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    Three thousand years after a chunk of iron the size of Khufu’s pyramid collides with Europa,...

Awaken (Awakened Fate #1)
Awaken (Awakened Fate #1)
Skye Malone | 2014 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Awaken is the first book in the Awakened Fate series by Skye Malone, and I'm pretty familiar with her other series as Megan Joel Peterson (The Children and the Blood trilogy) that I was confident her latest book will go into my good graces pretty easily. Thing is, Awaken reminded me so much of The Little Mermaid, I can't help but have the urge to sing "Under the Sea" and ask one question:

<b>"Sebastian, Sebastian, where art thou?"</b>
I had also associated funny brow movements with the author in particular. As in, brows drawing down, which I still don't know how that works without your brows looking like a seesaw or ending up with a pouting pucker fish face.

But back to The Little Mermaid similarities... and not brow movements.

Chloe has red hair, or as the book describes, auburn. But auburn's technically red with a tinge of brown. Ariel has red hair. The difference? Chloe doesn't know how to swim, and has been living on land her entire life. Then there's Zeke, which I sort of predicted him to have dark hair, and he does! Just like the princey dude for whom I've forgotten the name. In fact, said unknown princeling stalks Ariel, and so does Zeke... due to curiosity on who the pretty girl is. It's not revealed in Awaken, but I won't be surprised if Zeke is a prince.

<blockquote>Despite the fact we were barely any distance from the shore, the temperature had dropped to levels ordinarily found in places even deeper than Nyciena, with darkness to match.</blockquote>
Every book has got to have an Ursula of some sort. And she just oozes darkness, doesn't she? Too bad the Ursulas here aren't Octopuses. ;)
<blockquote>The girl changed the ocean when she was near it – a statement that on any level should have been impossible.</blockquote>

Okay, here's Sophia Lin logic: See, Ariel has a curse. I was sort of assuming Chloe willingly turned into a human just like Ariel, but she doesn't lose her voice, right? Except, here's the curse: she changes the ocean... and it's not exactly a pleasant way. Technically, that logic isn't going to get you far, because it isn't true, and I can't reveal the actual answer without spoiling anything. Nor do I want to reveal anything, because answers are spoilers, and not everyone can be trusted with the trusty little spoiler button. ;)

Then there are the differences, which pretty much revamps The Little Mermaid. Enough commentary on Little Mermaid.

Awaken follows two views – Chloe and Zeke. The best part of those two views though? They balance each other out pretty well. Chloe doesn't really know anything about what she is, so we're basically following a naïve character for most of the story who has strange things happening to her and strange peeps with glowing eyes wanting to murder the likes of her. Very boring in my opinion, because she doesn't know what's going on and it's all confusing and she's stuck in the hospital every once in awhile from an unfortunate encounter with said strange flowing peepy eyes. Zeke balances her out because he pretty much knows what's going on from his observations – but he doesn't really know what Chloe is until the end either.

Let's just say that balance is a good thing. Because I just can't handle an utterly boring character, and I'm sure not everyone likes that either. But if there's one thing Chloe has that makes her an interesting character, it's her voice and her frustration on why her parents hate the ocean with a passion and come up with logical, but weird excuses for them.

The only problem I probably have is how some of the terms don't appear in the pronunciation guide, and how the long ones are confusing. Maybe my head just needs to wrap around them after reading Irish terms from the second book in the Danaan Trilogy. O_o

Awaken is a good start to the Awakened Fate series, and while we spend most of the time above the surface, it's hinted that the sequel will most likely be focused underwater. It's a quick read for those who enjoy reading stories related to <s>merps</s> merpeople.
original rating: 4.5 out of 5
Original review posted at <a href="">Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
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Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2103 KP) rated A Distant Grave in Books

Jun 23, 2021 (Updated Jun 23, 2021)  
A Distant Grave
A Distant Grave
Sarah Stewart Taylor | 2021 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Maggie Faces a Case that Crosses the Ocean
Maggie D’arcy’ latest case as a homicide detective on Long Island involves a man on one of the beaches. He’s been shot and robbed, making identifying him the first priority. It is looking like a random homicide, which are always difficult to solve, when Maggie gets an ID. The man is an Irish national. Maggie begins to wonder why the victim was on Long Island in the middle of February. With a trip to Ireland already planned to visit her boyfriend, Conor, Maggie decides to do a little digging. Will she uncover a motive for murder across the Atlantic?

After the first book, I’d wondered how Maggie would once again find herself in a case involving Long Island and Ireland, and the set up for this book was perfect. The plot unravels wonderfully, with Maggie following a logical trail of clues until she reaches the satisfying climax. The book does spoil the events of the first in the series, so be aware of that before you pick this one up. We need that information since some of the character growth in this book flows out of what happened in before. It was wonderful to catch up with Maggie and the other returning characters, and the new characters were just as strong. This book is definitely darker than the cozies I typically read, but it wasn’t overly dark for me, and I didn’t find the violence or language excessive. The writing is wonderful, bringing Maggie’s world to full atmospheric life without slowing down the story. The book is mostly written from Maggie’s first-person present tense point of view, but we do get occasional third-person past tense passages. It’s always easy to see them apart. I got so engrossed in the story that I finished the book faster than I expected to, and I loved every page of it. This is a strong second book, and I’m looking forward to visiting Maggie again soon.