 80s TV child star Balthazar Bratt. After a successful run of his own TV show, things went badly wrong for Balthazar when puberty hit and the squeaky voice and zits resulted in Hollywood ditching his show. Balthazar disappeared from the public eye and the report then asks the question ‘where is he now?’. Cut to the ocean, and a diamond heist on a ship which, if you’ve seen the relevant trailer, means you’ve pretty much seen the entire scene. Balthazar uses bubblegum as a weapon, along with a keytar, and enjoys tackling his enemies with 80s inspired dance fights. The scene ends with Gru, naked and caught up in the bubblegum, embarrassing himself as he floats through the city for all to see while a couple of minions enjoy themselves at a beach party. Yep, pretty much the whole original trailer has just played for us.

Gru and Lucy both find themselves sacked from the Anti-Villain league for failing to capture Balthazar during the heist but they don’t have long to think about what to do next before Gru discovers that he has a twin brother called Dru, that he knew nothing about. Dru got to live with his dad while Gru got to live with his mum following their parents split. They all then head off to Freedonia for a family reunion.

The rest of the movie is pretty much a big mess, with far too many dull and pointless subplots. The main story involves the two brothers, getting to know each other and eventually teaming up to recover the diamond from Balthazar once again and to finally capture him. But this is all at the expense of pretty much every other character in the movie. The Minions have already gone off on their own subplot, having left Gru to go in search of a more villain-like life. Ending up in jail, they soon decide that they miss Gru, so break out in order to try and get back to him in time for the end of the movie. And as for the girls – Agnes is on the hunt for a unicorn, because a bloke in the pub said there was one in the woods, Margo is trying to avoid a local boy who has a crush on her and Edith just doesn’t really feature very much at all. And after briefly helping Gru out at the start of the movie, the main focus for Lucy throughout the rest of the movie is to try and be accepted as a mum to the three girls.

The final act, with the brothers working together to stop Balthazar from getting his revenge and making a big mess in Hollywood, is fairly entertaining, and the Minions still manage to raise big laughs in pretty much every scene they feature, but overall this was pretty disappointing.