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Forsaken (Shadow Cove Saga #1)
Forsaken (Shadow Cove Saga #1)
J.D. Barker | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Absolutely loved it
I absolutely adored this novel, it felt like it was written just for me!
This is the first J.D. Barker I have read but it certainly won't be the last. I will be adding any sequels to my wish list immediately.

Forsaken This novel starts with a reference that any horror lover will recognise immediately. I was slightly confused by this - the dates do not work - but don't worry, all is explained by the end of the book.
The story started slowly and gradually built momentum, like all good stories should. It starts innocently enough with a bad dream of Rachael's, who is married to an author called Thad and nearing the end of her pregnancy of their second child. Eight year old Ashley and Buster the dog complete the family.
I very quickly found myself liking the character's. They are well rounded and believable. All of the conversation between them is natural and background information about them is presented at just the right pace.

I read just under 70% of the book in one sitting. I would have finished it in a day if annoying illness hadn't of made holding my Kindle impossible! It really is that kind of book, you need to keep reading because you need to know what is going to happen next. It managed to surprise me a number of times without resorting to wild twists.

Some of the novel is told through the eyes of a scribe in the 1600's and this adds to the excitement of reading - I both wanted to hear more from him whilst being desperate to get back to the main storyline. His sections are not written in olde English which is a good thing. It's rare for that to work and not become an annoyance.

It is a fast paced story without feeling rushed. I never felt confused about what was going on. Well, actually, that did happen once but was due to it being 5am and me not reading a characters name correctly!

The ending is a cliffhanger of sorts but, as this is #1 of a series, that really is to be expected. I am genuinely excited about reading the next book and I am going to look it up as soon as I finish this review.
I love horror/supernatural books and am constantly searching for 'the perfect' story. I'm not sure if many books could be described as such but this came close.
Pale Demon (The Hollows, #9)
Pale Demon (The Hollows, #9)
Kim Harrison | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
9.5 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
One of the things I have grown to love about Rachel Morgan through all of these nine books is her constant positive and hopeful perspective with others, despite how contrary their behavior. Though her friends and partners are telling her in so many ways that the rulers of her kind, the witches' council, will never let her make it to the coast and are more interested in killing her than anything else, she won't believe it until she sees for herself. And then there is her odds-defying ability to always find a way to survive against all attacks - she truly has become one of a kind, as is revealed in several ways in this book, with her match-up against the just-released demon creation that is her genetic match, as well as the sad speech that Ivy gives her about how Rachel is leaving her and Jenks behind with the way she can create change across all species.
And if that is not enough to keep her busy, Rachel's love life only becomes more complicated, since Pierce has professed his love for her in the previous book, and Rachel feels a certain obligation to him. Of course, Al continues to pursue Rachel despite her refusals, and one violent-turned-steamy moment showed the kind of lust-filled potential that exists between them. Towards the end of the book, Rachel also makes a rather interesting observation about demons in general that could put Al in the potential category for future books. If two men is not enough to keep her busy, a very obvious growing attraction between her and Trent seems to show the most promise, and is ironically the one I found myself most rooting for, especially with some of the scenes in the book.
Trent's part in the book is an elf quest of sorts that he is particularly silent about, but gets him in all kinds of trouble and just creates more work for Rachel and crew. Of course, the outcome of this quest makes Trent more likable in the end, but he has to do much to prove himself to Rachel. The newest element to the series in this book was the use of wild magic by the elves, which has an untamed, old world quality that Rachel dislikes immensely. Trent wields it well, though often secretly and against Rachel's wishes.
In the end, the revelations that Rachel undergoes regarding herself and the people around her mark a major turning point for her and the series. I only wish I knew when the next book was due for release!
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Michael is a 14-year-old who has electrical powers and is joined in this novel by his fellow Electro-Clan members. In this book, Michael and his friends must battle the Elgen again in order to save his mother from their clutches. It was nice to see the world we had come to inhabit in the first book expanded in the second. We got a deeper look into the Elgen, their plans and one of their other secret locations. If you haven't read the first book, this may spoil you so please read that (or my first review) before you read the second book's review.

I felt the same way about the second book as I did the first. The overall idea of this story was very intriguing, although I found the writing to be lacking at times. One of the biggest elements that drew me out of the story was the author's inability to choose a word other than <i>said</i> to describe when a person was speaking. It became frustrating to listen to the characters talk when the entire page just repeated, "he said... she said... then they said... he said again." By that point, I was pretty over the word said. It definitely detracted from the story, which I found enjoyable overall.

There was a little more character development in this novel than the first, as I found myself connecting to the characters more. Although I still don't find that they are three-dimensional enough, I do care if they succeed or not. The relationship between Michael and Taylor was very insta-love-y in the first book, but I liked seeing more support for it in this book. It is starting to feel more authentic and less like an overused trope.

As there are five other books in the series, I hope that the character development and world building will be improved upon. It definitely continued from the first to the second book and I felt more knowledgeable about the world as the story continued. The author definitely writes for a younger audience; the writing style was not as developed or mature as I would expect for a young adult reader.

I would recommend it to middle-grade readers, as well as young adult/teen readers who enjoy their fantasy books in a familiar setting. Don't expect flowery writing or deep characterization, just let the story take you on a fun, easy journey.
Inheriting Edith
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Maggie falls into a job housecleaning as a way to pay the bills. A college graduate, her work at a publishing firm barely lets her eke by. But she finds comfort in cleaning, even if it might not be the most glamorous trade in the world. Still, as a single mom, she's not exactly wealthy. So when a former employer and friend, Liza, passes away and leaves Maggie a home in a beach town, Sag Harbor, she's amazed. The only catch? Maggie must stay in the house with Liza's elderly mother, Edith, who is in the early stages of Alzheimer's. She's also a feisty, opinionated woman who is reeling from the loss of her only daughter. Neither Maggie nor Edith are too happy with this arrangement, but Maggie moves in with two-year-old Lucy in town. Slowly the two woman learn more about each other-- and their past.

This is an interesting little novel. The characters within are enjoyable and endearing. I took to Maggie immediately, as well as her sweet daughter. Even prickly Edith is one to root for. The supporting cast, particularly Edith's friend, Esther, are lovely. Still, somehow, the novel felt a little flat to me. As if it was trying too hard, or conversely, not enough. The book was good, but felt a little predictable, and the plot seemed to just barely scrape at the surface of the hard issues it dealt with: depression, Alzheimer's, adoption. It seemed like there could have been so much more depth of feeling and intensity shown in dealing with these hard subjects. I kept thinking back on one of my all-time favorite books, [b:Elizabeth Is Missing|18635113|Elizabeth Is Missing|Emma Healey||24946905], which is just this gorgeous, heartfelt story of a woman struggling with Alzheimer's and the daughter caring for her. In that novel, you could truly feel the pain of the characters. Here, they just sort of slide through, as if all these real problems can't truly touch them.

Still, it was a fun book, and as I said, the characters are endearing and often humorous at times. There is a lot of backstory that goes into Edith's early life, which is interesting, even if some of it becomes a tad farfetched. I'm glad I read it, but I wish it would have done more with its serious subjects and its lovely little cast. 3.5 stars.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Librarything - thank you! It is available everywhere as of 10/18/2016.
The Stone of Destiny: A Sherlock Holmes Adventure
The Stone of Destiny: A Sherlock Holmes Adventure
Richard T. Ryan | 2017 | Crime, Mystery
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fans of Sherlock Holmes, fans of mystery, fans of adventure and suspense - this might be your next favorite book! Now, I have never read a Sherlock Holmes book before, so I can’t compare this book to the original books from Arthur Conan Doyle. But, what I will do for you is tell you all I thought about this book!

The story begins when during the funeral of Queen Victoria, a group of Irish separatists steal the Coronation Stone, on which every royal has been crowned. To retrieve this important object, the royals will hire Sherlock Holmes to solve the mystery. Holmes and his friend Watson travel to Ireland and try to infiltrate the Irish Republican Brotherhood, a group they think is responsible for all that happened.

Even though this is a Sherlock Holmes book, we actually unravel the story through a Watson-first-person point of view. He, to me, is a very interesting character, even though he follows Holmes like a puppy and doesn’t seem to have a personal opinion.

As for Sherlock Holmes, even though I really like the mysterious aura about him, and how smart he can be - I also see him as one of the rude aristocrats that refuse to speak to other people that seem to be lower in the hierarchy to them. This is of course, not presented in the book in any way - but I simply had that impression.

I loved the beginning, and I loved the mystery and suspense throughout the whole book. I was never ahead of the book, and my assumptions were never correct. I loved how the author kept us in the dark right until the end.

The small things I didn’t like though, were the slow pace - I have to admit, the pace was really slow for me, and I couldn’t wait until a chapter is finished to see if there would be more action. Then, even the action scenes weren’t as thrilling as I would expect them to be. And finally, there were no big plot twists, which I think we might have used in the book.

But - we did have a lovely mystery solving story, and we had a lot of history information floating around. We also had another book with Sherlock Holmes, that for you - lovers of the Sherlock Holmes books will of course be something you enjoy.

I greatly recommend it to you if you love the good old Sherlock Holmes adventures!

Many thanks to the author, Richard T. Ryan, for sending me an e-copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Beneath the Surface
Beneath the Surface
Fiona Neill | 2019 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A family’s destructive secrets
All families have secrets, but it’s highly likely that not all families have secrets that are quite as huge as those that the Vermuydens are keeping from one another.
Grace had grown up in a very chaotic household and she doesn’t want that for her daughters. But when 17 year old Lilly collapses at school, it triggers a chain of events where the family members realise that there are consequences to keeping their secrets.
I actually liked the Vermuyden family. Grace is a mother trying her utmost to give her daughters all the things she never had. She can come across as a pushy ‘helicopter’ mother, but as the story progresses, we realise that there’s no wonder that she tries so hard. However, it can’t be easy for Lilly, who all of her efforts are directed at. She has a great responsibility: mainly to achieve all of the academic things that her mother didn’t have the chance to achieve.
Mia, who is 10/11, has a much easier time of it with regards to her mother. I don’t actually think that her parents expect much of her at all. She’s quirky, really not the same as her peers - something which we seem to value as an adult, but dread when we’re children.
Patrick, the father, is the hardest character for me to warm to. He’s having huge financial problems which are impacting on his family, yet he is keeping the extent of these difficulties from his wife. If it were me, I’d be livid!
This is a great book. I read it within two days because I just couldn’t put it down. I really enjoy these kinds of books - books about families and their issues. The style in which it was written really worked well for me too - I felt as though I was there in person, watching the story unfold (I suppose as a reader, I was!). They were all very human, relatable characters. The teenagers were well written as well. All too often teenagers are written as unpleasant, selfish and calculating, but here we could see their more sensitive, caring sides. They were all just trying to fit in, deal with growing up and their impending adulthood.
I’d recommend this book, there’s just so much to think about - and there’s such a good ending!
Many thanks to NetGalley and the publishers Michael Joseph for sending me a copy of this . It’s not a book that I would have immediately chosen to read, but I’m so glad that I did!